将在线商店迁移到 Shopify 的事项清单

如果您想将现有的电子商务业务迁移到 Shopify,请使用此清单来指导您完成此过程。您不妨打印此清单或将其下载为 PDF 文档,以方便您有条不紊地完成整个在线商店的设置。



  • 寻找当地专家,为您的商店获取税务和法律方面的建议

  • 选择要使用的销售道

  • 如果您想进行当面销售,请了解 Shopify的POS硬件

  • 考虑需要的定价套餐

  • 下载 Shopify Store Importer应用,以便迁移您的产品、客户列表和订单

将商店迁移到 Shopify

  • 将商店迁移到 Shopify,然后再开始配置商店设置。

  • 参阅我们详细的商店迁移指南,了解所有商家迁移其电子商务业务时应考虑的11个重要步骤

  • 验证您的商店资产始终可供访,从URL中除特定协议,例如 http和 https

  • 创建URL重定向(如果需要),以便您的当前客户能够找到您的新商店

  • 迁移您的博客文章和其他文章

  • 使用 Shopify Import通过CSV文件导入产品、客户和库存


在 Shopify 商店中存放产品之前,您需要输入一些有关您自己以及商店的信息。您需要确定有关产品清单和客户交易的一些基本标准。此外,您还需要设置您的域名,确保您的客户可以在线找到您的商店。


商店的外观和销售的产品种类是在线商店最重要的两个方面。试用一些不同的模板以选出最合适的外观效果,然后添加一些产品以开始销售。根据您计划提供的产品数,添加并整理产品清单可能是 Shopify 商店设置中最为耗时的步骤。务必给自己足够的时间来添加产品,将它们整理到组中,并设置必要的税费和发货信息。



  • 测试成功和失败的交易

  • 测试退款和取消订单

  • 测试为订单发货和部分发货

  • 测试对成功的订单进行存档

  • 了解shopify的欺诈分析设置




推出在线商店后,您的业务可能会从向 Shopify 商店添加一些其他在线渠道中获益。在线销售时,您可以将多个在线渠道添加到 Shopify 后台。

备注:每个销售渠道都有基于您所在区域、产品类型(有时还基于您的商店的 Shopify 订阅套餐)的资格要求。

  • 通过Buy Button销售

  • 通过Facebook销售渠道在Facebook和Instagram上操作



  • 定义您的主页元数据

  • 推广您的商店

  • 制定营销计划

  • 设置Shopify Email并发送给您的第一个电子邮件营销宣传活动

  • 改进商店的SEO

  • 使用折扣码和促销手段

  • 自定义弃购营销邮件

  • 在shopify Inbox中阅读和回复消息


Checklist for migrating your online store to Shopify

If you want to migrate your existing ecommerce business to Shopify, then use this checklist to help guide you through the process. You might find it helpful to print this checklist or to download it as a PDF so that you can refer to it throughout the setup process.

Before you start

Before you migrate your business, make sure that you consider the following choices.

  • Find local experts to get advice on taxes and laws for your business

  • Choose which sales channels you want to use 

  • If you're interseted in selling in person, then learn about Shopify's point of sale hardware

  • Think about which pricing plan you need

  • Download the Shopify Store Inporter app to migrate your products, cutomer lists, and orders. 

Migrate your business to Shopify

Migrate your store to Shopify before you start configuring your store settings.

  • Refer to our detailed guide about migrating your store for eleven important steps all merchants should consider when migrating their ecommerce business

  • Verify that your store assets are always accessible removing specific protocols such as http: and https: from their urls

  • Create a URL redirects if necessary so that your current customers can find your new store

  • Migrate your blog posts and articles

  • Use Shopify Import to import products, customers, and inventory as CSV files

Set up your online store

Before you stock your Shopify store with products, you need to enter some information about yourself and your store. You need to decide on some basic standards for your product listings and customer transactions. Also, you need to set up your domain to make sure that your customers can find your store online.

Organize your online store

Your store's appearance and the kinds of products that you sell are two of the most important parts of your online store. Try a few different themes to see which one looks best, and then add some products to sell. Depending on how many products you plan to offer, adding and organizing your product listings can be the most time-consuming step of setting up a Shopify store. Be sure to give yourself plenty of time to add your products, to organize them into groups, and to set the necessary tax and shipping information.

Test your online store

Before you launch your online store, place some test orders to see how the checkout process works.

  • Test successful and failed transactions

  • Test refunding and canceling orders

  • Test fullfuilling and partially fufilling orders

  • Test archiving successful orders

  • Learn about Shopify's fraud analysis settings

Open your online store

After you've picked a plan and tested your online store, you're ready for people to see it. You can remove your online store password, and add a chat widget to make it easy for online store visitors to ask questions.

Add other online sales channels

After you launch your online store, your business might benefit from adding some other online channels to your Shopify store. There are several online channels that you can add to your Shopify admin when selling online.


Each sales channel has eligibility requirements based on your region, your product types, and sometimes on your store's Shopify subscription plan. For more details, refer to your plan's features.

  • Sell with Buy Buttons

  • Sell on Facebook and Instagram with the Facebook sales channel

Promote your online store

After you launch your online store, you need to promote it. You can improve your store's visibility by adding the information that will be used by search engines and by promoting your store in all of the appropriate spaces.

  • Define your home page metadata

  • Promote your store

  • Create a marketing plan

  • Set up Shopify Email and send your first email marketing campaign

  • Improve your store's SEO

  • Use discount codes and sales

  • Customize your abandoned cart emails

  • Read and respond to message in Shopify Inbox

