
支付服务提供商提供的服务可将您客户的资金转移给您。信用卡支付服务提供商让您的客户能够使用信用卡付款。如果您想接受客户使用信用卡付款,那么您可以设置 Shopify Payments 或第三方支付服务提供商。

Shopify Payments

Shopify 拥有自己的支付服务提供商 Shopify Payments,它直接与您的结账服务集成在一起。如果您的业务符合使用 Shopify Payments 的条件:

  1. 您只需支付信用卡手续费,无需支付其他交易手续费

  2. 您的客户可以在结账时输入他们的付款信息,而无需离开在线商店。

  3. 您可以从 Shopify 后台直接设置 Shopify Payments,而无需登录到其他网站或账户

  4. 您可以直接从 Shopify 后台查看您的款项。

如果您想为客户提供另一种付款方式,例如通过 PayPal 或自定义付款方式进行付款,那么除了 Shopify Payments 之外,您还可以设置这些付款方式,并且无需支付任何其他交易费。


如果您所在的国家/地区不提供 Shopify Payments,或者您不想使用该服务,您可以激活与 Shopify 集成的任一第三方支付服务提供商。此情况将收取交易费。

从可用选项中确定想使用的支付服务提供商后,便可在 Shopify 后台中配置您的收款设置。


账单周期是 Shopify 对套餐费用进行计费的 30 天时间间隔。您无法选择收费日期,但您可以将账单周期延长至更长的时间间隔(一年、两年或三年)以获得折扣。

应用订阅采用的是不同的账单周期,因此它们的账单周期可能不会总是与 Shopify 订阅账单周期的账单日期相匹配。



Payment provider

Payment providers offer a service that transfers money from your customers to you. Credit card payment providers allow your customers to pay using a credit card. If you want to accept credit card payments from your customers, then you can set up Shopify Payments or a third-party payment provider.

Shopify Payments

Shopify has its own payment provider, Shopify Payments, which integrates directly with your checkout. If your business is eligible for Shopify Payments:

  1. you only pay the credit card rate without additional transaction fees

  2. your customers can enter their payment information at checkout without leaving your online store

  3. you can set up Shopify Payments right from your Shopify admin instead of having to log in to another website or account

  4. you can view your payouts in real-time right from your Shopify admin.

If you want to give your customers another way of paying, for example, through PayPal or with a custom payment method, then you can set these up in addition to Shopify Payments without having to pay any extra transaction fees.

Third-party payment providers

If Shopify Payments is not available in your country, or if you prefer not to use it, then you can activate one of the third-party payment providers that Shopify integrates with. In this case, transaction fees do apply.

After you decide what payment provider you want to use from the available options, you can configure your payment settings in your Shopify admin.

Billing cycle

A billing cycle is the 30-day interval at which Shopify bills your plan fees and charges. You cannot choose the date that you get charged on, but you can extend your billing cycle to a longer interval (one, two, or three years) to earn a discount.

A different billing cycle applies to app subscriptions, so their billing cycles might not always match the billing date of your Shopify subscription billing cycle.

If you ever pause or close your store, then make sure you cancel your app subscriptions as well to avoid additional future charges.

