在亚马逊的“珠宝首饰”分类下发布商品十分复杂。亚马逊的珠宝首饰 ASIN 商品数据包含许多附加属性,以便为买家提供有关珠宝首饰商品质量的详细信息。
Important: 亚马逊要求根据亚马逊珠宝首饰质量保证标准和美国联邦贸易委员会 (FTC) 法规以及描述所有珠宝首饰 ASIN。我们要求卖家准确描述珠宝首饰并遵守这些质量标准。珠宝首饰卖家应阅读并了解这两组规则,并确保所有珠宝首饰 ASIN 遵守这些政策。请确保选择准确描述您的商品的有效值。
卖家必须为所有珠宝首饰商品提供品牌名称、商品分类名称、宝石类型、商品名称、商品 SKU、商品类型关键字 (ITK)、制造商、材质类型、金属类型和商品类型。对于戒指,“戒指尺寸”是必填字段。
Important: 仿制钻石的规格中应注明宝石的实际成分。在材质类型中注明水晶、玻璃或树脂宝石;在宝石类型中注明实际宝石(比如立方氧化锆、白色黄玉等)。
Important: 仿制宝石的规格中应注明宝石的实际成分。在材质类型中注明水晶、玻璃或树脂宝石;在宝石类型中注明实际宝石(比如立方氧化锆、黄玉等)。
亚马逊可以使用有效值向买家提供所有珠宝首饰 ASIN 的一致信息。此外,有效值还用于分类节点和细分节点分配。当某个 ASIN 属性采用的值不在此属性的有效值列表中时,此 ASIN 可能无法分配到合适的分类节点和细分节点。这增加了买家找到商品的难度。确保为具有有效值列表的所有属性使用有效值,这样卖家可以提高 ASIN 在浏览和搜索中的发现几率。
Important: 我们不再更新单独的珠宝首饰分类库存文件模板,因此这些文件中的有效值选项卡并不是最新的。请勿参考任何之前发布的单独珠宝首饰库存文件模板中的有效值列表,因为它们已过时。
在第 1 步下的商品分类工具部分中,浏览至服装、鞋靴和珠宝首饰 > 女士 > 珠宝首饰。
在第 2 步下,选择高级模板,然后点击生成模板。
Note: 库存模板的有效值选项卡中显示的“商品类型”(也称为“商品类型关键字”[ITK])值的列表并不完整。要访问珠宝首饰的完整 ITK 列表,请参阅最新的时尚珠宝首饰分类树指南和。
以下是有关为几个关键商品规格属性分配值的指南。这些指南并不详尽。您有责任确保分配给珠宝首饰商品数据字段的值符合亚马逊的珠宝首饰质量保证标准和 FTC 法规以及珠宝首饰行业的。
此分类为买家提供了有关制成 ASIN 的一般材质的信息:金属、宝石、水晶、玻璃、珍珠、皮革、木材和硅胶等等。
XSD(XML 上传数据)目前无法更新无变体 ASIN 的金属类型。要更新无变体 ASIN 的金属类型数据,请在管理库存中找到此 ASIN,然后在此处编辑其数据。
Important: 如果要提供在尺寸(比如戒指尺寸或项链长度)上有所变化的 ASIN 系列的金属总重,请确保要么提供每个子 ASIN 的实际重量,要么提供系列中所有 ASIN 的最低重量。如果提供平均重量,则可能会夸大该范围内较小尺寸的贵金属含量;这是不可接受的。
在材质类型中指定实际的宝石材质,并为宝石类型分配“不适用”值。请参阅 FTC 法规和我们的珠宝首饰发布提示帮助页面,以了解有关如何描述被认为是合成(仿制/人造)宝石的宝石的信息。
宝石类型 1 字段中应填写主要宝石。
“宝石制作方法”字段要与“宝石类型”字段对应(比如“宝石类型 1”对应“宝石制作方法 1”)。对于每种宝石类型,卖家都必须填写此属性。“宝石制作方法”会注明宝石是天然的(从地下开采的)还是合成的(化学上与天然宝石相同,但是在实验室环境中合成或“生长”的)。
如果不提供“宝石制作方法”值,则假定(依据 FTC 法规)宝石是天然宝石。请参阅 FTC 法规,了解美国有关宝石制作方法公开的法规。
Important: “仿制”(合成或人造)不再是宝石制作方法的有效值。如果某个 ASIN 的宝石制作方法的值是“仿制”,请移除此值。请参阅宝石类型,了解有关如何向合成宝石分配合适属性的说明。请参阅更新 ASIN 的商品数据,了解如何做出这些更改。
“宝石处理方法”字段要与“宝石类型”字段对应(比如宝石类型 1 对应宝石处理方法 1)。按照每种宝石类型填写此属性,以表明宝石已进行处理。
“珍珠类型”注明商品由特定类型的珍珠制成。所有 ASIN 都必须提供该值,其中包括任何类型的珍珠 - 天然、培植、复合外壳或合成。
请参阅 FTC 法规和我们的高级珠宝首饰发布提示,了解有关如何描述培植珍珠的信息。
在所有尺寸戒指的商品名称末尾加上戒指尺寸,例如“Three Stone Ruby and Opal 14K White Gold Ring, 7”。
变体主题用于创建 ASIN 系列。
Note: 阅读变体关系,了解有关使用变体系列的更多信息。
仅对其中所有子 ASIN 只有一种宝石类型的 ASIN 系列使用含有宝石类型的变体主题。应使用此变体主题仅为所有子 ASIN 填充宝石类型 1。
仅对其中所有子 ASIN 只有一种材质类型的 ASIN 系列使用含有材质类型的变体主题。应使用此变体主题仅为所有子 ASIN 填充材质类型 1。
获取现有 ASIN 的当前商品数据
您可以通过下载“分类商品报告”,来获取您的亚马逊库存中已有 ASIN 的最新商品数据。此报告将显示您为每个商品分配的所有最新数据。将此报告用作上述 ASIN 商品数据更正过程的主库存文件。
在卖家平台中,前往库存 > 库存报告,然后从可用报告类型中,选择分类商品报告。 如果此报告不可用,请联系卖家支持并请求“分类商品报告”(也称为“反向上传数据”)。
更新 ASIN 的商品数据
卖家可以在下载的“分类商品报告”上直接更正商品数据,并通过上传“部分更新”对 ASIN 进行以下更正。
在更新/删除字段中,在包含已修改的 SKU 的每一行中输入“部分更新”。
在卖家平台中,前往库存 > 批量上传商品。
在第 2 步 - 上传文件下:
如在上传时遇到问题,请参阅上传库存文件帮助页面或珠宝首饰商品数据更新 - 常见问题帮助页面。
Jewelry product data guidelines
Listing products in the Jewelry category at Amazon can be complex. Amazon's Jewelry ASIN product data includes many additional attributes, to give customers detailed information about jewelry product quality.
The guidance below will help you understand how to assign several key Jewelry product data attributes.
Important: Amazon requires all Jewelry ASINs to be described in accordance with both Amazon Jewelry Quality Assurance Standards and U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulations. We require sellers to describe jewelry accurately and in compliance with these quality standards. Jewelry sellers should read and understand both of these sets of rules, and ensure all Jewelry ASINs comply with these policies. Be sure to choose valid values that accurately describe your product.
Product data requirements
Product listing data for all Jewelry items must meet Jewelry-specific standards.
Sellers must follow the data requirements listed in the various tabs of the Jewelry Inventory Template published in Seller Central. These requirements are enforced systematically. Any items not meeting these standards will not be accepted.
For purposes of product classification, item specifications, and quality assurance, we distinguish between Fine Jewelry and Fashion Jewelry based on metal type, gem type, and pearl type. Learn more about the Categorization of Fine vs. Fashion Jewelry.
Sellers must provide brand name, department name, gem type, item name, item SKU, item type keyword (ITK), manufacturer, material type, metal type, and product type for all Jewelry products. For rings, ring size is required.
Provide additional data for Jewelry products to ensure product descriptions are accurate, clear, and unambiguous for customers. Depending on the materials in the product, different attributes could apply, for example:
Products with diamonds: Sellers should disclose stone cut, stone color, stone clarity, stone weight (carat), stone shape, setting type, and total diamond weight. If diamonds are synthetic (lab-grown) or treated, sellers should also disclose the stone creation method and any stone treatment methods.
Important: Specifications for simulated diamonds should indicate the actual composition of the stone. Indicate crystal, glass, or resin stones in Material Type; indicate actual gemstones (such as cubic zirconia, white topaz, etc.) in Gem Type.
Products with gemstones: Sellers should provide stone color, stone shape, setting type, and total gem weight. If gemstones are synthetic (lab-grown) or treated, sellers should also disclose the stone creation method and any stone treatment methods.
Important: Specifications for simulated gemstones should indicate the actual composition of the stone. Indicate crystal, glass, or resin stone in Material Type; indicate actual gemstones (such as cubic zirconia, topaz, etc.) in Gem Type.
Products with fine pearls: Sellers should disclose pearl type, pearl minimum color, pearl shape, pearl luster, pearl uniformity, pearl blemishes, size per pearl, number of pearls, and setting type. In addition, all pearls must be disclosed as being cultured, simulated, composite shell, or natural pearls.
Products with fine metals: Sellers should disclose metal stamp.
Assigning valid values
Many Jewelry inventory file fields must be filled in with a valid value. A valid value is a value that appears on a list of specific values for a particular attribute. Valid values lists are provided to sellers on the Valid Values tab of the inventory file template.
Why are valid values important?
Valid values allow Amazon to provide customers with consistent information across all Jewelry ASINs. Also, valid values are used in browse node and refinement node assignment. When an ASIN attribute has a value that isn't in the valid values list for that attribute, that ASIN might not be assigned to browse nodes and refinements properly. This makes the product harder for customers to find. Sellers can enhance ASIN discoverability within both Browse and Search by making sure to use valid values for all attributes that have valid values lists.
Jewelry sellers should become familiar with which attributes have a valid values list on the Valid Values tab of this custom template. For attributes with a valid values list, assign only the listed valid values for that attribute, and assign them exactly as shown. Do not assign any other values that are not listed.
Important: We are no longer updating the stand-alone Jewelry category inventory file templates, and the Valid Values tab in those files are therefore not current. Don’t reference valid values lists from any previously published stand-alone Jewelry inventory file templates because they are outdated.
Access the current list of updated valid values
Go to Add Products Via Upload.
Under Step 1, in the Product Classifier section, browse to Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry > Women > Jewelry .
Click Select for one or more options from all four types of Jewelry products:
Anklet, Bracelet or Necklace
Body Jewelry, Brooch, Charm, or Jewelry Set
Under Step 2, select the Advanced template, and then click Generate Template.
Note: The list of Item Type (aka Item Type Keyword or ITK) values that appears in the Valid Values tab of the inventory template is not complete. To access the full ITK list for Jewelry, refer to the current Fashion Browse Tree Guide.
Assigning product specifications data
Product specifications data (on the Product Specifications section of the detail page) explains the quality and dimensions of each element of Fine Jewelry products. This information is crucial for helping customers make buying decisions. Assign product specifications attributes carefully, and always check for accuracy and completeness.
Below are guidelines for assigning values to several key product specifications attributes. These guidelines are not exhaustive. You are responsible to ensure that the values that you assign to Jewelry product data fields comply with Amazon's Jewelry Quality Assurance Standards and FTC Regulations for the jewelry industry.
Material Type (Required)
This classification gives the customer information about the general materials the ASIN is made from: metal, gemstones, crystal, glass, pearls, leather, wood, and silicone, to name a few.
For products made with metal, gemstones, or pearls, assign "metal," "gemstone," or "pearl" to the Material Type attribute. Then, assign the specific type of these materials in Metal Type, Gem Type, and Pearl Type. Use a valid value from the Valid Value list for each of these attributes.
Metal Type (Required)
Metal type indicates the specific type of metal the product is primarily made from.
For products made with metal, enter "metal" in the Material Type attribute, and indicate the specific type of metal under Metal Type.
Some products have components made from different metals, or made from multiple metals in a combination not listed in the valid values list. For such products, indicate the most predominant metal under Metal Type. Then describe the other metals elsewhere in the product data, for example, in the bullets or product description.
The XSD (XML feed) cannot update the metal type for un-variated ASINs at this time. To update metal type data for un-variated ASINs, find the ASIN in Inventory and edit its data there.
Total Metal Weight (Optional)
If providing this measurement, make sure you can measure with enough precision to meet the tolerances described in Amazon's Jewelry Quality Assurance Standards.
Important: If providing total metal weight for ASIN families that vary in size (such as ring size or necklace length), make sure to provide either the actual weight of each child ASIN, or the minimum weight of all ASINs in the family. If you provide the average weight, you may overstate the amount of precious metal content for the smaller sizes in the range; this is not acceptable.
Gem Type (Required)
Gem type should indicate the specific type of gemstone that the product is made from. It should always indicate the actual mineral composition of the gemstone or gemstones in the product, not what a stone looks like. For example, don't call a deep blue crystal or spinel gemstone a "sapphire."
Stones that are natural or synthetic gemstones (diamond, cubic zirconia, topaz, sapphire, etc.):
Assign "gemstone" to the Material Type attribute, and assign the Gem Type value that represents the actual gemstone mineral.
Stones that are gemstones, but you don't know the actual gemstone type:
Assign "gemstone" to the Material Type attribute, and assign the value of "unknown" to Gem Type.
Stones that aren't actual gemstones (crystal, glass, plastic, etc.):
Specify the actual stone material in Material Type, and assign a value of "NA" to Gem Type. See the FTC regulations and our Tips for Listing Jewelry Help page for information on how to describe stones considered to be imitation (simulated/faux) gemstones.
The primary stone should be represented by the Gem Type 1 field.
When a product has more types of gemstones than Gem Type fields available, provide information about the other gemstones elsewhere in the product data, for example, in the bullets or product description.
For turquoise gemstones, choose the valid value of "turquoise" (for natural turquoise), "stabilized-turquoise," or "compressed-turquoise.” Block (synthetic) turquoise should be indicated in Material Type with the valid values of “mineral powder” and “resin” or “synthetic-resin.”
For other gemstones that are compressed (such as lapis lazuli or jasper), indicate this elsewhere in the product data, for example, in the bullets or product description.
For other gemstones that are stabilized, indicate this in the Stone Treatment Method attribute.
Stone Creation Method
Stone creation method fields map to the gem type fields (Gem_Type1 maps to Stone_Creation_Method1, etc.). Sellers must fill in this attribute for each gem type. Stone Creation Method indicates whether a gemstone is natural (mined from the ground) or synthetic (chemically identical to a natural gemstone, but synthesized or "grown" in a laboratory environment).
If no Stone Creation Method value is supplied, the assumption (by FTC regulations) is that the stone is natural. Refer to the FTC regulations to learn about United States regulations for disclosure of stone creation method.
Important: "Simulated" (imitation or faux) is no longer a valid value for Stone Creation Method. If an ASIN has the Stone Creation Method of "simulated,” remove this value. Refer to Gem Type for instructions on how to properly assign attributes to imitation stones. Refer to Update product data for your ASINs on how to make these changes.
Stone Treatment Method
Stone treatment method fields map to the gem type fields (Gem_Type1 maps to Stone_Treatment_Method1, etc.). Fill in this attribute for each gem type, for gemstones that have been treated.
This is a free-form field. Include all values that apply, for example, "irradiated, heated" or "compressed, oiled".
If a gemstone has no treatments, enter "NA" or "none."
This field should not be used for pearls. Where pearls have been treated (such as dyed pearls), indicate this elsewhere in the product data, for example, in the bullets or product description.
Pearl Type
Pearl type indicates the specific type of pearl the product is made from. It is required for all ASINs that include any type of pearl – natural, cultured, composite-shell, or imitation.
When a product has more than one type of pearl, provide information about the other types of pearls elsewhere in the product data, for example, in the bullets or product description.
See the FTC regulations and our Listing Tips for Jewelry for information on how to describe cultured pearls.
Ring Size
Ring size is required for all rings.
Include the ring size at the end of the title for all sized rings, for example, "Three Stone Ruby and Opal 14K White Gold Ring, 7."
Variation Theme
Variation theme is used to create ASIN families.
Note: Read Variation relationships for more information on using variation families.
Only use variation themes that include Gem Type for ASIN families where all child ASINs have only one type of gemstone. Only Gem_Type1 should be populated for all child ASINs using this variation theme.
Only use variation themes with Material Type for ASIN families where all child ASINs have only one type of material. Only Material_Type1 should be populated for all child ASINs using this variation theme.
Obtain current product data for your existing ASINs
Obtain the current product data for the ASINs already in your Amazon inventory by downloading a Category Listings Report. This report will show all the current data you assigned to each of your listings. Use this as your master inventory file for the ASIN product data correction process described above.
In Seller Central go to Inventory > Inventory Reports and select Category Listings Report from the available report types.
Note: If this report is not available, contact Seller Support and request a Category Listings Report, also called a "reverse feed."
From the drop-down list of available categories, select Jewelry.
Click Request Report.
Once the report has been generated, click Download.
Update product data for your ASINs
Sellers can make corrections to product data directly on the downloaded Category Listings Report, and make the following corrections to ASINs via a Partial Update upload.
In the Update Delete field, enter "PartialUpdate" on each row containing a modified SKU.
Save the file as a tab-delimited text file.
In Seller Central, go to Inventory > Add Products via Upload .
Under Step 2 – UPLOAD FILE:
For more information, refer to the Modify Your Inventory File Help page.
If you have issues with an upload, refer to the Upload Your Inventory File Help page or the Jewelry Product Data Updates – FAQ Help page.
Product data uploads are limited to Professional Selling Plan sellers. Maintaining a Professional Selling Plan is a requirement for sellers listing in the Jewelry category.
For File type, select Inventory Files for non-Media Categories.
For File Upload, browse to find and select the text file you saved.
For Email Alert, fill in your email address.
Click Upload.