
精准投放可帮助您限定优惠券的目标群体。例如,如果您选择亚马逊 Prime 买家作为目标群体,则只有 Prime 买家才能在商品详情页面和购物车中看到您提供的优惠券。


在优惠券开始生效时间前约 6 小时,我们的系统会开始对您的优惠券运行一些验证规则,以确保它向买家提供合理的价值。这些规则会在您的优惠券有效期间持续执行。如果您优惠券中的一个或多个 ASIN 不符合这些规则中的任意一条,我们就会禁用该 ASIN 上的优惠券,并激活其他通过验证之 ASIN 上的优惠券。以下是您可能在控制面板上看到的部分错误,以及您为纠正这些错误可采取的措施。


优惠券要求您的折扣价格至少比过去 30 天内的最低商品价格低 5%。由于未满足此规则,该 ASIN 暂时不可添加到您的优惠券。请降低您的商品价格,或创建一个更高折扣的新优惠券。

此错误意味着您在过去 30 天的某个时间点出售此 ASIN 的价格低于当前的价格。我们的系统会检查您在当前价格上提供的优惠券折扣是否高于过去 30 天内最低价格的 5%。如果未通过此次检查,我们会禁用该 ASIN 上的优惠券,您会看到错价。

例如:如果您在 20 天前以 30 美元出售某个 ASIN,而现在相同 ASIN 的价格为 60 美元,我们则会要求您将折扣定为在 30 美元的基础上优惠 5%。这意味着使用优惠券后,您的最高净折后价格为 28.50 美元(30 美元 * × 0.95)。您今天创建的优惠券必须提供折扣金额,以便买家在使用优惠券后支付的价格不超过 28.50 美元。


  • 降低商品价格。如果您近期的价格上涨有误,且通常以 $30 的价格出售该 ASIN,那么您可以将商品的价格降回到 $30。如果优惠券提供的折扣等于或高于 $30 的 5%,我们将自动重新激活针对该 ASIN 的优惠券。

  • 为该 ASIN 创建一个新优惠券。优惠券生效后,您将无法更改提供的折扣。如果您想将商品价格保持在当前水平,但在此价格上提供优惠券,请为该 ASIN 创建一个提供合适折扣的新优惠券。在本示例中,您可以提供的最低优惠券折扣是 $31.50 ($60 - $28.50)。

  • 受限商品: 优惠券不适用于炸药、武器和相关商品。例如,枪械配件被认定为可能令人不快或令人反感的商品,因此不能为其提供优惠券。


【由于库存不足,我们暂时将该 ASIN 排除在您的优惠券外。】

此错误意味着您没有足够的库存来满足优惠券可能带来的客户需求。出现此情况时,我们会禁用该 ASIN 的优惠券。


发送更多库存。库存充足时,我们将自动重新激活该 ASIN 上的优惠券。

星级评定低于 3.0

优惠券对商品有以下要求:如果商品有 1-4 条评论,其星级评定不低于 2.5;如果有 5 条以上评论,其星级评定不低于 3.0。此错误消息表明相关 ASIN 未满足此规则。没有任何评论的商品符合要求。


在 ASIN 符合此资格规则后的大约 24 小时后,系统会自动重新激活此 ASIN 的优惠券。


How does coupon targeting work?

Targeting helps you limit the audience of your coupons. For example, if you select Amazon Prime customers as the targeted segment, only Prime customers will see your coupon offering on the product detail page and in their carts.

Note: When a coupon is targeted to a customer segment other than "All Customers," the orange coupon badge will not appear in the search results, for any customers.

Understanding coupon errors

Approximately 6 hours before your coupon start time, our system starts running a number of validation rules on your coupon to make sure it offers a good value to our customers. These rules are continuously enforced throughout the duration your coupon is active. If one or more of the ASINs in your coupon fail any of these rules, we disable the coupon offer on that ASIN and activate the coupon on the rest of the ASINs that pass validation. Here are some of the errors that you might see on your dashboard and what you can do to remedy them.

Pricing error

Coupons require your discounted price to be at least 5% lower than your lowest price in the last 30 days. This ASIN is temporarily excluded from your coupon because this rule is not satisfied. Please lower your price or create a new coupon with a higher discount.

This error means that you were offering this ASIN at a lower price than your current price at some point during the last 30 days. Our system checks to see if the coupon discount you are offering over your current price is higher than 5% over your lowest price in the last 30 days. If this check fails, we disable the coupon on the subject ASIN and you see a pricing error.

For example: If you were selling an ASIN at $30, 20 days ago, and today your price for the same ASIN is $60, we require your discount to be 5% off $30. This means that your highest net discounted price after a coupon can be $28.50 ($30 x 0.95). The coupon that you create today must offer a discount amount so that the highest price a customer pays after applying the coupon is $28.50.

What can you do if you see this error?

  • Lower your price. If your recent price increase was a mistake and you normally sell this ASIN at $30, you can lower the product's pricing back to $30. If the coupon is providing a discount equal to or higher than 5% of $30, we will automatically reactivate the coupon on the subject ASIN.

  • Create a new coupon for this ASIN. Once a coupon becomes active, it is not possible to change the discount offering. If you want to keep your price at its current level but offer a coupon over this price, create a new coupon for this ASIN with the right discount offer. In this example, the minimum coupon discount you can offer is $31.50 ($60 - $28.50).

  • Restricted Product: Explosives, weapons, and related items are not eligible for coupons. For example, gun accessories are identified as potentially embarrassing or offensive product and is not eligible for coupons.

Inventory error

We temporarily excluded this ASIN from your coupon due to insufficient inventory.

This error means that you don't have enough inventory to accommodate the customer demand your coupon might generate. When this happens, we disable the coupon from the subject ASIN.

What can you do if you see this error?

Send in more inventory. We will automatically reactivate the coupon offer on this ASIN when you have sufficient inventory.

Star rating is below 3.0

Coupons require a minimum star rating of 2.5 for products with 1-4 reviews and 3.0 for products with 5+ reviews. This error message indicates that the ASIN is not meeting this rule. Products that do not yet have any review are eligible.

What can you do if you see this error?

Coupons for this ASIN would automatically be reactivated within approximately 24 hours after the ASIN meets this eligibility rule again.

