连连(LianLian Global)官网首页






  • 缺失信息: 重要的商品详情缺失。

  • 不匹配的信息: 两个或多个商品详情相互矛盾或不一致。例如,颜色显示“黑色”,但商品名称显示“蓝色”。

  • 无效信息: 在商品详情字段中输入的数据与该字段的内容不匹配。例如,商品详情字段是颜色,但是输入的信息是尺寸。

如果亚马逊有适合您的详情页面推荐,我们将联系您并分享 ASIN 列表和详情。一旦有您商品的销售机会,我们会立即发送一份报告。

注意: 这些是改进详情页面的建议。对此,您无需采取行动,商品将不会因建议而被禁止显示或暂停。我们不收取服务费或任何其他费用。此项服务是免费的。



  1. 点击【库存】,然后从下拉菜单中选择【管理库存】。

  2. 点击要更新的 ASIN 右侧的【编辑】。

  3. 在商品详情页面上,点击相关选项卡(【更多详情】、【描述】、【关键词】等)。

  4. 向下滚动至您收到建议的商品详情字段,点击该字段,然后输入正确的信息。

  5. 在页面底部,点击【保存并完成】。


您的反馈可帮助我们更准确地识别问题,完善我们的建议。如果我们所给的建议不适合您的商品,请告知我们。我们将不断改进我们的检查。这些检查取决于商品的分类,因此有时这表示商品分类不正确。请将您的建议或已标记的看起来不合适您的问题通过电子邮件 detail-page-recommendations@amazon.com 发送给我们。



缺失缆线长度缆线长度信息缺失。我们建议您在商品信息的【缆线长度】详情字段中添加此信息。数值,小数点前最多 5 位,小数点后最多 2 位。请勿使用逗号。4
缺失兼容的手机型号有关兼容手机型号的信息缺失。我们建议您在商品信息的【兼容手机型号】详情字段中添加该信息。此商品兼容哪种手机型号?Nokia 6100 系列、iPhoneX
缺失连接技术有关连接技术的信息缺失。我们建议您在商品信息的【连接技术】详情字段中添加该信息。您的设备使用了哪些连接技术? 以太网、无线网、电力线USB
缺失显示尺寸显示尺寸缺失。我们建议您在商品信息的【显示尺寸】详情字段中添加此信息。数值,小数点前最多 10 位,小数点后最多 1 位。请勿使用逗号。22
缺失随附组件有关此商品随附组件的信息缺失。我们建议您在商品信息的【随附组件】详情字段中添加该信息。包含哪些组件? 有些产品是全套出售,有些则只出售主体物品,其他物品单独出售。相机机身、电池组
缺失面料类型面料类型缺失。我们建议您在商品信息的面料类型详情字段中添加该信息。以 % 形式从高到低依次列出所有面料,并使用 / 分隔。如果发布的是竹制品,请始终添加“纤维胶”或“人造丝”;如果发布的是豆制品,请始终添加“人造蛋白质纤维”。正确格式: “100% 大豆人造蛋白质纤维”或“90% 棉/10% 人造丝”。 错误格式: “50% 竹纤维和 50% 大豆纤维”或“棉/涤纶”。90% 棉/10% 人


Optimize your detail pages with recommendations from Amazon

Amazon’s detail page recommendations (now in beta testing) can help you find and fix missing, inconsistent, or inaccurate product information. Making sure your detail pages are complete and accurate can enhance the customer experience, help improve conversion, and reduce returns and negative reviews for your products.

This beta feature is aimed at helping sellers reduce listing issues and give customers all the information they need about their products. The machine learning platform audits sellers’ catalogs and flags potential issues on detail pages, such as:

  • Missing information: An important product detail has not been provided.

  • Mismatched information: Two or more product details are contradictory or inconsistent. For example, the color says “black” but the product title says “blue.”

  • Invalid information: Data that was entered in a product detail field does not match what the field is for. For example, the product detail field is for color but the information entered is for size.

If Amazon has detail page recommendations for you, we will contact you and share the ASIN list and details. We will send a report once we find opportunities for your products.

Note: The recommendations are suggestions for improving your detail pages. You are not required to act on them, and listings will not be suppressed or suspended based on the recommendations. We are not charging service fees or any other fees. This service is free of charge.

Update your product details

If you want to act on a recommendation, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Inventory and select Manage Inventory from the drop-down menu.

  2. Click Edit (not the arrows) to the right of the ASIN you want to update.

  3. On the product detail page, click the relevant tab (More Details, Description, Keywords, etc.)

  4. Scroll down to the product detail field for which you received a recommendation, click on the field, and enter the correct information.

  5. At the bottom of the page, click Save and finish.

Not all recommendations will be for information that is displayed on the product detail page, but they can help in search.

Your feedback can help us identify issues more accurately and improve our recommendations. If the attribute we are suggesting is not a good fit for your product, do let us know. We will keep improving our checks. These checks depend on the product’s classification, so sometimes this indicates a misclassified product. Send us suggestions and tell us about flagged issues that do not look right to you by sending an email to detail-page-recommendations@amazon.com.

Common issues and recommendations

The following table lists some of the most common issues found on product detail pages, along with the explanation and recommendation.

Flagged issueExplanation and recommendationDefinitionExamples
Cable length missingInformation about the cable length is missing. We recommend adding this information to your listing in the Cable Length detail field.A number with up to 5 digits to the left of the decimal point and 2 digits to the right of the decimal point. Please do not use commas.4
Cable length not numericalThe information you entered for the cable length is not a number. We recommend using a numerical measurement in the Cable Length detail field.Data that was entered in a product detail field does not match what the field is for.Please use numeric formatting in the field
Color missingInformation about the product’s color is missing. We recommend adding this information to your listing in the Color detail field.The color of the product. If this is not a standard color, also use the color-name column to map it to its closest equivalent so that it shows up in our color filter options in search. For instance, if your color name is \"aqua\", you should enter \"blue\" in the color-map column.Sage, Navy, Emerald, Cherry, Red, Black
Compatible devices missingInformation about compatible devices is missing. We recommend adding this information to your listing in the Compatible Devices detail field.Indicate the device models the product is compatible with.Laptop
Compatible phone models missingInformation about compatible phone models is missing. We recommend adding that information to your listing in the Compatible Phone Models detail field.Which phone models is this item compatible with?Nokia 6100 Series, iPhoneX
Connectivity technology missingInformation about connectivity technology is missing. We recommend adding that information to your listing in the Connectivity Technology detail field.What connectivity technology is used in your device? Ethernet, Wireless, PowerlineUSB
Connector type missingThe connector type is missing. We recommend adding this information to your listing in the Connector Type detail field.What connections are required for the appliance installation?Water line
Display size missingThe display size is missing. We recommend adding this information to your listing in the Display Size detail field.A number with up to 10 digits to the left of the decimal point and 1 digit to the right of the decimal point. Please do not use commas.22
Genre missingThe genre is missing. We recommend adding that information to your listing in the Genre detail field.Specifies appropriate Software and Video Game genreRacing & flying-car
Included components missingInformation about components included with this product is missing. We recommend adding that information to your listing in the Included Components detail field.Which components are included? Some products come as complete sets, others are just the main item with peripripherals sold separate.Camera Body, Battery Pack
Fabric type missingThe fabric type is missing. We recommend adding that information to your listing in the Fabric type detail field.List all fabrics, separated by /, and % of each from most to least. Always add “viscose” or “rayon” if listing bamboo, and “azlon” if listing soy. Correct: “100% soy from azlon” or “90% cotton/10% rayon.” Incorrect: “50% bamboo and 50% soy” or “cotton/poly.90% cotton/10% rayon

