注意: 要提供安全数据表 (SDS) 和产品成分信息表,请转至上传文件工具页面。有关这些文件的详细信息,请访问危险品(危险物质)所需信息和文件。
上传安全数据表 (SDS) 和产品成分信息表并追踪其状态
通过危险品计划销售的商品符合 Prime 要求,但有些商品可能不符合“隔日达”的要求。根据运输规章,很多此类商品只能以地面运输方式运送。因此,这些商品符合 Prime“四到五日送达”的要求。
注意: 某些危险品可在亚马逊商城销售,但是不符合亚马逊物流的要求,因为它们不能存放在运营中心。发往运营中心的商品必须符合针对危险品的亚马逊物流政策和法律要求,即使亚马逊物流目前并未对此进行限制。
危险品(危险物质)识别指南 | 了解哪些危险品可以通过亚马逊物流销售、哪些商品禁止销售以及如何判断您的商品是否属于危险品。 |
危险品(危险物质)所需信息和文件 | 了解创建和转换亚马逊物流商品时所需的信息,以及安全数据表和产品成分信息表。 |
危险品(危险物质)审核流程 | 了解审核转换为亚马逊物流的 ASIN 需要多长时间,以及可能需要提供哪些文件。 |
危险品简介(视频) | 了解分类如何影响配送、何时需要进行分类以及商品信息要求。 |
危险品意识(视频) | 了解常见危险品示例以及在亚马逊上销售危险品时需要考虑哪些事项。 |
提交安全数据表(视频) | 了解提交安全数据表的六条重要规则。 |
注意: 如果您对分类有异议,请使用上传危险品文件工具来上传新的安全数据表或产品成分信息表。
上传安全数据表(也称为 SDS,以前称为材料安全数据表)。要了解更多信息,请观看下列卖家大学视频:安全数据表简介和提交安全数据表。
重要: 您需要在 14 个工作日内满足商品安全合规性要求。不提供此信息可能会导致货件延迟、买家配送被取消或者库存被弃置(费用由您承担)。亚马逊保留采取相应措施的权利,恕不另行通知。
危险品 ASIN 清单
您打算运至运营中心的每个 ASIN 的数量
注意: 目前,加拿大或墨西哥的额外仓储请求暂时不予考虑。
FBA Dangerous Goods program
The FBA Dangerous Goods program allows you to sell FBA-eligible products that have been classified as dangerous goods.
Dangerous goods (also called hazmat) are regulated substances or materials that may pose a risk during storing, handling, or transporting because they contain flammable, pressurized, corrosive, or otherwise harmful substances. “Dangerous goods” also refers to consumer products such as laptops, smartphones, household cleaners, spray paints, and cosmetics.
Note: To provide safety data sheets (SDS) and exemption sheets, go to the upload document tool page. For detailed information about these documents, visit Dangerous goods required information and documentation (hazmat).
The US Dangerous Goods program is accepting new participants by waitlist only. To join the US waitlist, select Dangerous Goods FAQ below, click Next, then click Apply for the FBA Dangerous Goods Program. Once added to the waitlist, you will be contacted with further instructions.
Check if a product is a dangerous good
Look up an ASIN
Dangerous Goods FAQ
Upload and track the status of your safety data sheets (SDS) and exemption sheets
Products sold through Dangerous Goods are eligible for Prime, though some may not be eligible for two-day shipping. Due to transportation regulations, many of these products are available for ground transport only. Therefore, they are eligible for Prime four- to five-day shipping.
Note: Certain dangerous goods can be sold on Amazon but are not eligible for FBA because they can’t be stored in fulfillment centers. Products sent to fulfillment centers must comply with FBA policies and legal requirements for dangerous goods, even if they’re not currently restricted by FBA.
To learn more about dangerous goods, refer to these Help pages and Seller University videos:
Dangerous goods identification guide (hazmat) See which dangerous goods can be sold through FBA, what’s prohibited, and how to tell if your product is a dangerous good. Dangerous goods required information and documentation (hazmat) Learn about information required during FBA listing creation and conversion, and about safety data sheets and exemption sheets. Dangerous goods review process (hazmat) Learn how long it takes to review ASINs converted to FBA and which documents may be required. Intro to Dangerous Goods (video) Learn how classification affects fulfillment and shipping, when classification is required, and product information requirements. Dangerous Goods Awareness (video) Learn about common examples of dangerous goods and what to consider when selling dangerous goods on Amazon. Submitting Safety Data Sheets (video) Learn six important rules for submitting SDS. Dangerous goods classification
To be sold through FBA, your products must be correctly classified, regardless of whether you’re enrolled in the FBA Dangerous Goods program.
Products in Unable to classify status when received at an Amazon fulfillment center will be set to Inactive. Once Inactive, they can’t be sold or replenished until they’re correctly classified.
Items become Active (sellable) once they’re classified as allowed dangerous goods and received at a fulfillment center that handles dangerous goods (see Fulfillment center storage below). Any such inventory stored at a standard fulfillment will be automatically transferred to one that handles these items. We will notify you by email of the transfer, which can take several weeks. Inventory will be in Reserved status while in transit.
If stored inventory becomes classified as dangerous goods prohibited for FBA, it will be disposed of at your expense. This includes inventory in fulfillment centers that handle dangerous goods. We will notify you by email of the classification change.
Note: If you disagree with the classification, upload a new safety data sheet or exemption sheet using the upload dangerous goods documents tool.
Whether or not you’re enrolled in the program, you must do the following when listing a product that is under classification review or is regulated as a dangerous good:
Comply with safety requirements.
Upload a safety data sheet (or SDS, previously known as a material safety data sheet). To learn more, watch these Seller University videos Introduction to Safety Data Sheets and Submitting Safety Data Sheets.
Upload an exemption sheet.
Important: You will have 14 business days to comply with product safety compliance requirements. Not providing this information may result in delayed shipments, canceled customer deliveries, or inventory disposed at your expense. Amazon reserves the right to take the corresponding actions without prior notice.
Fulfillment center storage
Dangerous goods storage limits
Space at fulfillment centers designed to safely process and store dangerous goods is divided among two categories: flammable and aerosol.
Once enrolled in the Dangerous Goods program, you can see your dangerous goods storage limits by going to your Shipping Queue. The storage monitor section at the bottom of the page will show limits for Flammable storage and Aerosol storage.
Dangerous goods storage limits are based on marketplace performance and the space that you actively use. We regularly assess these metrics and adjust limits accordingly. Storage limits are not based on inventory performance scores.
To request additional dangerous goods storage, contact Seller Support and provide documented proof of need. This documentation includes the following:
A list of dangerous goods ASINs
Amounts of each ASIN that you intend to ship to fulfillment centers
Supporting shipping plans, invoices, and purchase orders
Other documents as requested by Amazon
Note: Additional-storage requests are not being considered for Canada or Mexico at this time.
FBA storage limits
FBA measures storage in volume rather than units and has separate monthly storage fees for dangerous goods items. To see how your products are categorized and how much cubic feet they occupy, see FBA Inventory Age and the Inventory Age report.
For more information, see FBA inventory storage limits.