
注意: “余额还款”页面目前无法访问。为确保自动从您的账户中扣除结欠余额,请更新“付款方式” 页面中的信用卡详细信息。





  1. 在卖家账户的【设置】下拉菜单上,选择【账户信息】。

  2. 在【付款信息】部分,点击【付款方式】。

  3. 在【付款方式】框中,点击右侧的【编辑】。

  4. 选择或添加新的信用卡,并确保按要求输入的信息与信用卡对账单上显示的信息完全相同。

注意: 对于您应向我们支付的金额,亚马逊可能会通过您向我们提供的任何付款方式进行收取。




Making a payment

Note: Balance Repayments page is currently unavailable. To ensure any balance due on your account can be charged automatically, please update the credit card details in the Charge Methods page.

You can use Make a Payment to pay the seller account balance that you owe. You might have this type of balance if your sales for a settlement period were less than your fees and charges, and Amazon was unable to charge a credit card on file for your seller account. Fees and charges can include monthly subscription fees and order refunds.

If you have a negative balance, a Repay Balance button will appear in the Closing Balance section of your Payments summary. Click this button to make a payment. To see the credits and charges that were applied to your account for specific periods, select the date range in the Statement View page, or download the statement for that period.

Pay with a credit card

Make a Payment will charge your payment to the credit card that was set up in your account, or you can select a different card from the drop-down list before making the payment. To make a payment with a new card, follow these steps to add it to your seller account. Then return to Make a Payment and select the new card.

  1. On the Settings drop-down menu of the seller account, select Account Info.

  2. In the Payment Information section, click Charge Methods.

  3. In the Charge Method box, click Edit on the right side.

  4. Select or add a new card, making sure that you enter the requested information exactly as it appears on your credit card statement.

Note: For amounts you owe us, Amazon may charge any payment instrument you provide to us.

Make a partial payment

To make a partial payment, select Other Amount and enter the amount you want to pay. Partial payments are applied to your balance in the order in which the charges were incurred, with the oldest charge first.

