

“购买 2 令纸,节省 20%。购买 4 令纸,节省 30%。”

注意: 分级不适用于“买一赠一”促销。

通过向折扣 促销添加分级,您就能够在单个促销中配置多个折扣分级。这将帮助买家在购买更多商品时可享受更高的折扣。例如,如果您想为购买 2 件商品提供 20% 的折扣,而为购买 4 件商品提供 30% 的折扣,则可以创建两种促销。

在不使用优惠码的情况下,为同一商品类别创建多种促销可能会使买家组合使用这些促销。根据以上示例,如果您为商品创建了两种单独的折扣 促销(一种促销是为购买 2 件商品提供 20% 的折扣,另一种是为购买 4 件商品提供 30% 的折扣),则购买 4 件商品的买家可享受组合折扣 50%(20%+30%)。有关促销组合类型的更多信息,请参阅优惠码和混合促销。

  1. 在卖家平台中,点击【广告】 下列出的【促销】。

  2. 在促销页面上,选择【折扣】促销,然后点击【创建】。

  3. 在【创建促销中: 折扣】 页面上,点击【分级】中显示的【添加分级】按钮,其位于【第 1 步: 条件】框中。

  4. 输入第二级的数量。

  5. 需要多少级就重复多少次。

  6. 点击【删除分级】来删除一级。

  7. 在页面底部,点击【查看】。


Create a tiered promotion

To incentivize customers to purchase multiple units in one order, consider adding a tier to a Percentage Off promotion. For example:

"Buy 2 reams of paper, and save 20%. Buy 4 reams of paper, and save 30%."

Note: Tiers are not an option for Buy One Get One promotions.

By adding tiers to Percentage Off promotions, you will be able to configure multiple discount tiers in a single promotion. This will help customers unlock higher discounts as they purchase more units. As an example, if you would like to offer a 20% discount on the purchase of 2 units of your product and a 30% discount on the purchase of 4 units, you can create a two-tiered promotion.

Creating multiple promotions on the same product group without claim codes can result in customers combining these promotions. Using the example above, if you create two separate Percentage Off promotions on your product (one offering a 20% discount on 2 units, the other offering a 30% discount on 4 units) a customer buying 4 units of your product can get a combined discount of 50% (20%+30%). For more information on promotion combinability, see Claim codes and combinability.

  1. In Seller Central, click on Promotions listed under Advertising.

  2. On the Promotions page, select the Percentage Off promotion, and click Create.

  3. On the Create a promotion: Percentage Off page, click the Add Tier button displayed in Tiers in Step 1: Conditions box.

  4. Enter the second tier quantities.

  5. Repeat as many times as you want.

  6. Click Remove Tier to remove a tier.

  7. At the bottom of the page, click Review.

