
给售卖的商品提供丰富的数据,有助于亚马逊把您的商品抓取到搜索和浏览结果中,并向买家提供详细的商品规格。  您可以为商品提供几个额外的属性。  这些属性会显示在商品规格特性里,这样,亚马逊就可以为搜索创建浏览精选了。


商品规格微件显示在详情页面,买家可以扫视最相关的特性来做出购买决策。  有了这个功能,亚马逊就可以做出有用的属性界定,让买家在知情的情况下做出购买决策。


基于属性的精选让买家把搜索结果缩小到其关心的商品上来。  一旦大多数商品在某一浏览位置都有属性数据,亚马逊就会进行精选。   举个例子,关于基于属性的精选,可以看看枝形吊灯这个商品,买家可以筛选搜索,即通过灯具材料、阴影类型、灯光数量、以及阴影方向来搜索。 

这些精选项目显示在搜索结果的左栏,位于部类、运输选项和品牌项下。  由于亚马逊选品众多,提供商品属性可以说是买家发现您商品的关键。





Product Attributes in Lighting

Providing rich data about the items you sell helps Amazon surface your products in search and browse and provides detailed product specifications to the customer.  There are several additional attributes you can provide about your products.  These attributes will be displayed in the product specification feature and allow Amazon to create browse refinements for search.

Product Specification Widget

The product specification widget is displayed on the detail page and allows the customer to see at a glance the most relevant attributes for making a buying decision.  This feature also allows Amazon to provide useful definitions of attributes so customers can make an informed buying decision.

Search Result Refinements Using Attributes

Attribute-based refinements allow customers to narrow their search results to only the product relevant to what they are looking for.  Once the majority of products in a certain browse location have attribute data, Amazon will turn on these refinements.   An example of attribute-based refinements can be found in chandeliers where a customer can refine their search by fixture material, shade type, number of lights, and shade direction. 

These refinements show up in the left column of the search results under the department, shipping option, and brand.  Because of the vast selection on Amazon, providing product attributes can be essential for customers to discover your products. 

Example of Attribute-based refinements in Search Results:

Important Attributes for Lighting Products

The most important attributes available for lighting products are listed in the table below.

