

Important: 请使用买家所用的语言编写条款和条件。


Important: 买家有责任遵守条款和条件中阐明的要求。


资格指定符合促销条件的商品。定价不高于 200 美元的所有厨房商品。
促销有效期说明促销活动开始和结束的准确时间。此促销活动于太平洋时间 (PT) 2021 年 12 月 23 日(星期五)晚上 11:59 结束。


Terms and conditions

You are responsible for editing the default terms and conditions to clearly define the policies and restrictions for your promotions.

Important: Write the terms and conditions in the customer's language.

If you offer multiple promotions for a single product, be careful to set up the promotions so that they work together. Setup or execution errors can cause outcomes that do not correspond to the advertised terms and conditions. These might result in customer complaints--or when the outcome is to the customer's advantage--unplanned costs. For information about coordinating your promotions to avoid unplanned costs, see Claim codes (Promo codes) and combinability.

Important: Customers are responsible for following the requirements laid out in the terms and conditions.

Promotions can include the following common terms and conditions:

Terms and conditions typeDescriptionExample
EligibilitySpecify the products that are eligible for a promotion.All kitchen products priced at or below $200.
ExclusionsList all products that are not eligible for a promotion.Excludes linens.
Returns and cancellationsDefine your policies regarding refunds in case of returns or canceled orders.No partial refunds available. We cannot cancel orders after they have been shipped.
Purchase requirements and rulesSpecify remaining details to fine-tune what is and what is not included.We do not count gift wrap, taxes, or shipping towards the minimum purchase amount to qualify for the promotion.
Eligibility windowState the exact time that an offer begins and ends.This offer ends 11:59 p.m. Pacific time (PT), on Friday, December 23, 2021.
Shipping eligibilitySpecify where you will or will not ship to. List all types of shipping that you will or will not offer.This offer is not available to residents of Alaska or Hawaii.

