



注意: 更新新的付款方式可能需要长达 24 小时。如果我们多次尝试按您的付款方式收费均失败,您的广告账户将被置于付款失败状态,而且您的广告活动将被暂停。查看如何解决付款失败问题。





  1. 依次转到【设置】 > 【账户信息】。

  2. 在付款信息部分中,点击【广告收费方式】。

  3. 选择您想要使用的付款方式并输入所需信息。

  4. 点击【更改】以保存信息,或者点击【取消】以放弃更改并返回【账户信息】页面。

注意: 您的新付款方式将在 1 小时内生效。如果您因账户中的付款失败而更新您的付款方式,那么启用您的账户需要长达 24 小时。查看如何解决付款失败问题。


Payment methods for advertising

You can pay for advertising with credit and debit cards.

The total advertising fee is charged to your selected payment method during an invoice period. You'll only be able to select a single payment method for your account. You'll be charged in the currency of the marketplace where the ads were created.

You can also choose to update your payment method to deduct advertising fees from your seller account balance instead of paying with a credit card. Make sure you have sufficient funds to cover your advertising fees.

Note: It may take up to 24 hours to have the new payment method updated. If your payment method fails after multiple attempts, your advertising account will be placed into payment failure status and your campaigns will be paused. Review how to resolve a

Update your payment method for advertising

When you register for advertising using a credit card, Amazon uses the card to validate advertising payments.

Only the Seller Central primary account user (the user whose email address was used to create the account) can update the payment method. Users that were invited as secondary users can't update the payment method.

To update your payment method:

  1. Go to Settings > Account Info.

  2. In the payment information section, click Charge Methods for Advertising.

  3. Select your desired payment method and enter the required information.

  4. Click Change to save the information or Cancel to discard changes and return to Account Information page.

Note: Your new payment method will take effect within one hour. If you’re updating your payment method due to a payment failure in your account, it will take up to 24 hours for your account to be enabled. Review how to resolve a payment failure.

