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定价和套餐页面上列出的 Shopify 套餐包括:

  • 无限制的产品数

  • 无限制的带宽和在线存储

  • Shopify POS

  • 礼品卡

  • 在线销售渠道

  • 欺诈分析

  • 手动创建订单

  • 折扣码

  • 员工

  • 数据概览

  • 财务报告

  • 客户支持



  • 向新客户发送欢迎折扣码

  • 为您的社交媒体关注和邮件列表提供独家折扣

  • 与一些博主进行合作,有助于在线推广您的商店。


弃单恢复 (ACR) 会自动向没有完成结账流程便离开商店的客户发送电子邮件。


通过 ACR,您可以对发送给离开商店的客户的电子邮件进行自定义。您甚至可以将折扣码包括在此类邮件中以发送给结账前便离开商店的目标客户,这样可以鼓励他们返回商店完成结账。如果您的商店拥有较高的访问流量,则有必要对 ACR 进行投资,从而减少损失的订单数。



在注册 Shopify 商店时,您会自动获得一个设有用户名和密码的账户。根据您选择的套餐,您可以为您的员工创建其他登录信息:

Shopify LiteBasic ShopifyShopify




如果您正在使用 Shopify POS,并且您的商店使用的是 Shopify 套餐或更高级别套餐,则可以为员工创建 POS PIN。您可以创建不限数量的 POS PIN。


Features on all plans

The Shopify plans listed on the Pricing and Plans page include:

  • unlimited products

  • unlimited bandwidth and online storage

  • Shopify point of sale

  • Gift cards

  • online sales channels

  • fraud analysis

  • manual order creation

  • discount codes

  • staff

  • overview dashboard

  • finance reports

  • customer support.

Discount codes

Offering discount codes can help build your customer base as well as give your existing customers an incentive to shop in your store:

  • send welcome codes to new customers

  • offer exclusive discounts to your social media following and your mailing lists

  • partner with bloggers to help promote your store online.

Abandoned cart recovery

Abandoned checkout recovery (ACR) sends automatic emails to customers who leave your store without completing the checkout process.

Customers abandon their orders for a variety of reasons: they might be confused or unsure about something at checkout, their credit card might be declined, or they might decide to look for a product somewhere else.

With ACR, you can customize the email sent to customers who leave your store. You can even include discount codes to target customers who left before checking out, which can encourage them to come back. If you have a store with a high volume of traffic, then it is worth investing in ACR to reduce the number of lost orders.


Staff logins allow your staff to complete basic admin tasks while restricting their access to sensitive information. Staff logins also let you check which updates and changes made by each staff in your store's timeline.

When you sign up for a Shopify store, you automatically have an account for yourself with a username and a password. Depending on the plan that you choose, you can create additional logins for your staff:

Shopify LiteBasic ShopifyShopifyAdvanced Shopify

If you are using Shopify POS and your store is on the Shopify plan or higher, then you can create POS PINs for your staff. There is no limit to the number of POS PINs that you can create.

