
个人卖家: 此功能适用于参与专业销售计划的卖家。







亚马逊 MWS

您可以从亚马逊商城网络服务 (MWS) 批量下载建议。了解更多信息。










了解买家何时会对您提供、但并未通过亚马逊物流 (FBA) 配送的商品产生浓厚兴趣。如果您通过亚马逊物流配送这些商品,则订单可能有资格享受免费配送服务、亚马逊 Prime 或其他受欢迎的亚马逊物流优惠。


找到具有相较价格更低的报价机会。匹配最低价功能可以发现 上在售商品当前可用的最低价格。



  • 【商品信息质量】: 如果您的商品信息有质量提醒,您可以使用改善商品信息工具来添加缺失信息。




Amazon Selling Coach

Individual sellers: This feature is available to sellers with Professional selling plans.

Amazon Selling Coach offers personalized recommendations to help you increase your success on Amazon.

We are always looking for ways to help you to be more successful on Amazon. As we identify selling opportunities, we will notify you in the following ways.

Amazon Selling Coach in Seller Central

You can find the Amazon Selling Coach on your seller account home page. You can learn more about it on the Selling Coach page.

Email recommendations

To verify the email address and other settings for your Amazon Selling Coach notifications, see Notification preferences. You can view your email notifications on the Amazon Selling Coach Communication page. You can receive email recommendations in your home marketplace language, English, or simplified Chinese. Learn more.


Amazon Selling Coach notifies you about the following types of opportunities. To see a detailed list of notifications, select Amazon Selling Coach on the Reports menu. Then click the Email Settings tab.

Inventory Opportunities

Find out when you’re running low on products based on your recent inventory and sales data. Learn when it’s time to restock so you can avoid running out and risking cancellations. (Inventory projections are based on your sales over the past seven days.)

Product Opportunities

Increase your selection by adding products that have been popular with customers recently but have limited availability on Amazon. You can set your preferences to include or exclude brands, categories, or products. If you’ve listed similar products in the past, we let you know about customer interest and help you identify business growth opportunities.

Global Selling Opportunities

Make your products available to international customers through Amazon Marketplace global selling programs. You can list your products in other marketplaces to expand the number of customers who see them.

Fulfillment Opportunities

Learn when there is a high level of customer interest in products you offer that are not offered through Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA). If you offer these products through FBA, they might be eligible for free shipping, Amazon Prime, or other popular FBA benefits.

Note: To see fulfillment opportunities, you must be enrolled in FBA. See Getting started with Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA).

Low Price Opportunities

Find out when there are comparable offers with lower prices. The Match Low Price feature finds the lowest price currently available for active listings on Amazon.

Preferred language for your notifications

You can choose which email recommendations you receive and in which language you want to receive them. Learn more.

Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS)

Important: You must be an Amazon MWS developer in order to send a Reports request.

You can download your recommendations in bulk from Amazon Marketplace Web Services (Amazon MWS). Learn more.

Note: All the notifications on the Selling Coach widget will appear in the report section. “Reports” are a comprehensive list of notifications.

