开始在 Exchange 市场上购买商店

您可以使用 Exchange 市场按诸多类别(包括商店类型和地点)浏览所有待售商店。您找到看似合适的商店之后即可开始购买流程。




所有交流都将在 Exchange 市场消息系统中完成,以便保护您免遭欺诈行为。

  1. 创建 Exchange 账户。可通过 Facebook 或 Google 完成此操作。

  2. 打开您想详细了解的商店清单。

  3. 点击联系卖家

  4. 撰写消息,并再次点击联系卖家按钮。

  5. 在 Buyer Inbox(买家收件箱)中查看回复。在台式机上,您可以通过点击您的姓名,然后点击收件箱来查看这些内容。如果您想在移动设备或平板电脑上访问买家收件箱,请选择菜单,然后点击收件箱



  • 您每周在该商店花费多少时间?

  • 运营企业需要什么技能?

  • 能否详细介绍一下商业模式?

  • 您采用什么类型的营销吸引客户?

  • 我能如何改善该商店?

  • 您的利润率是多少?

  • 您是否提供该商店的售后支持?

  • 交易中包含了哪些内容?

  • 您如何为订单发货?

  • 我可以确认运单号吗?

备注:请勿强迫卖家提供任何其他服务、披露卖家的个人联系信息、强迫卖家让您成为所有者或者鼓励卖家在交易时使用集成的 Escrow.com 付款流程以外的其他内容。

在您的初步问题得到解答之后,您会感到您与卖家建立了信任,您可能想询问他们是否可以与您分享一些更深入的信息。您的付款在 Escrow 中受到保护后,即可以申请员工访问权限

当您准备好购买时,请向卖家发送报价。可能需要进行一些协商,但在双方商定价格之后,卖家会向您发送 Escrow.com 交易,您可在其中安全支付并开始进行成为新所有者的流程。


如果在向店主发送消息后没有收到回复,这可能会令人沮丧。虽然 Exchange 无法代表您与卖家联系,但您联系的卖家可能正在回答其他潜在买家的问题,或者正在寻求其他买家的报价。


在您等待回复的同时,请继续浏览 Exchange 上待售的其他业务。每天都会添加新的产品页面。


Getting started with buying a business on Exchange Marketplace

You can use Exchange Marketplace to browse through all of the businesses for sale by a number of categories including business type and location. Once you find something that seems like a good fit the buying process begins.

Contacting a seller

Found a business you're interested in buying? The first step is to message the seller directly from their listing.

Contact a seller

All communication is to be done in the Exchange Marketplace messaging system in order to help protect you from fraudulent behavior.

  1. Create an Exchange account. This can be done with either Facebook or Google.

  2. Open the listing of a business you're interested in learning more about.

  3. Click Contact Seller.

  4. Write your message and click the Contact Seller button again.

  5. Look for replies in your Buyer Inbox. You can access this on desktop by clicking on your name, and then clicking Inbox. If you are on your mobile device or tablet and want to access your buyer inbox, select the menu then click Inbox.

Questions to ask the seller

It's a good idea to ask some questions to help you decide if the business you're interested is right for you. Here are some questions you might want to ask:

  • How much time do you spend on the business each week?

  • What skills do I need to run the business?

  • Can you tell me more about the business model?

  • What type of marketing do you do to attract customers?

  • What are some things I could do to improve the business?

  • What are your profit margins like?

  • Do you offer support after the business is sold?

  • What is included in this transaction?

  • How do you fulfill your orders?

  • Can I confirm the tracking numbers?

After your initial questions have been answered and you feel like you and the seller have built trust, you might want to ask if they can share some more in-depth information with you. Staff-access can be requested after your payment is secured in Escrow.

When you're ready to buy, send the seller an offer. There might some negotiation involved, but once you've settled on a price, the seller will send you an Escrow.com transaction where you can safely pay and start the process of becoming the new owner.

What should I do if I don't get a reply from the seller?

It can be frustrating to not hear back from the owner of the business after sending them a message. Although Exchange cannot contact the seller on your behalf, it's possible that the seller you contacted might be fielding questions from other potential buyers, or is already pursuing an offer with another buyer.

Some sellers receive a lot of interest and might not be able to respond to every message. This is why it's important to send a detailed, personalized message that stands out from the rest.

While you wait to hear back, continue browsing for other businesses for sale on Exchange. New listings are added every day.

