将商品详情从 Etsy 转移至 Amazon Handmade

  1. 从 Etsy 下载 CSV 文件:

    注意: 您无法将 Etsy 文件直接上传至亚马逊。

    1. 转至“创建商品”,然后登录您的 Etsy 账户。

    2. 转至【店铺管理器】 > 【设置】 > 【选项】,然后点击【下载数据】选项卡。

    3. 接着,点击【下载 CSV 文件】按钮,将文件保存到电脑上。

  2. 将 Etsy 属性与亚马逊库存模板属性匹配,然后根据下表 1 中概述的匹配属性指南,将 Etsy CSV 文件中的信息复制到精简、高级或自定义模板中的相应亚马逊库存文件属性中。

    注意: 亚马逊建议您使用自定义模板,因为该模板包含所有 Amazon Handmade 属性。

  3. 检查和上传您的库存文件模板。

    表 1. 匹配属性指南: 从 Etsy 到亚马逊

    Etsy CSV 属性亚马逊库存模板属性亚马逊属性描述
    IMAGE2pt1_image_url备用图片 1
    IMAGE3pt2_image_url备用图片 2
    IMAGE4pt3_image_url备用图片 3
    IMAGE5pt4_image_url备用图片 4


Transfer product details from Etsy to Amazon Handmade

  1. Download a CSV file from Etsy:

    Note: You will not be able to upload your Etsy file directly to Amazon.

    1. Go to Creating a Listing and sign in to your Etsy account.

    2. Go to Shop Manager > Settings > Options and then click the Download Data tab.

    3. Then, click the Download CSV button to save the file to your computer.

  2. Match the Etsy attributes to the Amazon Inventory Template attributes and copy the information from the Etsy CSV file to the correct Amazon Inventory File attribute in Lite, Advanced, or Custom templates by following the matching attribute guide outlined in Table 1 below.

    Note: Amazon recommends that you use the Custom template as it includes all Handmade attributes.

  3. Check and upload your inventory file template.

    Table 1. Matching attribute guide: From Etsy to Amazon

    Etsy CSV AttributeAmazon Inventory Template AttributeAmazon Attribute Description
    DESCRIPTIONproduct_descriptionProduct Description
    PRICEstandard_priceStandard Price
    TAGSgeneric_keywordsSearch Terms
    MATERIALSmaterial_typeMaterial Type
    IMAGE1main_image_urlMain Image
    IMAGE2pt1_image_urlAlternative Image 1
    IMAGE3pt2_image_urlAlternative Image 2
    IMAGE4pt3_image_urlAlternative Image 3
    IMAGE5pt4_image_urlAlternative Image 4

