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管理 Shopify 账户

设置页面中,您可以管理账单周期、账单信息、Shopify 订阅套餐、商店类型以及商店状态。



您的账户标识为 .myshopify.com,这是您首次设置 Shopify 账户时设置的 URL。

如果您联系 Shopify 支持寻求帮助,他们将询问您的 URL。您需要提供您的 URL 以验证您是店主。如果您为商店设置了自定义域名,则您的 .myshopify.com URL 将与面向客户的 URL 不同。

即使您更改了面向客户的在线商店名称或法定公司名称,您的 .myshopify.com URL 也将保持不变。

若要查找您的 .myshopify.com URL,请在登录您的商店后台时参考浏览器的地址栏:


账单周期计费循环是两笔账单之间的时间长度。您可以增加此时间间隔,但是您不能选择在某个月的哪一天收到账单。默认账单周期为每 30 天一次,与您商店的 Shopify 订阅套餐相关的价格包含在每个周期结束时发出的账单中。



  1. 以店主身份登录您的商店。

  2. 在 Shopify 后台中,点击设置,然后点击套餐

  3. 点击更改套餐

  4. 点击更改您的账单周期。如果您没有看到更改账单周期按钮,则无法延长当前套餐的账单周期。如果您未看到链接,请找到您当前使用的套餐,然后点击选择套餐

  5. 显示账单选项后,选择所需的账单周期。

  6. 查看您将同意的信用卡费用说明。

  7. 点击确认更改以接受新协议。




如果您的信用卡号发生变更,请确保在您的 Shopify 账户中进行更新。


  1. 以店主身份登录您的商店。

  2. 转到设置 > 账单

  3. 账单信息部分,点击更换信用卡

  4. 填写信用卡信息字段,然后点击确认




  1. 以店主身份登录您的商店。

  2. 转到设置 > 账单

  3. 账单信息部分,点击更换信用卡

  4. 点击更新账单地址

  5. 填写您的账单地址,然后点击确认


Managing your Shopify account

From the Settings page, you can manage your billing cycle, billing information, Shopify subscription plan, store type, and store status.

To learn more about staff permissions that are controlled by store owners, refer to Staff permissions. To learn how to change your store status, refer to Pausing or deactivating your store.

Authenticate your account

Your account is identified with a .myshopify.com URL, which is set when you first set up your Shopify account.

Shopify support will ask for your URL if you contact them for help. You need to provide your URL to verify that you are the store owner. If you set up a custom domain for your store, then your .myshopify.com URL will be different from your customer-facing URL.

Even if you change your customer-facing online store name or your legal business name, your .myshopify.com URL will remain the same.

To find your .myshopify.com URL, refer to your browser's address bar when you are logged in to your store's admin:

Update your billing period

The billing period, or billing cycle, is the length of time between bills. You can increase this time interval, but you can't choose which day of the month you receive the bill on. The default billing cycle is every 30 days, and the price associated with your store's Shopify subscription plan is included in the bill issued at the end of each cycle.

If the option is available for your plan, then you can earn a discount by agreeing to a longer billing cycle.


  1. Log in to your store as the store owner.

  2. From your Shopify admin, click Settings, and then click Plan.

  3. Click Change plan.

  4. Click Change your billing period. If you don't see the Change your billing period button, then you can't increase the billing cycle for your current plan. If you don't see the link, find the plan that you're on, and then click Choose plan.

  5. When the billing options are shown, select the billing cycle that you want.

  6. Review the description of the credit card charges that you're agreeing to.

  7. Click Confirm changes to accept the new agreement.

Update your billing information

Your billing information includes your credit card number and your billing address. If you need to update your billing information, then you can access it from the Settings menu in your admin.

Change your credit card details

If your credit card number changes, then make sure that you update it in your Shopify account.


  1. Log in to your store as the store owner.

  2. Go to Settings > Billing.

  3. In the Billing information section, click Replace credit card.

  4. Complete the credit card information fields, then click Confirm.

Change your billing address

If you change the address that's associated with your credit card, then make sure to update your billing information.


  1. Log in to your store as the store owner.

  2. Go to Settings > Billing.

  3. In the Billing information section, click Replace credit card.

  4. Click Update billing address.

  5. Fill in your billing address, then click Confirm.

