关于 Amazon Vine

Amazon Vine 邀请亚马逊上最值得信赖的评论者针对新商品发布他们的看法,以帮助其他买家做出明智的购买决定。亚马逊会根据买家针对其在亚马逊上所购商品发布的评论是否深刻,邀请买家成为 Vine 评论者(也称为 Vine Voice)。参与该计划的卖家可以提供免费商品,以便这些选定的 Vine Voice 为其申请的商品发布买家评论。参与 Vine 计划有助于培养对您商品的认知度,提高销售速度较慢和全新商品的销量,并帮助买家对您提供的新商品做出明智的决定。

要加入 Vine 计划,您必须是专业卖家、已经在亚马逊品牌注册注册品牌并且拥有符合要求的亚马逊物流商品。注册完成后,Vine Voice 将有机会申请您的注册商品以发表评论。

我们会关注 Vine Voice 的参与积极程度及其对该计划所做的贡献,只有最佳评论者才能继续加入 Vine 计划。


  • 是在“亚马逊品牌注册”中注册的品牌。

  • 在商品详情页面上的评论少于 30 条。

  • 具有处于“新品”状况的可购买亚马逊物流商品。

  • 不是成人用品。

  • 在注册时已经发布。

  • 有库存。

  • 配有图片和描述。

除了我们的一般限制外,如果商品具有下列情况,则应从 Vine 计划中排除:

  • 要求我们捆绑多个商品进行配送/评论。

  • 要求评论者单独订购其他商品才能进行评论;可以注册广泛使用的商品的配件(例如,可注册热门手机的外壳),但不应注册要求特定打印机的墨盒,或者仅可在特定型号的相机中使用的替换电池。

  • 亚马逊物流商品信息上列出的商品不一致。


About Amazon Vine

Amazon Vine invites the most trusted reviewers on Amazon to post opinions about new products to help their fellow customers make informed purchase decisions. Amazon invites buyers to become Vine reviewers (called Vine Voices) based on the insightfulness of the reviews they published on their Amazon purchases. Participating sellers can provide free units of their products in order for this select group of Vine Voices to post customer reviews for the products they submit. Participating in Vine helps build awareness of your product, boosts the sales of your slow and new products, and helps customers make informed decisions about new products you offer.

To participate in Vine, you must be a Professional seller, have registered a brand in Amazon Brand Registry, and have eligible FBA offers. Once your enrollment is complete, Vine Voices will have the opportunity to request your enrolled products to review.

We monitor the active participation of Vine Voices and their contribution to the program; only the best reviewers will remain in Vine.

In order for the items you enroll to be eligible, they should meet the following criteria:

  • Be brand registered in Amazon Brand Registry.

  • Have fewer than 30 reviews on the product detail page.

  • Have a buyable FBA offer in ‘New’ condition.

  • Not be an adult product.

  • Have already launched at the time of enrollment.

  • Have available inventory.

  • Have an image and a description.

In addition to our general restrictions, products are excluded from Vine if they:

  • Require us to bundle multiple products for delivery/review.

  • Require reviewers to separately order another product in order to conduct a review; accessories for widely-owned products are permitted (for example, cases for popular mobile phones can be enrolled) but you should not enroll an ink cartridge that requires a specific printer, or a replacement battery that only works in a particular camera.

  • Do not correspond to the exact product listed on the FBA offer.

