从 Square 迁移到 Shopify

您可以将您的产品、库存和客户数据从 Square 迁移到 Shopify。您需要先从 Square 中导出数据,然后才可将其导入 Shopify







产品图片和自定义属性不会导入。您需要在 Shopify 商店中添加产品图片。



如果您的商店有超过 50,000 个产品多属性,则您每天只能创建 1,000 个产品多属性。

Shopify Plus

此多属性创建限制不适用于使用 Shopify Plus 套餐的商店。


若要导入多地点库存,您首先需要在 Shopify 中创建多个地点。Shopify 中的名称必须与 Square 中的名称完全匹配。在导出的 CSV 文件中,您可以在包含 Current Quantity 的列中找到确切的地点名称。

如果您在 Shopify 中创建多个地点之前尝试导入多地点库存,库存将无法导入。

5.以价格 0 导入的可变价格产品

具有可变价格或按地点确定价格的产品在导入后的价格为 0,并且不会在任何销售渠道中供应。系统会提示您查看这些产品,并针对每个受影响的产品设置价格。

## 在现有导入的顶部导入数据


  • 如果您的 Shopify 商店或之前的导入中已包含客户,则这些客户将会更新。客户首先进行邮箱匹配,如果找不到邮箱匹配项,则进行电话号码匹配。如果找到匹配项,则会更新现有记录,如下所示:

  • 免税和营销订阅状态将被覆盖。

  • 将添加导入内容中的标签、地址和备注。

  • 如果现有记录中的名字、姓氏或电话号码字段为空,并且已包含在导入的客户记录中,则会添加这些字段。

  • 如果导入包含您 Shopify 商店中已有的产品,则会跳过导入中的匹配产品,而不会将其导入。导入完成后,导入摘要中会显示跳过产品的列表。


Migrating from Square to Shopify

You can migrate your product, inventory, and customer data from Square to Shopify. You need to export your data from Square before you can import it to Shopify.

Troubleshooting data import errors

If you encounter errors when you import your data with the CSV file, review the solutions to common product CSV import problems.

If you notice that your data did not import as expected, review the following solutions.

1.Import was successful with changes

When your import is finished, the import summary page shows you the details of your import. Review the messages in the review section of the import summary for any errors. You can edit your imported information manually by clicking View items next to these messages.

2.Some products or customers records failed to import

If some of your products or customers didn't import, then you can add a product or add a customer.

Product images and custom attributes do not import. You need to add product images in your Shopify store.

Any customers with the same email address or phone number aren't included in an import. If two or more customers share an email address or phone number, then only the most recently created customer entry is imported.

3.Limits on product variant creation

If your store has more than 50,000 product variants, then you are limited to creating 1,000 product variants per day.

Shopify Plus

This variant creation limit doesn’t apply to stores on the Shopify Plus plan.

4.Multi-location inventory failed to import

In order to import multi-location inventory, you first need to create the locations in Shopify. The names in Shopify need to match the names in Square exactly. You can find the exact location names in the exported CSV file in the columns that contain Current Quantity.

If you attempt to import multi-location inventory before the locations have been created in Shopify, then the inventory will fail to import.

5.Products with variable prices imported with price of 0

Products that have variable prices or per-location prices have price of 0 after they are imported, and they are not available in any of your sales channels. You are prompted to review these products and set product prices for each of the impacted products.

