Shopify-Transporter 应用的问题排查

Transporter 应用在将记录作为对象进行处理和导入时可能会遇到错误。



  • Shopify API 出现 bug,无法保存

此错误可能由几个不同的原因导致。最常见原因是某个元字段在一条记录中多次出现。Transporter 应用不支持包含重复元字段的记录。如果删除重复的元字段无法解决此问题,请联系 Shopify 支持。

  • 失败。响应代码 = 400。响应消息 = 错误请求

Transporter 应用无法在 Shopify 中创建对象,因为数据中存在错误。此错误通常由数据格式不正确导致。请确保您的数据符合以下要求:

  • 货币值必须以 ISO 4217 格式指定(例如,美元)。

  • 国家/地区、省/州和邮政编码必须有效。

  • 电话号码必须采用有效的格式、国家/地区代码和区号。

  • 邮箱必须包含有效的域名。

  • 财务状态必须是允许的值之一。

  • 发货状态必须是允许的值之一。

  • 布尔值必须指定为 true 或 false。

  • 如果输入小数值,则任何要求整数的列(例如,产品 CSV 中的产品多属性库存数量或订单 CSV 中的订单产品数量)都将不会导入。例如,输入 5,而非 5.0。某些电子表格软件(如 Numbers)可以将小数或浮点值显示为整数。请在文本编辑器中检查您的值。

  • 如果您输入非数字值(如字母),则需要整数的任何列(例如订单 CSV 文件中的总重量或交易地点 ID)都将不会导入。

  • 值类型未包含在列表中


  • Column-name 无效

此错误可能由几个不同的原因导致。例如,此错误可能由列中区分大小写导致。对于接受值列表的列,您需要遵循列描述中使用的大小写。例如,在订单 CSV 中,Financial Status(财务状态)列中的值区分大小写。这意味着如果您输入 Paid(已支付)而不是 paid(已支付),则会出现 Financial Status is invalid(财务状态无效)错误。检查其余列,确保您输入的值遵循正确的格式。

  • 订单状态无效 - 无法同时处于“已发货”和“已取消”状态

Shopify 无法创建同时具有“已发货”和“已取消”状态的订单。如果满足以下两个条件,则会出现此错误:

  • 订单具有 cancelled_at 时间戳。

  • 订单的 fulfillment_status 设置为已发货或部分发货。

如果财务状态设置为已退款,则可以成功创建具有 cancelled_at 时间戳且 fulfillment_status 设置为已发货或部分发货的订单。


Troubleshooting the Transporter app

The Transporter app can encounter errors when it processes your records and imports them as objects.

Common error codes

Common file errors include:

  • Encountered a bug in the Shopify API, unable to save

This error can appear for a few different reasons. THe most common cause of this error is a single metafield appearing more than once for a record. The Transporter app does not support records with duplicate metafields. If removing duplicate metafields doesn't resolve the issue, contact Shopify support.

  • Failed. Response code = 400. Response message = Bad Request

The Transporter app cannot create the object in Shopify because there are errors in the data. This is often caused by formatting the data incorrectly. Ensure that your data meets these requirements:

  • Currency values must be specified in ISO 4217 format (for example, USD).

  • Country, province/state, and postal/zip codes must be valid.

  • Phone numbers must be valid formats, country codes, and area codes.

  • Email addresses must have valid domains.

  • Financial Status must be one of the allowed values.

  • Fulfillment Status must be one of the allowed values.

  • Boolean values must be specified as true or false.

  • Any columns that require an integer (such as Product Variant Inventory Quantity in the product CSV or Lineitem Quantity in the orders CSV) will not import if you enter a decimal value. For example, enter 5 instead of 5.0. Some spreadsheet software (such as Numbers) can display decimal or floating point values as integers. Check your values in a text editor.

  • Any column that requires an integer (such as Total weight or Transaction Location ID in the orders CSV), will not import if you enter non-numeric values (such as letters).

  • Value type is not included in list

Check the values in the metafield columns. To import metafields, you need to include values in all of the following columns: Metafield Namespace, Metafield Key, Metafield Value, and Metafield Value Type. This error often occurs because there is an empty or invalid value in one or more of these columns.

  • Column-name is invalid

This error can appear for a few different reasons. For example, this error can occur because a column is case sensitive. For columns that accept a list of values, you need to follow the case that is used in column descriptions. For example, in the orders CSV the values in the Financial Status column are case sensitive. This means that if you entered Paid instead of paid, then the Financial Status is invalid error will occur. Check the rest of your columns to make sure that the values you've entered follow the correct format.

Invalid order status - cannot be both fulfilled and canceled

Shopify can't create orders that are both fulfilled and canceled. This error will occur if the following conditions are both true:

  • The order has a cancelled_at timestamp set.

  • The order has fulfillment_status set to fulfilled or partial.

An order that has a cancelled_at timestamp set and fulfillment_status set to fulfilled or partial can be created successfully if financial_status is set to refunded.

