个人卖家: 此功能适用于参与专业销售计划的卖家。
注意: 一天内当前时间段的销售数据可能会成为上一对比日期的销售数据的一部分。因此,从图表上显示的最新数据点看可能销售数据是在下降。这种情况在当天较早时间会更加明显,较晚时间则不太明显。
Sales Dashboard
Individual sellers: This feature is available to sellers with Professional selling plans.
The Sales Dashboard, located in Business Reports, includes the Sales Snapshot, Compare Sales and Sales by Category features. The data presented in the Sales Dashboard is updated approximately once per hour.
The Sales Snapshot feature displays up-to-date sales statistics, reporting on order metrics as described in the Business Reports Glossary.
Compare Sales is an interactive feature:
Filter results by using the Date and Fulfillment Channel filters at the top of the page.
Filter results by using the Sales Breakdown filters to see sales by Marketplace total, Business buyers and Non-business buyers.
Choose to view sales statistics as a graph (the default) or in a table. Use the buttons in the upper right to select your preference.
Select points in time to compare against your Date filter choice by checking the boxes below the graph or table.
For example, if you set the Date filter to Today, the "Compare" choices are to compare today's sales to Yesterday, Same day last week, and Same day last year. If you select Year to Date, the Compare choices are This year and Last year.
Note: It is likely that sales from the current fraction of a day will be a fraction of the previous comparable day’s sale. As a result, the latest data point on the graph may appear to indicate a drop in sales data. This pattern is more apparent early in the current day and less apparent late in the current day.