




注意: 如果使用上传数据添加或编辑商品信息,可仍可以使用提高商品信息质量。但是,您还必须更新您的上传数据文件。否则,您通过“改善商品信息”工具提交的任何更改可能会被后续的上传数据所覆盖。我们建议在提交上传数据以编辑商品信息时,将 【update_delete】 列设置为 【PartialUpdate】 并仅为您想要更新的列提供值。这有助于避免覆盖通过“商品信息改善”工具进行的更改。

  1. 在【库存】下,选择【管理库存】。

  2. 从横向菜单中选择【改善商品信息】。

    注意: 仅当存在已确定的改善机会时,【改善商品信息】工具才会显示。如果没有可用的改善机会,此页面链接不会显示。

  1. 在【商品信息改善】主页面查看所有改善,或点击【改善类型】筛选特定类型的商品信息改善机会。

  2. 有 3 种改善商品信息的方法:

    1. 使用可编辑的单元格或下拉选项,在【改善】列中输入缺失的信息,然后点击【保存】。

    2. 选择需要相同改善的多件商品,批量输入缺失的信息。然后,点击【改善 n 个商品信息】(其中“n”表示选定商品的数量),在【改善多个商品信息】弹出字段中提交一个值。

    3. 如果可编辑的单元格(方法 a)和批量改善(方法 b)都不适用您的商品,请点击【编辑】,前往【编辑商品信息】页面,输入缺失的信息。缺失详情会在【编辑商品信息】页面突出显示。


  1. 转至卖家平台中【库存】下方的库存报告。

  2. 在【选择报告类型】下拉菜单中,选择【商品信息质量和禁止显示商品报告 - 新建】。

  3. 选择 Excel - 新建报告格式。

  4. 点击【请求报告】以下载报告。

    注意: 最长可能需要 45 分钟才能生成报告。

  1. 【改善商品信息】报告准备完毕后,点击【下载】。

  2. 打开报告并更新【改善机会】选项卡中的“修正值”,并在【数据定义】选项卡中查看“有效值”。

  3. 保存更改后的报告。

  4. 前往【库存】,然后选择【批量上传商品】。

  5. 点击【检查和上传您的库存文件】选项卡,向下滚动至”步骤 2 - 上传文件”。

  6. 选择文件类型: 【商品信息质量和禁止显示商品文件 - 新建】。

  7. 点击【选择文件】,浏览到您保存的【商品信息质量和禁止显示商品报告】。

  8. 点击【上传】。报告更新可能需要最长 24 小时才能完成。


Enhance your listings

Customers search and browse on Amazon using specific product details. To improve your product discoverability and conversion, you need to ensure that the listing information is correct and complete. The Listing Enhancements tool provides views by adding essential product information to your listing.

Automatically detected enhancement opportunities are shown in your Seller Central account under in the Listing Enhancements section.

For additional information, see Product Listing Guidelines and Condition Guidelines. Reviewing and complying with these guidelines will help you keep your account in good health.

Enhance listings in bulk from Manage Inventory

Note: If you use feeds to add or edit your product listings, you can still use the Listing Enhancements tool to make changes. However, you must also update your feed files. If you do not update your feed files, subsequent feeds can overwrite any changes you submit through the Listing Enhancements tool. We suggest that when submitting feeds to edit your listings, set the update_delete column to PartialUpdate and provide values only for the column that you wish to update. This will help to avoid overwriting changes made through the Listing Enhancements tool.

  1. Under Inventory, select Manage Inventory.

  2. Select Listing Enhancements in the horizontal menu.

    Note: The Listing Enhancements feature is visible only if there are any identified enhancement opportunities. If no enhancement opportunities are available, this link will not be visible to you.

  1. View all the enhancements on the main Listing Enhancements page, or click Enhancement type to filter by specific type of listing enhancement opportunity.

  2. There are 3 ways to enhance your listings:

    1. Enter missing information in the Enhancement column using the editable cells or drop-downs, and click Save.

    2. Enter missing information in bulk by selecting multiple products that require the same enhancement. Then, click Enhance "n" Listings (where "n" stands for the number of selected products), and submit a value in the Enhance multiple listings pop-up field.

    3. Enter missing information for products that are not available in the editable grid (Option a) or in bulk (Option b) by clicking Edit and navigating to Edit Product Info page. In Edit Product Info, the missing details will be highlighted.

Enhance listings using the Listing Quality and Suppressed Listing Report

  1. Go to Inventory Reports under Inventory in Seller Central.

  2. From the Select Report Type drop-down menu, select Listing Quality and Suppressed Listing Report (New).

  3. Choose Report Format as Excel (New).

  4. Click Request Report to download a report.

    Note: It can take up to 45 minutes for this report to run.

  1. Click Download once the Listing Enhancement report is complete.

  2. Open the report and update "Corrected Values" under Enhancement Opportunities tab and check "Valid Values" in the Data Definition tab.

  3. Save the report with changes.

  4. Go to Inventory, and then select Add Products via Upload.

  5. Click the Check and Upload your Inventory File tab and scroll down to "Step 2 - Upload File".

  6. Select File type: Listing Quality and Suppressed Listing File (New).

  7. Click Choose File and browse to your saved Listing Quality and Suppressed Listing Report.

  8. Click Upload. It may take up to 24 hours to update this report.

