


买家只能为每个订单提交一条反馈评论。卖家反馈链接位于亚马逊网站的我的账户中的【我的订单】页面上,买家可以在订单确认 3 天后查看。



买家必须使用 5 星评级制来提供反馈:

  • 正面反馈: 5 星或 4 星

  • 中性反馈: 3 星

  • 负面反馈: 2 星或 1 星

反馈百分比会四舍五入到最接近的整数,因此您的总分有时可能会合计为 99%,而不是 100%。例如,如果卖家获得 1,001 条正面反馈、15 条中性反馈和 4 条负面反馈,那么在合计这 1,020 条反馈的评级时,各个百分比将分别显示为 98%(由 0.981 四舍五入得出)、1%(由 0.014 四舍五入得出)和 0%(由 0.003 四舍五入得出),总计为 99%。


总和(正面反馈)/总和(所有反馈)表示最近 30 天、90 天、365 天及账户建立以来获得的反馈


  1. 所有正面反馈的总和 = 90

  2. 所有反馈的总和(1 到 5 星)= 100

  3. 正面反馈除以所有反馈

  4. 反馈分数 = 90.0%

我们会按照 30 天、90 天、365 天和账户建立以来几个时间范围汇总您的反馈。随着每个时间范围内反馈的滚动变化,您累计的星级评定和正面反馈百分比也会相应地发生变化。


如果在过去 12 个月内,您收到的买家反馈超过 10 个,买家将在【所有卖家报价】页面看到您的 12 个月反馈评级和自账户建立以来的反馈评级总数,按以下格式显示:

过去 12 个月 XX% 好评(共 YYYY 次评级)。

如果在过去 12 个月内,您收到的买家反馈少于 10 个,或者所有反馈都是上一年所得,那么买家将在【所有卖家报价】页面看到您自账户建立以来的反馈评级和反馈评级总数,按以下格式显示:

XX% 好评(共 YYYY 次评级)。



【反馈评级】表显示您最近 12 个月的反馈评级,以及 30 天、90 天、365 天和账户建立以来获得反馈的百分比及相应的实际反馈数量。



  • 查看反馈评论。

  • 发布公开回复。

  • 联系买家。

  • 请求移除不正确的反馈(取决于具体问题)。


重要: 买家需要在 90 天内提供反馈,在 60 天内将其移除。只有当反馈符合我们的政策指定的标准时,亚马逊才会移除该反馈。有关更多信息,请参阅亚马逊可以移除买家反馈吗?




  1. 转至反馈管理器。

  2. 在【近期反馈】表中,在您想要请求移除反馈的【订单编号】旁边,选择【操作】列下的【请求移除】。



About Feedback Manager

Feedback Manager provides buyer insights to your business. You can view short and long-term seller rating metrics, including detailed feedback entries.

The importance of feedback

Buyers can submit only one feedback comment per order. The link to leave seller feedback is on the main Amazon website, on the Your Order page in Your Account, and is available to buyers 3 days after the order has been confirmed.

We encourage you to resolve any situations by researching the root cause behind each negative rating, addressing the buyer's concerns, and making improvements to your processes and policies. For tips on managing feedback, see Improve your feedback rating.

What ratings mean

To leave feedback, a buyer must rate you using a 5-star system:

  • Positive feedback: 5 or 4 stars

  • Neutral feedback: 3 stars

  • Negative feedback: 2 or 1 stars

Feedback percentages are rounded off to the nearest whole number and therefore your totals can sometimes add up to 99% rather than 100%. For example, if a seller has 1,001 positive, 15 neutral, and 4 negative ratings, for a total of 1,020 ratings, the percentages will show as 98% (rounded off from .981), 1% (rounded off from .014), and 0% (rounded off from .003), for a total of 99%.

We calculate your feedback score using the following method:

SUM (positive feedback) / SUM (all feedback) for feedback left in the last 30 days, 90 days, 365 days, and lifetime

For example, suppose you have the following feedback scores:

Ratings per feedback5535532
  1. Total of all positive feedback=90

  2. Total of all feedback (1 through 5)=100

  3. Divide positive feedback by all feedback

  4. Feedback score=90.0%

We aggregate your feedback into 30 days, 90 days, 365 days, and lifetime time-range buckets. In time, your aggregated star rating and positive feedback percentage will change accordingly as your feedback rolls through each time-range bucket.

How ratings are displayed to customers

If you have more than 10 buyer feedbacks over the previous 12 months, customers will see your 12 month feedback rating and lifetime feedback total ratings in the following format on the Offer Listings page:

XX% positive over the past 12 months. (YYYY total ratings).

If you have less than 10 buyer feedbacks in the previous 12 months, or all of your feedbacks are in the past year, customers will see your lifetime feedback rating and lifetime feedback total ratings in the following format on the Offer Listings page:

XX% positive. (YYYY total ratings).

Understanding Feedback Manager

The Feedback Manager consists of two tables:

The Feedback Rating table displays your feedback rating for the past 12 months, as well as your percentages and corresponding actual feedback counts for 30 days, 90 days, 365 days, and lifetime.

The Recent Feedback table is ordered by the date when feedback was received and displays actual feedback with associated Order ID and rating.

In Recent Feedback, you can take the following actions:

  • View feedback comments.

  • Post a public reply.

  • Contact customers.

  • Request removal of incorrect feedback (depending on certain cases).

If you would like to contact a buyer in regards to an order or a question, you can contact them directly using the Buyer-Seller Messaging Service templates. For more information, see Email templates for Buyer-Seller Messaging.

Important: Buyers have 90 days to leave feedback and 60 days to remove it. Amazon will remove feedback only when it meets the criteria specified in our policy. For more information, see Can Amazon remove buyer feedback?

Incorrect feedback

If a buyer makes a mistake when evaluating and submitting feedback, you cannot edit it, but the buyer can delete it.

If you would like to request feedback removal, you can make a request using the following action in the Feedback Manager:

  1. Go to the Feedback Manager.

  2. In the Recent Feedback table, next to the Order ID you want to request feedback removal, select Request removal under the Actions column.

For more information on our guidelines and policies on feedback removal, see When buyers want to remove feedback.

