
查找有关 Shopify 账单的一些常见问题答案。

我的 Shopify 账单接受哪些付款方式

您可以使用以下付款方式支付 Shopify 账单(一次性或定期费用):

  • Mastercard、Visa 或 American Express 的有效信用卡

  • Mastercard、Visa 或 American Express 的联名借记卡

  • 有些地区可使用 PayPal

如果您位于美国并且使用 Shopify Plus套餐,则您可以使用经过验证的银行

Shopify 通过定期付款收取大部分费用。定期付款按固定周期进行。账单周期各不相同,并且并非所有周期都是同步的,也有例外情况,例如您开始使用账单周期为 30 天的套餐,并在同一天安装所有应用。

若要了解详细信息,请参阅 Shopify 账单的付款方式



  • 如果您使用的不是 Mastercard、Visa 或 American Express 的有效信用卡来支付您的 Shopify 账单,您的付款方式可能会被拒绝。

  • 如果您使用借记卡,则必须是 Mastercard、Visa 或 American Express 的联名借记卡。不可使用非联名借记卡。

  • 您的信用卡要能支持以美元定期付款。

  • 您的信用卡需要具有国际交易功能。



如果您的付款方式被拒绝并且您使用的是 Mastercard、Visa 或 American Express 的有效信用卡,请与您的银行联系以获取帮助。


Billing FAQ

Find answers to some commons questions about Shopify bills.

Which payment methods are accepted for my Shopify bill?

You can pay for your Shopify bills (one-time or recurring) by using the following payment methods:

  • a valid credit card from Mastercard, Visa, or American Express

  • a debit card that is co‑branded with Mastercard, Visa, or American Express

  • PayPal in some regions

If you're in the United States and you're on the Shopify Plus plan, then you can use a verified bank

Most of the fees charged by Shopify are recurring payments. Recurring payments occur on a regular cycle. These billing cycles vary and are not all in sync unless, for example, you start on a plan with 30-day billing and install all of your apps on the same day.

For more information, see Payment methods for your Shopify bills.

Why was my payment method rejected?

Check the following possibilities:

  • Your payment method might be rejected if you aren't using a valid credit card from Mastercard, Visa, or American Express to pay your Shopify bills.

  • If you use a debit card, then it must be co‑branded with Mastercard, Visa, or American Express. You can't use debit cards that are not co‑branded.

  • Your credit card needs to allow for recurring payments in USD.

  • Your credit card needs to have international capabilities.

Learn more about payment methods.

What should I do if my payment method is rejected?

If your payment method is rejected and you are using a valid credit card from Mastercard, Visa, or American Express, then please contact your bank for assistance.

