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亚马逊卖家自配送 Prime 的客户服务的常见问题及解答


卖家自配送 Prime 的客户服务

与卖家自配送 Prime 订单相关的所有售后问题,都将交由亚马逊客户服务部门处理。

亚马逊客户服务 (CS) 将提供并自行确定针对 Prime 商品的所有售后客户服务,包括买家退货、退款和对卖家自配送 Prime 商品的调整(例如退款不退货、部分或全额退款、调整订单配送速度和配送价格、运费退款、取消订单或在规定的退货有效期过后提供退货并退款)。

参与卖家自配送 Prime 计划,即表示卖家同意亚马逊可能会向其账户收取与卖家自配送 Prime 商品相关的任何退货、退款或其他调整和优惠费用。

您还应负责解答买家在订购前的查询、与商品相关的查询及亚马逊客户服务提出的所有订单相关问题。您同意以尊重的态度处理所有此类问题,提供高标准的 Prime 客户服务和买家体验。


1.如果买家联系我咨询与卖家自配送 Prime 订单相关的问题,我该怎么办?

  • 如果买家提出与商品相关的问题,请直接回答买家的问题。

  • 如果问题涉及为退货进行退款,并且您已收到退货。请立即退款给买家。

  • 如果您没有收到退货,则告知买家您将在收到商品后立即退款。

  • 如果问题涉及任何其他主题,如退货有效期或如何发表评论,请指示买家联系亚马逊客户服务,他们应该能够解决买家问题。

2.如果亚马逊客户服务联系我咨询与卖家自配送 Prime 订单相关的问题,我该怎么办?

一般情况下,亚马逊客户服务不会就卖家自配送 Prime 订单尝试与您联系。在某些情况下,亚马逊仍需要您帮助解决买家的问题。如果亚马逊客户服务代表买家与您联系:

  • 尝试尽快解决买家的问题。您需要在两个工作日内回复买家。

  • 通过买家/卖家消息服务回复亚马逊客户服务和买家,并提供您采取的解决步骤。将往来电子邮件复制给买家。

3.我是否还要授权卖家自配送 Prime 订单的退货请求


4.收到卖家自配送 Prime 订单的退货后,我需要在多长时间内退款?


5.谁负责发放卖家自配送 Prime 订单退货的退款?

您有责任在收到退货后向买家发放退款。但是,亚马逊客户服务保留在例外情况下根据买家的请求提供退款的权利(参阅下面的第 6 个常见问题)。


亚马逊可自行决定在卖家自配送 Prime 订单中为买家提供退款,但以下是客户服务发放退款的最常见场景:

  1. 如果订单在承诺日期之后送达。

  2. 如果买家不再需要该商品。

  3. 如果订单没有追踪信息。

  4. 如果买家投诉商品存在缺陷/残损、缺失零件或收到的商品有误。

卖家会获知亚马逊客户服务的退款决定以及有关为何发放该退款的信息(参阅第 12 个常见问题)。




通常,亚马逊客户服务在发起退款之前会要求退货。在某些情况下,客户服务可能会破例,不要求退还商品。如果您的索赔符合卖家自配送 Prime 赔偿政策中的标准,亚马逊可能会对您进行赔偿。


目前,维修功能不适用于卖家自配送 Prime 订单。请接受退货,并向买家提供全额退款。




否,如果买家能够退货,则是因为亚马逊客户服务为该买家破例,并接受了在退货有效期过后提出的退货请求。您需要接受所有此类退货。如果您的索赔符合卖家自配送 Prime 赔偿政策中的标准,亚马逊可能会对您进行赔偿。

12.我如何获知亚马逊客户服务针对卖家自配送 Prime 订单发放的退款?

  • 依次转至【卖家平台】>【设置】>【通知首选项】>【退货和索赔通知】。

  • 待处理退货: 在退货请求自动获得批准或亚马逊客户服务批准时启用通知

  • 退款通知: 在向买家发放退款时启用通知。


要对客户服务发放的退款金额提出异议,请参阅卖家自配送 Prime 赔偿政策。


在某些情况下,如果您声称自己不应承担退款责任,亚马逊可能会赔偿您。您可以创建 SAFE-T 索赔以请求赔偿,为此请访问卖家自配送 Prime 赔偿政策,了解有关 SAFE-T 索赔的更多信息。




Customer Service for Seller Fulfilled Prime

All post-order contacts regarding Seller Fulfilled Prime orders will be directed to Amazon Customer Service.

Amazon Customer Service (CS) will provide, and have sole discretion in determining, all post-order customer service to Prime items including customer returns, refunds, and adjustments to Seller Fulfilled Prime items (such as return-less refunds, partial or full refunds, changes to the shipping speed, and shipping price for an order, refunds of the shipping charge, cancellation of an order, or returns including a refund outside the stated return window).

As a part of participation in Seller Fulfilled Prime, sellers agree that Amazon may charge the costs of any returns, refunds, or other adjustments and concessions related to Seller Fulfilled Prime items to your account.

Sellers remain responsible for pre-order buyer inquiries, inquires related to the products, and any order-related questions from CS. You agree that you will be respectful in handling all such contacts and meet the Prime high performance bar related to customer service and customer experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What should I do if a customer contacts me on an issue related to a Seller Fulfilled Prime order?

  • If the customer asks a product-related question, answer the question directly to the customer.

  • If the question is related to a refund for a return and you have already received the return, process a refund to the customer immediately.

  • If you have not received the return, inform the customer that you will refund them as soon as you receive the product.

  • If the question is on any other topic, such as the return window or how to leave a review, direct the customer to CS who should be able to resolve the customer issue.

2. What should I do if CS contacts me on an issue related to a Seller Fulfilled Prime order?

In general, CS will try not to contact you about Seller-Fulfilled Prime orders. In some cases, Amazon still needs your help to solve customer problems. If CS contacts you on behalf of a customer:

  • Try to solve the customer's problem as quickly as possible. You are required to respond to the customer within two business days.

  • Respond to CS and the customer with the resolution steps that you have taken via buyer/seller messaging. The customer will be copied into the email exchange.

3. Will I still authorize return requests for Seller Fulfilled Prime returns?

No, all in-policy return requests are auto-authorized. You do not need to take any action to authorize returns.

4. How much time do I have to refund after I have received a return on a Seller Fulfilled Prime order?

You have two business days to refund the item after you have received the return at your warehouse.

5. Who issues a refund for a return on a Seller Fulfilled Prime order?

It is your responsibility to issue a refund to the customer upon the receipt of a return. However, CS reserves the right to provide a refund on customers' request in exceptional situations (refer FAQ No.6 below).

6. When will CS provide a full refund to the customer?

Amazon has sole discretion on providing refunds for customers within SFP, however these are the most common scenarios where CS would issue a refund

  1. If the order is delayed beyond the promised date.

  2. If the customer does not need the product any more.

  3. If the order does not have tracking information.

  4. If the customer complains that the product is defective/damaged, has missing parts or a wrong product is received.

Sellers are notified of refund decisions by Customer Service with information on why that refund has been issued (see FAQ No. 12).

7. Will CS contact me to resolve customer issues before issuing a refund?

Ordinarily, CS associates will resolve issues without contacting you. However, CS may contact you via buyer/seller messaging when the customer has a specific product question that the CS associate is unable to answer.

8. What happens if CS refunds the customer but I do not receive the product back?

Ordinarily, Customer Service will ask the product to be returned before initiating a refund. In certain cases, Customer Service may make an exception and ask the product not to be returned. Amazon may reimburse you if your claim meets the criteria in the Seller Fulfilled Prime Reimbursement Policy.

9. Can I work with the customer to repair the product, if it stops working as intended?

At this moment, repair functionality is not available in SFP. Please accept the return and provide a full refund to the customer.

10. Why was a return request accepted or refund provided to the customer outside the return window?

In certain cases, Customer Service may accept a return or provide a refund to the customer even outside the return window. These exceptions are made on a case-to-case basis depending on the customer situation.

11. I received a return for an order that was shipped more than a month ago. Since this is outside the return window, can I refuse the return and send it back to the customer?

No, if the customer was able to return the product it is because Customer Service provided an exception to the customer and accepted the return request outside the return window. You are required to accept all such returns. Amazon may reimburse you if your claim meets the criteria in the Seller Fulfilled Prime Reimbursement Policy.

12. How do I get notified of a refund issued by Customer Service on a Seller Fulfilled Prime order?

  • Go to Seller Central>Settings>Notification Preferences>Return and Claim Notifications.

  • Pending Returns: Enable notification when a return request is either auto-approved or approved by Amazon CS.

  • Refund Notifications: Enable notification when a refund is issued to the customer.

13. Can sellers dispute CS decision to refund the customer?

To dispute a refund amount issued by Customer Service, please refer to Seller Fulfilled Prime Reimbursement Policy.

14. What happens, if CS refunds the customer but I don't think I should be held responsible for the refund?

In certain cases, Amazon may reimburse you if you claim you should not be held responsible for the refund. You can create a SAFE-T claim to ask for reimbursement, please visit Seller Fulfilled Prime Reimbursement Policy to get more information about SAFE-T claims.

15. What happens if Customer Service refunds the customer but the responsibility lies with the carrier?

In the case where the refund happened because of poor carrier delivery performance, typically lost or damaged items, you should contact the carrier directly providing them full details of the case and seek compensation from them directly.

