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Shopify 支持多种付款方式,但使用 Shopify 在线接收付款的最简单方式是使用 Shopify Payments。

备注:Shopify Payments 仅适用于某些国家/地区的商店。有关受支持国家/地区的列表,请参阅我可以使用 Shopify Payments 吗?

如果使用 Shopify Payments,无需设置第三方支付服务提供商或商家账户即可接收付款。Shopify Payments 与您的商店完全集成,让您可以在一个地方管理业务和财务。


  1. 在Shopify 后台中,转到设置 > 付款。

  2. 在信用卡收款部分中,点击添加提供商。

  3. 选择 Shopify Payments,然后点击继续。

  4. 在 Shopify Payments 部分中,点击完成账户设置。

  5. 输入关于商店和银行信息的所需详细信息。

  6. 点击完成账户设置。


  1. 在 Shopify 应用中,转到商店 > 设置。

  2. 在 Store settings(商店设置)下,轻触付款。

  3. 在信用卡收款部分中,点击添加提供商。

  4. 选择 Shopify Payments,然后点击继续。

  5. 在 Shopify Payments 部分中,点击完成账户设置。

  6. 输入关于商店和银行信息的所需详细信息。

  7. 点击完成账户设置。

设置 Shopify Payments 后,您可以配置设置或在商店中进行测试交易。


Set up a payment method

Shopify supports a variety of payment methods, but the simplest way to accept payments online using Shopify is Shopify Payments.


Shopify Payments is available only to stores in certain countries. For a list of supported countries, see Can I use Shopify Payments?.

Shopify Payments eliminates the need to set up a third-party payment provider or merchant account to accept payments. Shopify Payments comes fully integrated with your store, and lets you manage your business and financials in one place.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Payments.

  2. In the Accept credit cards section, click Add a provider.

  3. Select Shopify Payments, and then click Continue.

  4. In the Shopify Payments section, click Complete account setup.

  5. Enter the required details about your store and your banking information.

  6. Click Complete account setup.


  1. From the Shopify app, go to Store > Settings.

  2. Under Store settings, tap Payments.

  3. In the Accept credit cards section, click Add a provider.

  4. Select Shopify Payments, and then click Continue.

  5. In the Shopify Payments section, click Complete account setup.

  6. Enter the required details about your store and your banking information.

  7. Click Complete account setup.

After you've set up Shopify Payments, you can configure your settings or make a test transaction on your store.

