使用优惠券的商品推广可以提高您的优惠券 ASIN 的曝光率。下面列出了一些关于同一问题的常见问题。
优惠券广告活动和商品推广广告活动是彼此独立的。优惠券广告活动可能因用完预算而结束。默认情况下,商品推广广告活动将继续进行,因为它有助于提高该 ASIN 的曝光率。您也可以手动启用或关闭商品推广广告活动。
Coupons with a Sponsored Products Campaign
Coupons with a Sponsored Products Campaign increases discoverability for your coupon ASINs. Some of the frequently asked questions regarding the same are listed below.
Please tell me more about the benefits of creating a Sponsored Products campaign for my coupons
Get discovered: These ads appear right where customers will see them, such as the first page of search results and product pages, providing an instant visibility boost. Additionally, the coupons badge will appear on the ad.
Increase sales: Sponsored Products help you grow your sales on Amazon by reaching customers who are searching for products like yours and driving them to your product page.
Control costs: Ads are cost-per-click, so you pay only when customers click your ads. You control how much you spend by setting your budget and choosing how much to bid per click.
Why are my coupons not eligible for Sponsored Products campaigns (or vice versa)?
Coupons and Sponsored Products have different eligibility rules. As a result, there might be cases where you are not eligible to create a Sponsored Product campaign for your coupon or create a coupon for your sponsored products campaign.
For more details, see Coupons eligibility and Sponsored Products eligibility.
My coupons ended before original end date, but my Sponsored Products campaign is still running. Why?
The coupons campaign and the Sponsored Products campaign are independent. The coupons campaign may have ended due to your budget running out. The Sponsored Products campaign will continue to run by default, because it is good for the ASIN’s discoverability. You can manually turn the Sponsored Products campaign on or off as well.