


  • 新卖家?

  • 教科书成功卖家的最佳实践

  • 教科书销售政策


有关销售教科书的最常见问题的答案,请参见 教科书新卖家常见问题。您也可能想要查看我们的 管理订单教程。


新老卖家想要阅览我们的 教科书销售季最佳实践系列。


如果您对能否在 Amazon.com 上销售您的图书有任何问题,请务必阅读 教科书销售政策,以了解有关商品信息错误和已禁止商品的更多信息。


如果您在我们的“帮助”页面上未找到所需信息和回答,那么请打开 联系卖家支持链接,通过电子邮件或电话联系我们。您会在大多数卖家平台页面的底部找到链接,或者您可以使用我们主“帮助”页面上的按钮。


Textbook Sellers

Textbook season can be one of the most profitable times of the year for Amazon sellers.

We've created this special Help section to provide new and returning sellers with resources to meet the needs of back-to-school buyers.

  • New Seller?

  • Best Practices of Successful Textbook Sellers

  • Textbook Selling Policies

New Seller?

Get answers to the most common questions about selling textbooks in the New Textbook Sellers FAQ. You may also want to view our Manage Orders Tutorials.

Best Practices of Successful Textbook Sellers

New and returning sellers alike will want to check out our collection of Textbook Season Best Practices.

Textbook Selling Policies

If you have questions about whether you should sell your book on Amazon.com, be sure to visit Policies for Selling Textbooks to read more about listing errors and prohibited items.

More Help

If you don't find the information and answers you need in our Help pages, please contact Seller Support.

