XML 概述

个人卖家: 此功能适用于参与专业销售计划的卖家。

什么是 XML?

XML(可扩展标记语言)是一种包含结构化信息的文档标记语言。它定义了用来标记简单的、人类可读的标签数据的通用句法。在 XML 文档中,数据以文本字符串的形式存储,并以描述数据的文本标记包围。XML 的基本数据和标记的单元被称为元素。XML 规范定义了这些标记必须遵循的确切的句法:

  • 如何通过标签界定元素

  • 什么是标签

  • 什么名称是元素可以接受的

  • 属性应放在何处等等

XML 文档中的标记看起来很像 HTML(超文本标记语言)文档中的标记,但它们之间存在一些关键的差异。最重要的是,XML 是元标记语言。这意味着,没有对所有人都适用的一套固定的标签和元素。

在 XML 中 X 代表可扩展,这意味着,该语言可以扩展和调整以满足各种不同的需求。XML 使开发者可以定义适合于特定领域或者业务类型的元素。例如,化学家可以把元素规定为分子和原子,房产中介可以把元素规定为公寓和租金,音乐家可以把元素规定为四分之一音符和歌词。

XML 是由万维网联盟 (W3C) 中一群想改进 HTML 和 SGML(标准通用标记语言)的人员开发的。

注意: 这不是一个关于使用和了解 XML 的教程。有关使用 XML 的更多信息,请参阅 W3C XML 教程。

为什么使用 XML?

XML 使您可以将您的系统与亚马逊系统集成在一起。您的系统可以与我们的系统进行通信,使用预定义的 API(应用编程接口)将文件发布至亚马逊系统,并接受来自亚马逊系统的文件。当处理大量数据时,就可以使用 XML 很方便地发送和接收数据。一旦 XML 集成经过全面实施和测试,则几乎不需要人工干预。有关系统集成的更多信息,请参阅亚马逊 MWS 概览。


在您决定实行亚马逊 XML 之前,确保您满足下列先决条件:问问您自己,我有开发资源吗?谁可以创建基于 XSD(XML 架构文档)的 XML 上传数据?同样,确保您已注册为专业卖家账户。个人卖家无法通过亚马逊系统和 API 进行 XML 集成。

使用 XML 发送目录信息



包含有关您目录中商品的描述性信息。在您的唯一编码 (SKU) 与亚马逊唯一编码(ASIN:亚马逊商品编码)之间建立映射关系。这一直是发布新商品时需要发送的第一个上传数据。






提供 URL(在您的服务器上),亚马逊可从中提取与您商品关联的图片。


(并不常用)- 规定了您的目录中不同商品之间的关系。有两种类型的关系:

  • 变体(最常见的关系类型)- 例如,买家借此可以选择不同颜色和大小的同款商品。

  • 配件 - 允许买家在商品详情页面为主打商品选择配件商品。例如:便携式收音机可能把电池和外部扬声器列为配件商品。


(并不常用)- 允许您用 SKU 级别的配送设置调整账户级别的配送设置。这适用于较重或超大尺寸的商品。

使用 XML 处理订单

买家在亚马逊下单后,您的卖家账户中的商品数量随订购数量相应减少。下单后有一个 90 分钟的置存期,我们会在这段时间内验证交易。在此期间,我们会对买家的付款方式进行授权,并给买家发送订单确认电子邮件。在此期间,买家可以在他们的亚马逊账户中修改或取消订单。如果付款遭拒或买家取消订单,我们会把订单数量添加回您的卖家账户中。我们也会给买家发送取消订单的邮件。

  1. 接收订单:一旦置存期满,亚马逊就会生成订单报告。

    注意: XML 不是订单报告的默认格式。如需为您的账户配置这个选项,请联系卖家支持。

  2. 确认收到订单:订单确认上传数据允许您将自己内部订单编号和订单商品编号关联至亚马逊的订单编号和订单商品编号(如果需要)。另外,您可以使用这个上传数据取消整个订单(请参阅确认收到订单获取详情)。

  3. 配送订单和确认发货:一旦您完成了分拣、包装和发运订单,请发送发货确认通知亚马逊。这一步非常重要,因为它标志着亚马逊完成了财务交易(这样您就可以收到付款了)。亚马逊也会通知买家该订单已经发货。如果我们在下单后 30 天内没有收到确认发货的通知,我们将自动取消订单,届时您将无法收到该订单的付款。

  4. 调整订单:按需要处理退款和退货。

  5. 付款:您确认配送订单后,亚马逊完成买家支付交易并将相应款项存入您的卖家账户。生成的结算报告中将显示每个结算周期内的所有财务交易。有关付款到您的银行账户的信息,请参阅收到付款常见问题。




Using XML

Important: You must be an Amazon MWS developer in order to send a Feeds request.

Individual sellers: This feature is only available to sellers with a Professional selling plan. Learn more by visiting Selling plan comparison.

What is XML?

XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a markup language for documents containing structured information. It defines a generic syntax used to mark up data with simple, human-readable tags. Data is included in XML documents as strings of text. The data is surrounded by text markup that describes the data. XML's basic unit of data and markup is called an element. The XML specification defines the exact syntax this markup must follow:

  • how elements are delimited by tags

  • what a tag looks like

  • what names are acceptable for elements

  • where attributes are placed and more

The markup in an XML document looks a lot like the markup in an HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) document, but there are some crucial differences. Most importantly, XML is a meta markup language. This means that it does not have a fixed set of tags and elements that are meant to work for everybody.

The X in XML stands for Extensible, which means that the language can be extended and adapted to meet many different needs. XML allows developers to define elements appropriate to a specific field or type of business. For example, chemists can define elements for molecules and atoms, real-estate agents can define elements for apartments and rents, and musicians can define elements for quarter notes and lyrics.

XML was developed at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) by a group of people who wanted to improve on HTML and SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language).

Note: This is not a tutorial on using or understanding XML. For more information about using XML, see the W3C XML Tutorial.

Why Use XML?

XML allows you to integrate your systems with Amazon's systems. Your systems can communicate with our systems using predefined APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to post documents to and pull documents from the Amazon systems. When working with large amounts of data, it can be convenient to send and receive data using XML. Once XML integration is fully implemented and tested, little or no manual intervention is required. For more information about systems integration, see the Amazon MWS Overview.


Before you decide to implement XML, make sure you meet these prerequisites. Ask yourself, do I have development resources who can create an XML feed based on an XSD (XML Schema Document)? Also, make sure that you are registered for a Professional seller account. Individual sellers do not have access to Amazon's systems and APIs for XML integration.

Using XML to send catalog information

You will use up to six files to upload and manage your products on Amazon.

Product file:

Contains descriptive information about the products in your catalog. Establishes the mapping between your unique identifier (the SKU) and the Amazon unique identifier (the ASIN: Amazon Standard Identification Number). This is always the first feed to send when listing a new product.

Inventory file:

Communicates the current stock levels of the products you are listing on Amazon. Includes values for restock dates as well as your fulfillment latency (the time it will take you to process the order before shipping it).

Pricing file:

Sets the current prices for your products, whether the regular (standard) prices or temporary (sale) prices.

Image file:

Supplies URLs (on your server) from which Amazon can pull images to associate with your products.

Relationship file:

(not always applicable) - Defines relationships between different products in your catalog. There are two types of relationships:

  • Variation (the most common type of relationship): Allows customers to select from a list of variations of the same product, such as different sizes and colors.

  • Accessory: Allows customers to select products classified as accessories to the main product on a product detail page. For example, a portable radio might have batteries and external speakers listed as accessories.

Overrides feed

(not always applicable) - Allows you to override the account-level shipping settings with SKU-level shipping settings. This can work well for heavy or oversized products.

Using XML to process orders

When a customer places an order on Amazon, the quantity ordered decreases the quantity available in your seller account. The order is placed into a 90-minute holding period while we validate the transaction. During this time, we authorize the customer's payment method and send the customer an order confirmation email. Also during this time, the customer can modify or cancel the order from within their Amazon account. If the payment is declined or the customer cancels the order, we add the quantity back into the quantity available in your seller account. We also send the customer an order cancellation e-mail

  1. Receiving the order: Once the holding period has expired, Amazon generates an order report.

    Note: XML is not the default format for order reports. Contact Seller Support to have this option configured for your account.

  1. Acknowledging receipt of the order: The Order Acknowledgment feed allows you to associate your own internal order IDs and order item IDs with Amazon's order IDs and order item IDs, if desired. Additionally, you can use this feed to cancel the entire order (see Acknowledge Receipt of Orders for more information).

  2. Shipping the order and confirming the shipment: Once you have picked, packed, and shipped the order let Amazon know by sending a shipping confirmation. This step is important because it signals Amazon to complete the financial transaction (so you can be paid). Amazon also notifies the buyer that the order is on the way. If we do not receive the shipping confirmation within 30 days after the order was placed, we will automatically cancel the order and you will not be paid for the order.

  3. Adjusting the order: Process refunds and returns as needed.

  4. Being paid: After you confirm shipment of an order, Amazon completes the buyer payment transaction and credits your seller account. Settlement reports are generated showing all financial transactions for each settlement period. For information about disbursements to your bank account, see theGetting Paid FAQ.

XML Overview

Maximize Inventory File Upload Performance

