使用 Shopify Inbox 所需的员工权限

店主和拥有所有可用权限的员工可以使用所有 Shopify Inbox 功能。只有拥有所有可用权限的员工才能管理聊天服务时间。零售员工无法访问 Shopify Inbox。

若要使用团队对话,您需要将有权访问 Shopify Inbox 的员工添加为您商店中的员工。员工需要以下权限才能访问所有 Shopify Inbox 功能。

  • 管理聊天服务时间

  • 回复客户并管理已保存的回复

  • 分享产品

  • 分享折扣码或查看其他员工创建的折扣码

  • 创建草稿订单或查看其他员工创建的草稿订单


使员工能够管理连接到 Shopify Inbox 的聊天应用。



Required staff permissions for Shopify Inbox

Store owners and staff who have all the available permissions can use all the Shopify Inbox features. Only staff who have all the available permissions can manage chat availability. Retail staff don't have access to Shopify Inbox.

To use team conversations, you need to add staff who have access to Shopify Inbox as staff members in your store. The staff members need the following permissions to access all the Shopify Inbox features.

Required permissionDescription
ProductsEnables your staff to share products.
CustomersEnables your staff to perform the following tasks:
  • manage chat availability

  • respond to custers and manage saved replies

  • share products

  • share discount codes or view discount codes that were created by other staff

  • create a draft order or view draft orders that were created by other staff

DiscountsEnables your staff to share discount codes or access discount codes that were shared by other staff.
App and channel access

Enables your staff to manage chat apps that are connected to Shopify Inbox.

You only need to give this permission to the staff members who you want to manage apps and sales channels. Staff members who do not have this permission can still use the apps and sales channels. 

