



  1. 点击页面顶部的版本下拉菜单。

  2. 点击创建新版本。

  3. 输入新版本的名称。

  4. 选择一个现有版本以作为新版本的起点。

    注意: 现有版本不会受到影响。

  5. 点击创建版本。

  6. 等待新版本创建完成。

  7. 点击立即编辑可以对新版本进行更改。了解有关编辑品牌旗舰店的信息

  8. 完成编辑后,点击右上角的提交以便发布。

    注意: 新版本将会接受审核。这一过程最长需要 24 小时。了解有关品牌旗舰店审核信息

  9. 为新版本选择开始日期和结束日期。

  10. 点击提交。


  • 您将始终拥有一个无结束日期的实时品牌旗舰店版本。

  • 当您创建一个具有结束日期的新版本时,它将覆盖在新版本持续时间内无结束日期的版本。您不能有两个或更多的结束日期重叠的版本。

  • 如果您希望创建一个无结束日期的新版本,它将根据您选择的开始日期覆盖现有版本,并且无结束日期。

  • 要查看经过批准且已安排发布时间的现有品牌旗舰店,请点击显示当前版本的日期。


  1. 点击页面顶部的版本下拉菜单。

  2. 点击要修改的版本上的齿轮图标。

  3. 应用并确认更改。


  1. 选择要修改的版本。

  2. 点击要修改的任何元素。

  3. 在弹出窗口中,选择是要进行复制以便创建新版本,还是要取消计划并编辑现有版本。对于无结束日期的版本,您只能进行复制以创建新版本。


  • 修改或重新安排已批准的版本将要求您创建新版本并再次提交以供批准。您可以使用复制版本功能开始该流程。了解有关品牌旗舰店审核信息

  • 您可以通过点击齿轮图标并按照提示取消已批准版本的计划。


Create and schedule Store versions

You can create multiple versions of your Store and schedule them to run during specific periods of time.

Versioning and scheduling Stores is available when you have an approved Store. If you're creating a Store for the first time, see how to create your Store.

To create a new version of an existing Store and schedule it:

  1. Click the Version drop-down menu at the top of the page.

  2. Click Create new version.

  3. Enter a name for the new version.

  4. Select an existing version to use as a starting point for the new version.

    Note: The existing version won’t be affected.

  5. Click Create version.

  6. Wait until the new version is created.

  7. Click Edit now to make changes on the new version. Learn about editing Stores

  8. When you’re done editing, click Submit for publishing on the top-right corner.

    Note: The new version will be reviewed. This process can take up to 24 hours. Learn about Stores moderation

  9. Select the start and end date for your new version.

  10. Click Submit.


  • You’ll always have one live version of your Store that has no end date.

  • When you create a new version with an end date, it will override the version with no end date for the duration of the new version. You can’t have two or more versions with end dates that overlap.

  • If you wish to create a new version with no end date, it will override your existing version with no end date based on the start date you select.

  • To see the schedule of your live, approved, and scheduled Stores, click Show dates of current versions.

To view the status, cancel the scheduling, or delete a version:

  1. Click the Version drop-down menu at the top of the page.

  2. Click the gear icon on the version you want to modify.

  3. Apply and confirm your changes.

To modify a scheduled or live version:

  1. Select the version you want to modify.

  2. Click on any element that you want to modify.

  3. On the pop-up window, select whether you’d like to copy your version to create a new version, or cancel the scheduling and edit the existing version. For versions with no end date, you can only copy to a new version.


  • Modifying or rescheduling an approved version will require you to create a new version and submit again for approval. You can use the copy version feature to start the process. Learn about Stores moderation

  • You can cancel scheduling of an approved version by clicking on the gear icon and following prompts.

