
  • 最新功能

  • 为什么要升级?

  • 应何时升级?

  • 如何升级?

  • 我需要重新加载整个库存吗?

  • 如何测试已升级的上传数据?

  • 这会影响其他类别吗?

  • 我该联系谁寻求帮助?


  • 【浏览】: 新的商品上传数据模板现在要求卖家使用单个商品类型关键词 (ITK) 进行分类树分类,而不是多个款式关键词的组合。新的商品类型关键词详细信息目前在卖家平台的更新后的分类树指南中提供。

  • 【搜索】: 我们增加了新的属性和细分(包括鞋跟高度、鞋靴款式、鞋带类型和骨架材料),以帮助买家缩小其搜索结果范围。细分与上传数据模板和 XML XSD 中的新字段相对应,因此您可以提供适用于商品的其他属性。



升级到新的商品上传数据模板后,您就可以使用商品类型关键词 (ITK) 和商品属性,从而改善买家的搜索和浏览体验,最终帮助买家更轻松地在 Amazon.com 上找到商品。





  • Excel 库存模板文件:下载新的库存模板文件并上传您的目录,将数据填入新的可用属性。

  • XML 上传数据:将更改加入到您的 XML 标记中,以供未来上传之用。新的 XML XSD 的副本可在此处获取。




我们建议您在熟悉新的上传数据时仅上传少量商品。您也可以将商品信息的发布日期设定为未来的一年,这样在您试用新上传数据时,您的商品不会出现在 Amazon.com 上。






Shoes, Handbags & Sunglasses Product Feed Template FAQs

  • What’s new?

  • Why should I upgrade?

  • When should I upgrade?

  • How do I upgrade?

  • Do I have to reload my entire inventory?

  • How can I test my upgraded feed?

  • Does this affect other categories?

  • Who do I contact for help?

What’s New?

  • Browse: The new product feed template now requires sellers to use a single Item Type Keyword (ITK) for browse tree classification instead of a combination of multiple style keywords. The new ITK’s are detailed in the updated Browse Tree Guide now available in Seller Central.

  • Search: New attributes and refinements have been added, including heel height, shoe style, toe style, strap type and frame material to help customers narrow their search results. Refinements correspond with new fields in the feed templates and XML XSDs, so you can provide additional attributes that apply to your products.

See our Feed Comparison Chart below to determine which new attributes you must provide when you submit the new feed.

Why should I upgrade?

Upgrading to the new product feed template will allow you to use Item Type Keywords (ITKs) and product attributes that will improve the customer search and browse experience and ultimately help customers find products more easily on Amazon.com.

When should I upgrade?

We recommend you take advantage of these enhancements immediately.

How do I upgrade?

If you currently use:

  • Excel Flat Files: download the new flat file template and upload your catalog, populating data into the newly available attributes.

  • XML feeds: incorporate the changes into your XML markup for future uploads. Copies of the new XML XSD’s are available here.

Do I have to reload my entire inventory?

Although not required, we recommend you move existing product listings over to the new template in order to take advantage of the new browse and search refinements.

How can I test my upgraded feed?

We recommend uploading only a few items as you familiarize yourself with the new feed. You may also set the Release Dates of you product listing one year into the future, to prevent your offers from appearing on Amazon.com, while you try the new feed.

Does this affect other categories?

No, this upgrade is for Shoes, Handbags & Sunglasses. It does not affect other categories.

Who do I contact for help?

Contact Seller Support for assistance.

