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如果您有 Facebook 或 Pinterest 之类的社交销售渠道,则需要将其删除。这意味着如果买家成为店主之后决定安装销售渠道,则他们必须同意销售渠道的条款和条件。

要删除销售渠道,请在 Shopify 后台,点击主菜单中“销售渠道”旁边的 + 图标。




您可以在 Shopify 后台的分析选项卡中执行此操作。您应导出所有想要存储的内容,因为在买家成为新的所有者之后,您将无法再访问这些报告。


如果您的商店已签发纳税表单,请务必从 Shopify 后台的付款页面将其导出。转让所有权后,您将无法再访问这些表单。

如果您已满足 1099K 对最近纳税年度的要求,则您将需要与买家保持联系,以便他们可以在收到 1099K 后向您发送。您还可以联系 Shopify 支持,他们可以帮您与 Shopify 的对应团队进行对接,以便针对交付 1099K 进行安排。


如果您具有与 FedEx 或 USPS 等承运商相关联的账户,请务必删除这些账户。


最后,向买家授予员工权限。Shopify 账户团队会在 Escrow 交易结束后的三个工作日之内将买家的员工移交给店主。

准备好要转让的商店后,您可以在 Exchange 市场应用中完成资产转让阶段。将所有资产标记为已转让后,买家将收到通知并开始检验。


Disconnect Sales Channels that are linked to your social accounts

If you have social sales channels such as Facebook or Pinterest, you'll want to remove them. This means that your buyer must agree to the Terms and Conditions of the sales channels should they decide to install them once they become the business owner.

To remove Sales Channels, click on the + icon next to Sales Channels in the main menu of your Shopify admin.

Then, click the Manage Sales Channels link at the bottom of the pop-up window. From there, you can delete any Sales Channels that are linked to your social accounts.

Export sales reports

You'll want to make sure that you have your sales data backed up as it might be needed for tax purposes.

You can do this from the Analytics tab of your Shopify admin. You should export anything you'd like stored because after the buyer is made the new owner you will no longer have access to these reports.

Export tax forms

If your business has been issued tax forms, then be sure to export them from the Payments page in your Shopify admin. After the transfer, you will no longer have access to these forms.

If you've met the requirements for a 1099K for the most recent tax year, then you'll want to stay in contact with the buyer so that they can send you the 1099K when it's available. You can also contact the Shopify Support, who can connect you with the right team at Shopify to arrange for the delivery of your 1099K.

Disconnect shipping account

If you have connected accounts with carriers such as FedEx or USPS, make sure to remove them. 

Give your buyer "staff access" to the business

Finally, give staff permissions to your buyer. The Shopify Accounts team turns the buyer’s staff into a store owner within 3 business days of the Escrow transaction being finalized.

After you’ve prepared your business to be transferred, you can complete the transfer of assets stage in the Exchange Marketplace app. By marking that all assets have been transferred, the buyer will be notified to begin their inspection period.

