Shopify 中创建和使用标签


  • 产品

  • 转移

  • 客户

  • 博客文章

  • 订单

  • 草稿订单







  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,点击产品、转移、客户、博客文章或草稿订单。

  2. 勾选要对其进行标签操作的产品、转移、客户、博客文章或草稿订单。

  3. 点击“添加标签”或“删除标签”。

  4. 点击要添加或删除的标签。

  5. 单击保存。



  1. 在 Shopify 后台,点击订单。

  2. 勾选要对其添加或删除标签的订单。

  3. 点击“添加标签”或“删除标签”。

  4. 点击要添加或删除的标签。

  5. 单击保存。


  1. 在订单页面上,点击所有订单。

  2. 轻触 ...。

  3. 点击选择订单。

  4. 点击要对其添加或删除标签的订单。

  5. 点击更多行动。

  6. 点击“添加标签”或“删除标签”。

  7. 点击要添加或删除的标签。

  8. 轻触保存。


  1. 在订单页面上,点击所有订单。

  2. 轻触 ⋮。

  3. 点击选择订单。

  4. 点击要对其添加或删除标签的订单。

  5. 点击更多行动。

  6. 点击“添加标签”或“删除标签”。

  7. 点击要添加或删除的标签。

  8. 轻触保存。


Creating and using tags in Shopify

You can add tags to group, search, filter, and make bulk changes to items in the following sections:

  • Products

  • Transfers

  • Customers

  • Blog posts

  • Orders

  • Draft Orders

Tags aren't displayed to customers, but you can use tags to categorize products on your online store and organize search results for customers.

For example, at the end of the summer season, you can search for your products with the 'Summer' tag in your Products page, and use a bulk action to hide them from your sales channels.

Add and remove tags in bulk

You add and remove tags on multiple products, transfers, customers, blog posts, orders, or draft orders using bulk actions on Desktop. Order tags can also be added and removed in bulk on Mobile.

Bulk edit Product, Transfer, Customer, Blog post, and Draft Order tags


  1. From your Shopify admin, click Products, Transfers, Customers, Blog posts, or Draft Orders.

  2. Check the product, transfer, customer, blog post, or draft order you want to tag.

  3. Click Add tags or Remove tags.

  4. Click the tags that you want to add or remove.

  5. Click Save.

Bulk edit Order tags


  1. From your Shopify admin, click Orders.

  2. Check the orders that you want to add or remove a tag from.

  3. Click Add tags or Remove tags.

  4. Click the tags to that you want to add or remove.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Bulk edit Order tags


  1. On the Orders page, tap All orders.

  2. Tap ....

  3. Tap Select orders.

  4. Tap the orders that you want to add or remove a tag from.

  5. Tap More actions.

  6. Tap Add tags or Remove tags.

  7. Tap the tags that you want to add or remove.

  8. Tap Save.


  1. On the Orders page, tap All orders.

  2. Tap ⋮.

  3. Tap Select orders.

  4. Tap the orders that you want to add or remove a tag from.

  5. Tap More actions.

  6. Tap Add tags or Remove tags.

  7. Tap the tags that you want to add or remove.

  8. Tap Save.

