


  1. Shopify 后台中,点击设置,然后点击用户和权限

  2. 点击合作者的姓名。

  3. 点击删除合作者账户删除合作者账户

  4. 在确认对话框中,点击删除

该合作者将从 Shopify 后台中被永久删除。如果您想再次授予合作者访问权限,该合作者需要重新发送合作者请求。


店主可以选择一名员工作为店主,然后将商店所有权转让给该员工。此过程仅适用于转让商店所有权。如果您想转让组织所有权,请联系 Shopify Plus 客服。



  • 您的商店一次只能有一名店主。只有店主具有对 Shopify 后台所有部分的完整访问权限,并且可以管理账户详细信息。如果您选择其他员工作为店主,您将失去不受限制的访问权限,并且以后无法管理员工权限。

  • 如果您通过 Exchange 市场交易转让商店的所有权,Shopify 账户团队便会发起所有权转让。如果您在 Exchange 市场交易期间尝试自行转让所有权,会永久无法使用 Exchange 市场。


  1. 以店主身份登录您的商店。

  2. Shopify 后台中,点击设置,然后点击用户和权限

  3. 点击转让所有权

  4. 输入新店主的电子邮件。如果新店主不是现有员工,还需要输入他们的姓名。

  5. 输入您的密码以确认更改。

  6. 点击转让商店所有权



您应定期查看员工登录历史记录,以便检查是否有未知的 ISP、位置或 IP 地址曾访问过账户。这可能表明该账户已被盗用。


  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,点击设置,然后点击用户和权限

  2. 点击员工的姓名。


  • 日期

  • IP 地址

  • ISP(Internet 服务提供商)

  • 员工登录时的地点

  • Web 浏览器和操作系统版本(您可以通过将鼠标悬停在信息符号上来查看此信息)。


Remove collaborators

You can permanently remove collaborators from your store. You can't undo this action.


  1. From your Shopify admin, click Settings, and then click Users and permissions.

  2. Click the collaborator's name.

  3. Click Delete collaborator account or Remove collaborator account.

  4. In the confirmation dialog, click Delete.

The collaborator is removed permanently from your Shopify admin. If you want to give a collaborator access again, then the collaborator needs to resend their collaborator request.

Transfer store ownership

The store owner can choose another staff to be the store owner and transfer the store ownership to them. This process only applies to transferring store ownership. If you want to transfer organization ownership, then contact Shopify Plus Support.

Considerations for transferring store ownership

Before you transfer store ownership, consider the following:

  • Your store can have only one store owner at a time. Only the store owner has complete access to every part of the Shopify admin and can manage the account details. If you choose another staff to be the store owner, then you lose this unrestricted access, and can't manage staff permissions in future.

  • If you transfer ownership of your store through an Exchange Marketplace transaction, then the Shopify accounts team initiates the transfer of ownership. If you attempt to transfer the ownership yourself during an Exchange Marketplace transaction, then you're permanently unable to use Exchange Marketplace.


  1. Log in to your store as the store owner.

  2. From your Shopify admin, click Settings, and then click Users and permissions.

  3. Click Transfer ownership.

  4. Enter the email of the new store owner. If the new store owner isn't existing staff, then you need to enter their name, too.

  5. Enter your password to confirm the change.

  6. Click Transfer store ownership.

View login history

As the store owner or staff with the Edit permissions permission, you can review the login history of any staff. Staff can review their individual login histories as well.

You should review staff login histories periodically to check that there hasn't been access from unknown ISPs, locations, or IP addresses. This could be a sign that the account has been compromised.


  1. From your Shopify admin, click Settings, and then click Users and permissions.

  2. Click the staff's name.

In the Recent login history section, you can review the five most recent login sessions and the following information about each session:

  • Date

  • IP address

  • ISP (internet service provider)

  • Staff location at login

  • Web browser and operating system version (you can review this by hovering over the information symbol).

