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Shopify针对 Exchange 产品页面的最佳做法是什么?


针对 Exchange 产品页面的最佳做法





包含条理清晰的详细描述的产品页面在 Exchange 上售出的机会更大。

精心撰写的专业产品页面比缺少信息的产品页面效果要更好。若要改进您的产品页面,可在其中添加以下信息:您创建商店的原因、您出售商店的原因,以及经营商店所涉及的工作摘要。有关创建产品页面的详细信息,请参阅创建 Exchange 市场产品页面。

如果您出售的 Shopify 商店包括自定义域名、社交媒体账户、电子邮件列表,以及售后个人支持,那么您同样可能会更快地找到买家。





  • 您的业务故事。您为何决定开始运营这项业务,您经营它多久了?

  • 在建立企业的过程中,您已经投入了哪些工作?

  • 您的销售中包括了哪些内容?除了商店本身外,是否还包括任何社交媒体账户、库存或域名?

  • 描述商业模式。您是使用代发货服务还是自己持有库存?买家想要了解他们如何能够从该企业中获益。

  • 您每月的平均利润是多少?您的总体利润率是多少?

  • 您是否要销售邮件列表?

  • 描述您与供应商的关系。

  • 您的商店使用的是哪种月度 Shopify 订阅套餐?

  • 您为吸引顾客做了哪些工作?在此处,您可以描述您商店的营销策略,例如广告宣传、与社交媒体网红的关系或成功的电子邮件宣传。

  • 您赢得客户付出了哪些成本?您可在此说明促成销售的成本。

  • 您有回头客吗?拥有忠诚客户的业务对希望立即开店并进行经营的买家具有吸引力。

  • 您为什么要出售商店?这有助于买家了解您并帮助他们确定您的商店是否是一项有利的投资。

  • 您将如何在未来五年内拓展业务?

  • 新所有者是否应具备任何特定技能或知识?

  • 您是否有任何月度软件费用?

  • 如果您是合作伙伴且正在销售开发商店,请考虑在您的产品页面中包含店面密码,以便潜在买家能查看您的商店。

备注:请勿在产品页面中包含您的联系信息。这可能会导致您永久地禁止使用 Exchange。所有通信往来必须在 Exchange 消息传送系统中进行。


让您的产品页面脱颖而出是在 Exchange 上快速找到买家最简单的方式之一。您可以在“业绩证明”部分上传图片,这些图片是产品页面的一个重要部分。在上传之前,请务必删除可能会出现在图中的任何个人或财务信息。



在产品页面中上传了至少 3 张图片的卖家更有可能收到买家的消息。请避免使用包含客户数据(例如电子邮件、姓名和电话号码)的屏幕截图。如果您在考虑要上传哪种类型的图片时需要帮助,下面是我们的建议。 

  1. Facebook 广告管理工具的屏幕截图。

    买家希望详细了解您的广告支出、宣传活动投放数量、转化率、每次点击费用等相关信息。通过使用 Facebook 的广告管理工具,可以深入了解商店的广告效果。上传这些统计信息的照片可对自动添加到产品页面中的收入数据进行极大的补充。

  2. Google Analytics 报告

    您是否有希望在产品页面突出展示的有趣 Google Analytics 报告?截取屏幕截图并将它上传到产品页面的业绩证明部分。在决定与您联系前,买家会认为有价值的报告示例包括:购买渠道、转化率和按时间段显示流量。上传来自 Google Analytics 的信息有助于在买家验证您商店的业绩。

  3. Shopify 提供的报告。

    Shopify 后台的“分析”选项卡中包含很多有用的报告。虽然 Exchange 会自动提取您商店存在期间的总收入和流量信息,但您还可以使用其他报告来增加您的产品页面对买家的吸引力。可能有用的报告包括客单价报告、复购率报告、转化率报告、总订单数报告以及您认为能够让产品页面脱颖而出的任何其他报告。

  4. 社交媒体洞察。

    Instagram 和 Facebook 提供了可轻松访问的报告,其中显示了与您的关注者相关的重要信息。请尝试上传社交页面参与率的屏幕截图、您关注者的特征以及社交媒体内容的覆盖范围。

  5. 其他想法。


  • 客户正面评论的屏幕截图

  • 博客中或社交媒体网红的提及

  • 上面有您的产品的新闻媒体照片

  • 您的仓库或运营场所的照片


Exchange 会自动为您生成您在线商店的屏幕截图。如果您在捕获自动屏幕截图后更新在线商店的模板,则需要发送电子邮件给 exchange-support@shopify.com。Shopify 可生成新的屏幕截图并上传。您可以请求更新屏幕截图,但不能完全删除它们。

若要添加业绩证明的图片,您需要自己截图。您可以通过在 Macs 上按 Shift-Command-4 或在 Windows 上按 Alt-Print Screen 来完成此操作。


Best practices for Exchange listings

Creating a listing is just like writing a description for your products. It's important to create a listing for your business that sparks the interest of buyers and help answer their questions. Your listing is ultimately what makes anyone thinking of buying a business decide whether or not to contact you and submit an offer when they're ready to buy.

A lot of the time people looking to buy a business have a specific idea for what they want, so creating a detailed and thoughtful description of your business helps them quickly decide whether your business is right for them.

The more information you include, the better your chances are of quickly finding a high-quality buyer. 

Listings that get the most interest

Listings with a detailed and organized description have a better chance of selling on Exchange.

A professional listing that was written carefully performs better than a listing with missing information. To improve your listing, include information like why you created the business, why you're selling the business, and a summary of the work involved in running the business. For more information on creating a listing, refer to Creating your Exchange Marketplace listing.

If the sale of your Shopify business includes a custom domain, social media accounts, an email list, and personal support after sale, then you're more likely to find someone to buy it.

Make use of the screenshots in your listing. You can upload a maximum of ten photos. When you're selecting screenshots to use, consider what the buyer would like to know. For example, the photos can include ads that you've created and screenshots of your sales and traffic reports.

What to include in your listing

Not sure what to include in your description? Here are some ideas for things to include that are important to buyers:

  • The story of your business. Why did you decide to start the business and how long have you been running it?

  • What work have you already put into building your business?

  • What's included in the sale? Aside from the business itself are there any social media accounts, inventory or domains that are included?

  • Describe the business model. Do you dropship or hold the inventory yourself? Buyers want to understand how they can make money from this business.

  • What is your average profit per month? What are your overall profit margins?

  • Are you selling a mailing list?

  • Describe your relationship with your suppliers.

  • Which monthly Shopify subscription plan does your business use?

  • What have you done to attract customers? Here you can describe your business's marketing strategies such as advertising campaigns, relationships with social media influencers, or successful email campaigns.

  • What is your cost of customer acquisition? Here you can explain what it costs to generate sales.

  • Do you have recurring customers? Businesses with loyal customers are attractive to buyers looking to get up and running immediately.

  • Why are you selling the business? This helps buyers understand you and helps them trust whether your business is a good investment.

  • How would you grow the business over the next five years?

  • Are there any specific skills or knowledge that the new owner should have?

  • Do you have any monthly software expenses?

  • If you're a Partner who is selling a development store, consider including the storefront password in your listing so prospective buyers can view your store.

Adding Proof of Performance to your listing

Making your listing stand out is one of the easiest ways to quickly find a buyer on Exchange. An important part of your listing are the photos that you can upload to your Proof of Performance section. Always remove any personal or financial information that might appear in a screenshot before uploading.

Your Proof of Performance not only helps your listings stand out but also gives buyers the information that is the most important to them at a glance. 

What to upload as Proof of Performance

People who upload at least 3 images to their listing have a much greater chance of receiving contacts from buyers. Avoid including screenshots that contain customer data like emails, names, and phone numbers. If you need help deciding what types of images you should upload, then here's what we recommend. 

  1. A screenshot of your Facebook ads manager.

    Buyers want to know more information about your ad spend, the number of campaigns you run, conversion rates, cost per click, and so on. Facebook's Ad Manager offers great insight into how your business is performing. Uploading a photo of these stats greatly complements the revenue data that is automatically added to your listing.

  2. Google Analytics reports.

    Have an interesting Google Analytics report that you'd like to show off in your listing? Take a screenshot and upload it to your listing's Proof of Performance. Some examples of reports that buyers will find valuable before deciding to contact you are: your purchase funnels, conversion rates, and traffic over time.  Uploading information from Google Analytics can help validate your business's performance in the mind of a buyer.

  3. Reports from Shopify.

    There are many valuable reports in the Analytics tab of your Shopify admin. Although Exchange automatically pulls your business's lifetime revenue and traffic information, there are other reports that make your listing appear much more appealing to buyers. Reports that might be useful include average order value, rates of returning customers, conversion rates, total orders report, and whichever other reports you feel could make your listing stand out.

  4. Social media insights.

    Both Instagram and Facebook have easy-to-access reports that show valuable information about your followers. Try uploading a screenshot of the engagement rate on your social pages, the demographics of your followers, and the reach of your social media content.

  5. Other ideas.

    Create a listing that shows your business's best side while sharing the honest information that buyers need to make a decision about buying. If you have any other assets that you want to show off in your listing, try uploading them to the Proof of Performance section. Some possibilities are:

  • Screenshots of positive customer reviews

  • Mentions in blogs or from social media influencers

  • Photos of media or press where your products have appeared in

  • A photo of your warehouse or place of operations

Not sure how to create a screenshot?

Exchange automatically generates a screenshot of your online store for you. If you update your online store’s theme after the automated screenshot is captured, you need to send an email to exchange-support@shopify.com. Shopify can generate a new screenshot and upload it for you. You can request that the generated screenshot be updated, but it can't be removed completely.

To add images of your Proof of Performance you need to take your own screenshot. You can do this by either pressing Shift-Command-4 on Macs, or Alt-Print Screen on Windows.

