
问题:我如何查找 MSRP?

回答:DVD 的 MSRP 在商品详情页面上显示为 [ 市场价 ] 。


回答:2013 年 9 月 6 日至 2014 年 9 月 15 日之间未在“视频、DVD 和蓝光光盘”分类出售过任何一件商品的卖家,在整个“视频、DVD 和蓝光光盘”分类销售任何商品(包括蓝光光盘)前,都必须得到准入审批。2013 年 9 月 6 日至 2014 年 9 月 15 日之间在“视频、DVD 和蓝光光盘”分类出售过至少 1 件商品的卖家,该政策仅适用于 MSRP 等于或高于 25 美元的 DVD。

问题:二手 DVD 如何处理?

回答:该政策适用于新品及二手 DVD。请注意,对于二手商品,并无单独的 MSRP/上架价格。

问题:无 MSRP/上架价格的商品如何处理?

回答:这些商品不受新政策影响。然而请注意,2013 年 9 月 6 日至 2014 年 9 月 15 日之间未在“视频、DVD 和蓝光光盘”分类出售过任何一件商品的卖家,在整个“视频、DVD 和蓝光光盘”分类销售商品前,都必须得到准入审批。


回答:想要出售 MSRP 等于或高于 25 美元商品的任何卖家,需要参与专业销售计划。个人卖家可以申请出售 MSRP 等于或高于 25 美元的商品,但是在销售这些商品之前必须升级到专业销售计划


回答:对于没有提供最近 180 天内至少 3 张发票的申请,我们将不予考虑。


回答:如果您选择提出申请,则应当在申请表中阐明。然而请注意,2013 年 9 月 6 日至 2014 年 9 月 15 日之间在“视频、DVD 和蓝光光盘”分类出售过至少 1 件商品的卖家,如无 MSRP/上架价格或者 MSRP/上架价格在 25 美元以下,则不受此政策影响。


回答:我们将在 2 个工作日内与您联系,就您的申请与您沟通后续事宜。当您提交信息后,我们将在 3 个工作日内通知您结果。


回答:很遗憾,在“视频、DVD 和蓝光光盘”分类下,我们无法批准不带限制的所有销售请求。如果将来某一天您的企业性质发生了重大变化,或者您的绩效指标有了显著提高,您可以在前一次申请结束至少 6 个月之后尝试重新申请。

问题:如果我在 2013 年 9 月 6 日和 2014 年 9 月 15 日之间在“视频、DVD 和蓝光光盘”分类下出售过商品,并且我不希望出售 MSRP(上架价格)为 25 美元或更高的 DVD,我是否需要申请?

回答:不需要 – 这种情况下无需申请。


回答:如果现在不申请,而您在将来想要出售 MSRP(上架价格)等于或高于 25 美元的 DVD,您可以到时再申请。到 2014 年 11 月 17 日,您将无法上架 MSRP 不低于 25 美元的任何商品,除非您完成了申请程序并已获得批准。


回答:您应当提供最大 DVD 商品来源的发票。发票中还应包含对您计划销售的 DVD 类型和流派的准确说明。您需要最少提供 3 张发票以便我们处理您的申请,但您可以提供更多。

请注意: :如果您获得批准后选择销售与您获准销售的商品明显不同的商品,则需另行提交申请。如果发布未获准销售的商品,您可能会失去在“视频、DVD 和蓝光光盘”分类下销售商品的权限。


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I find the MSRP?

A: The MSRP for a DVD title is shown as the "List Price" on the Product Detail Page.

Q: Does this policy apply to Blu-Ray discs?

A: Sellers who do not have any sales in the Video, DVD, & Blu-ray category between September 6, 2013 and September 15, 2014, will need to apply for access to the entire Video, DVD, & Blu-ray category before selling any items, including Blu-ray discs. For sellers with at least one sale in the Video, DVD, & Blu-ray category between September 6, 2013 and September 15, 2014, this policy only applies to DVDs with MSRPs of $25 or greater.

Q: What about used DVDs?

A: This policy applies to both new and used DVDs. Note that there is no separate MSRP/List Price for used products.

Q: What about items with no MSRP/List Price?

A: These items will be unaffected by the new policy. However, note that sellers who do not have any sales in the Video, DVD, & Blu-ray category between September 6, 2013 and September 15, 2014, will need to apply for access to the entire Video, DVD, & Blu-ray category.

Q: Can you explain the Professional selling plan requirement?

A: Any sellers who would like to offer products with MSRPs of $25 or greater will need to be on a Professional selling plan. Individual sellers may apply to sell products with MSRPs of $25 or greater, but must upgrade to a Professional selling plan before beginning to sell these products.

Q: What if I don’t have invoices?

A: We cannot consider applications that do not include at least 3 invoices dated within the last 180 days.

Q: What if I produce my own content, or own the rights to the content?

A: If you choose to apply, you should indicate this in your application. However, note that for sellers who have at least one sale in the Video, DVD, & Blu-ray category between September 6, 2013 and September 15, 2014, items without an MSRP/List Price or an MSRP/List Price under $25 are not affected by this new policy.

Q: How long will it take Amazon to review my application?

A: We will contact you within 2 business days to ask follow-up questions regarding your application. Once you have submitted your information, we will contact you with our decision within 3 business days.

Q: I have provided everything requested, but my application was not approved. What do I do now?

A: We regret that we are not able to approve all requests to sell without restrictions in the Video, DVD, & Blu-ray category. If you find at a later date that the nature of your business has substantially changed, or that your performance metrics have improved, you may try reapplying at least six months following your previous application.

Q: If I sold products in the Video, DVD, & Blu-ray category between September 6, 2013 and September 15, 2014, and I don’t want to sell DVDs with an MSRP (List Price) of $25 or greater, do I need to apply?

A: No – there is no need to apply in this case.

Q: What if I change my mind later?

A: If you do not apply now and decide later that you would like to sell DVDs with MSRPs (List Price) of $25 or greater, you can apply for approval at that time. As of November 17, 2014, you will not be able to list any product with an MSRP of $25 or greater unless you have completed the application process and have been approved.

Q: What types of invoices should I provide in my application?

A: You should provide invoices from the largest source(s) of your DVD product. Your invoices should also contain an accurate representation of the types and genres of DVDs you plan to sell. A minimum of 3 invoices are required to process your application, but you may include additional invoices.

Please note: If you are approved but later choose to sell products that are significantly different from those you were approved to sell, you will need to submit an additional application. Listing products you are not approved to sell may result in removal of your selling privileges in the Video, DVD & Blu-ray category.

