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您可以设置一个竞价,该竞价在广告组的关键词或商品定向触发广告展示时使用。这称为每次点击费用 (CPC) 竞价。



  • 广告组名称: 指定一个对您有意义的描述性广告组名称。广告组名称在一个广告活动中必须是唯一的,但您可以在不同的广告活动中使用相同的广告组名称。您的广告组名称仅用于在“广告活动管理”中显示,顾客不会看到。

  • 商品: 从库存中选择要包含在广告组中的商品。您选择的每个商品都将作为广告进行展示。

    • 关键词或商品定向和竞价适用于广告组中的所有商品,因此我们建议您选择彼此密切相关的商品。创建手动投放广告组时,建议您向广告组添加尽可能多的类似商品。广告组中的商品越多,获得广告展示次数的可能性就越高,因为这些商品在您的广告组中共享相同的关键词。

    • 您可以随时向现有广告组添加新商品。要添加商品,请选择广告组,然后转到商品页面。点击添加商品,您会看到要添加到广告组的符合条件的商品列表。一次可以向广告组添加 1,000 件商品。

  • 关键词或商品定向: 对于商品推广活动,您可以使用亚马逊建议的关键词、您自己的关键词、否定关键词或按商品定向。对于展示型推广活动,您可以按商品定向。


Ad groups

Ad groups are a way to organize and manage ads within a campaign. You can use ad groups to group your ads by brand, product, category, price range, or other classifications like theme or targeting strategy.

Available multi-language captions are best viewed in the Google Chrome browser.

Ad groups are available for Sponsored Products campaigns, and for Sponsored Display campaigns for Amazon sellers. Each campaign consists of one or more ad groups. The first ad group is created when you create a campaign. You can add more ad groups to the campaign after you've saved it.

We recommend creating ad groups with products that are in the same category. This helps optimize your bidding strategy, relevancy, and targeting.

You set a bid that is used when an ad group's keyword or product targeting triggers an ad to appear. This is called a cost-per-click (CPC) bid.

For Sponsored Products campaigns, you can also set bids for individual keyword or product targets within the ad group. In auto-targeted campaigns, you can apply a single bid to the whole ad group. In manual-targeted campaigns, you can select a common group of keyword or product targets to all the products within the ad group.

Use the following best practices when you're setting up your ad groups:

  • Ad group name: Assign an ad group name that is descriptive and meaningful to you. Ad group names must be unique within a campaign, but you can use the same ad group name in different campaigns. Your ad group name will only be used for display purposes in the campaign manager and will not be visible to shoppers.

  • Products: Select the products from your inventory to include in your ad group. Each of the products that you select will be displayed as an ad.

    • Keyword or product targeting, and bids apply to all products within an ad group, so we recommend choosing products that are closely related to each other. When creating an ad group with manual targeting, we recommend you add as many similar products to the ad group as you can. More products in your ad group increases the likelihood of receiving ad impressions because the products share the same keywords in your ad group.

    • You can add new products to an existing ad group at any time. To add products, select the ad group and go to the Products page. Click Add products, and you will see your list of eligible products to add to the ad group. You can add 1,000 products to an ad group at a time.

  • Keyword or product targeting: For Sponsored Products campaigns you can use Amazon’s suggested keywords, your own keywords, negative keywords, or target by product. For Sponsored Display campaigns you can target by product.

