您可以搜索特定订单或使用日期和筛选条件选项自定义您所需的报告。设置您的筛选条件后点击更新。只能查看过去 24 个月的交易。
杂项盘点类型 | 定义 |
亚马逊物流入库运输费 | 使用亚马逊合作承运人运送库存所产生的运费。 |
亚马逊物流仓储费 | 对在亚马逊运营中心中储存的所有商品收取的费用,收费以自然月和日平均体积(单位:立方英尺)计算。 |
退款补偿 | 已退款的、亚马逊承担责任的亚马逊物流订单的款项。 |
预留 | 通常由于未处理的亚马逊商城交易保障索赔或信用卡拒付在各结算周期之间顺延的金额。 |
以前的预留金额结余 | 从上一结算周期顺延的金额,被重新计入当前结算周期。 |
订阅 | 亚马逊针对您的销售计划收取的月度费用以及针对中期添加的新订阅按比例收取的其他费用。 |
已失败的收费 | 尝试收取上一结算周期的负数余额被拒绝。 |
订单反向收费 | 我们将“高级退款”发放给买家时,会从卖家账户中扣除该退款金额。如果买家未在规定时间内退回商品,我们会重新从买家账户扣款并将其存入您的账户。当我们因为买家未退还商品向其重新收费成功后,我们会将该款项视为您向买家销售商品的款项。如果您通过专业销售计划注册了“税务计算服务”,您以订单反向收费形式收到的款项为税费,是亚马逊代表您对未退还商品重新收取的费用。 |
反向收费退款 | 如果在实行订单反向收费后买家退还了商品,我们将从您的账户中扣除订单反向收费金额,因为交易不再为销售交易,而是完成的退货交易。 |
Transaction View
The Transaction View page displays the account transactions within a statement period, up until the prior day's close. A transaction can be an order, a refund, or an Amazon-initiated charge or credit.
You can search for a specific order or use the date and filter options to customize the report for your needs. Click Update after setting your filters. Only transactions from the last 24 months are available to review.
After the report updates, click on the linked Total for any order to see additional transaction details.
Adjust the report settings
Filter view by: Use this option to choose the type of transactions to display.
All transaction types: Default setting that displays all transactions
Order Payment: Buyer payments and seller fees
Refund: Order refunds
Chargeback Refund: Refunds that buyers initiate through their credit card company
A-to-z Guarantee Refund: See A-to-z Guarantee
Service Fees: Fees for services such as FBA storage
Shipping services purchased through Amazon: Shipping services purchases, refunds, and carrier adjustments
Paid to Amazon: Money you paid to Amazon because your sales for a statement period were less than your fees and charges
Other: Service-related fees and other Amazon-initiated credits and charges
Previous statement's unavailable balance: Total funds in reserve at the end of the previous statement period
Within: Use this option to choose the date range of transactions to display.
Statement period: This is the default. It includes all transactions in the settlement period.
Past number of days: Choose from pre-set numbers of days.
Custom date range: Choose your own date range.
Find a transaction
Enter an order number in the search box in the upper right corner of the Transaction View page to find a specific transaction.
You can also use the Download button to get all order and payment details for the dates you specify. Downloaded reports contain more details than the Transaction View and provide order-level transparency into the charges and refunds listed in the Statement View.
Common miscellaneous adjustments
You might come across a miscellaneous balance adjustment while reviewing Transaction reports. Common balance adjustments include:
Misc. Adjustment Type Definition FBA Inbound Transportation Charge Shipping charges for using Amazon's partner carrier to send inventory. FBA Storage fees Fees charged for all units stored in Amazon fulfillment center based on calendar month and daily average volume (measured in cubic feet). Refund Reimbursal Credit for refunded FBA order for which Amazon is claiming responsibility. Reserve Funds held over between statements, usually due to pending A-to-z Guarantee claims or chargebacks. Previous Reserve Amount Balance Funds held over from the previous statement that are being added back into the current statement. Subscription The monthly charges for your selling plan and other prorated amounts for new subscriptions added mid-cycle. Failed Charge A declined attempt to charge your credit card for a negative balance in a previous statement. Order Retrocharge When we issue an Advance Refund to a buyer, we debit your seller account for the amount of the refund. If the buyer does not return the product within the allotted time, we re-charge the buyer's account and credit your account. When we are successful in re-charging the buyer for an unreturned product, it is considered a sale from you to the buyer. If you are registered with the Tax Calculation Service through your Professional selling plan, the credit you receive in the form of Order Retrocharge is for the taxes, calculated on your behalf, on the re-charge for the product that was not returned. Retrocharge Refund If the buyer subsequently returned the product after the Order Retrocharge had been applied, we debit your account for the amount of the Order Retrocharge because the transaction is no longer considered a sale, but a completed return.