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在卖家为您创建了具有必要权限的员工后,您的检验期才能开始。卖家有责任为您创建该账户。在您接受卖家递交的资产并结束检验期后,Exchange 会删除卖家的账户所有者身份并将商店所有权移交给您。由于账户所有权更改不可撤销,请确保您严格遵循此检验指南。您还应确保在接受 Escrow 中的关联阶段之前,对要转让给您的所有账户都禁用两步验证。

备注:如果声明出售的资产和在检验期交付的资产之间存在差异,请立即向 exchange-support@shopify.com 发送电子邮件,以便 Escrow 和 Exchange 市场支持团队能够在销售结束前解决此问题。


Exchange 产品页面显示在线商店每月获得的访问总数。此数据直接从 Shopify 中提取,卖家无法对其进行编辑。访问被定义为唯一的页面浏览量。也就是说,您在每个产品页面上看到的访问数可能是对网站上的任何页面(包括主页和产品页面)的访问量。出售企业的人无法更改或编辑您在产品页面中看到的销售数据。作为企业的购买者,这能消除您的担心,让您知道看到的内容是真实的。



Shopify 账户的分析部分提供与您要购买的商店相关的宝贵洞察。在分析部分中的概述控制面板中,您将看到关于销售趋势、流量来源和客户的报告。如果您对概述控制面板中的任何内容存在疑问,则可以展开报告以查看详细信息或让卖家为您介绍这些报告的内容。您可以通过查看报告实时视图部分来更深入地了解商店的分析数据。



想进一步研究流量数据?请卖家提供其 Google Analytics 账户的只读权限。Google Analytics 会为您提供有关自动、直接、推荐、社交和其他类型流量的更深层信息。


在 Exchange 上发布待售商店的唯一方法就是使用 Shopify 出品的官方 Exchange 应用。通过此方法,Exchange 可以计算商店的销售额和流量数据。Exchange 通过提取最早自 2015 年 1 月 6 日起的可验证销售额历史记录来自动创建您可在产品页面查看的图表。卖家无法在创建产品页面之前或之后修改此数据。我们只能提取通过 Shopify 达成的销售的销售额数据。要求卖家向您提供有关费用以及在 Shopify 外进行的任何销售的详细信息。

目前,Exchange 不会验证卖家的利润率或每月平均利润。该信息由卖家提供。

您可以使用 Shopify 后台提供的 Analytics。这些数字有助于确定每日或每月的平均收入信息,以及关于客单价的数据和关于客户的更深入信息。

请务必知晓,Shopify 不会计算费用。因此,您应要求卖家为您提供其相关费用的详细信息。以下是您可能需要卖家提供的内容:

  • 来自 Facebook 或 Google Adsense 的用于广告支出花费的发票。

  • Shopify 的发票。

  • 应用订阅的发票。运营商店所需的 Shopify 应用有时会按月收取费用。

  • 产品成本。卖家应向您提供关于商店所售产品的成本信息。



转到 Shopify 账户后台的订单部分,检查该商店过去的所有订单。您需要检查的一些事项包括拒付数、已退款的订单和未发货的订单。您还可以查看运单号以确保其合法性。

更改商店所有权后,某些支付网关(例如 Shopify Payments)无法处理更改所有权之前所下订单的退款。在您验收任何阶段之前,请务必确认所有未清订单退款均已完成。




收入是在未计算支出时商店产生的总收入。Exchange 会为卖家计算商店收入,但只有卖家可以阐明其每月支出。

Shopify 商店最常见的费用就是按月收取的套餐费用,通常在每月 29-299 美元之间。许多商店还会在其商店中使用第三方应用,这可能也会产生每月费用。



应用是运营 Shopify 商店的重要组成部分。许多商店使用应用来为订单发货、购买发货标签或处理一些营销活动。

转到 Shopify 后台的“应用”部分,查看最近安装的应用。询问卖家关于这些应用、应用的用途以及是否收取定期费用的任何问题。




社交媒体对电子商务业务而言是有价值的资产。如果您在 Exchange 上购买某商店是因为该商店具有很高的社交媒体关注度,则应该确保卖家宣传的数字是符合实际的。



大多数 Shopify 商店都使用 Shopify Payments 处理付款。Shopify Payments 仅适用于某些国家和地区的商店。

检查商店是否满足使用 Shopify Payments 处理付款的所有法律要求。您可以通过查看您所在地区的 Shopify Payments 服务条款来验证此内容。






如果您要购买使用代发货或按需打印的商店,则您很可能将使用 DSers 或 Printful 等应用为订单发货。这些应用会为您处理发货流程,但您仍需确保这些应用的所有权已转让给您。卖家应负责为您执行这些更改。





当您在 Escrow.com 账户中将所有阶段标记为已接受或商定的检验期到期后,检验期将会结束。

当您接受后,Escrow.com 将向卖家发放款项。Exchange 方的人员会尽快与您联系,告知您已成为新的店主。

从您结束检验期到成为新商店和 Shopify 店主,可能最多需要三个工作日。在此期间,Exchange 将对账户进行必要的更改,以确保一切就绪,您可以成功接管。



Your inspection period guide

Your inspection period can't begin until the seller has created staff with the necessary permissions for you. It's the seller's responsibility to create this account for you. After you accept assets the seller has handed over and end the inspection period, Exchange will remove the seller as the account owner and hand ownership of the business to you. Because this account ownership change is not reversible, it's important that you follow this inspection guide carefully. You should also make sure that two-step authentication is disabled on all accounts being transferred to you before accepting their associated milestones in Escrow.

Verify and understand all traffic sources

Exchange listings display the total amount of sessions an online store gets each month. This data is pulled directly from Shopify and cannot be edited by the seller. A session is defined as a unique page view. This means that the number of sessions you see on each listing could be visits to any page on the website, including the home page and product pages. People selling businesses cannot change or edit the sales data you see in listings. As someone buying a business, this gives you peace of mind, knowing that what you see is what you get.

Understanding how much traffic an online store is generating is valuable in understanding how many of these visitors end up becoming customers. The higher a business's revenue compared to total traffic is a good indicator that the business has plenty of potential to make a profit.

Taking a closer look at the business's traffic trends is a great place to start your inspection. To get started, log in to the store and head to the Analytics section of the admin.

The Analytics page of the Shopify account provides valuable insight about the business you're purchasing. You can find reports on sales trends, traffic sources, and customers. If you notice anything on the Analytics page that raises questions, then you can expand the reports to find more information or ask the seller to walk you through these reports. You can look deeper into the store’s analytics by checking the Reports and Live view pages.

Ask the seller to look at traffic trends. If you notice any peculiar spikes or dives in traffic, then ask the seller for more information about the traffic for those dates. Understanding these trends is important to validate the traffic.

Most importantly, when analyzing the online store's traffic, be sure that the sources of the traffic are legitimate and can be recreated by you, the new owner.

Want to investigate traffic data further? Ask the seller for read-only permission to their Google Analytics account. Google Analytics will provide you with more in-depth information about organic, direct, referral, social and other types of traffic.

Confirm financial information

The only way to list a business for sale on Exchange is to use the official Exchange app made by Shopify. This way, Exchange can calculate the business's sales and traffic data. Exchange automatically creates the charts you see on listings by pulling their verifiable sales history from as far back as January 6th, 2015. There is no way for sellers to modify this data before or after the listing has been created. We can only pull data for sales that have been made through Shopify. Ask the seller to give you more information about expenses and any sales made outside of Shopify.

Currently, Exchange does not verify the seller's profit margins or average monthly profit. This information is supplied by the seller.

You can make use of the Analytics available in the Shopify admin. These numbers will be useful in determining average daily or monthly revenue information, as well as data about average order value and more in-depth information about customers.

It's important to know that Shopify does not calculate expenses. For this reason, you should ask the seller to provide you with detailed information about their expenses. Some things you might want to ask the seller to provide are:

  • Invoices from Facebook or Google Adsense for advertising spend amounts.

  • Invoices from Shopify.

  • Invoices for app subscriptions. Shopify apps that might be needed to run the business can sometimes charge a monthly fee.

  • Cost of goods. The seller should provide you with information about the cost of the goods sold by the business.

Gathering this information from the seller helps you verify that the average monthly profits reported by the seller in their listing are accurate.

Examine past orders

Go to the Orders section of the Shopify account admin to examine all past orders from the business. Some things you might want to check for are the number of chargebacks, refunded orders, and unfulfilled orders. You can also review tracking numbers to ensure their legitimacy.

After store ownership has changed, some payment gateways such as Shopify Payments can't process refunds for orders the were placed under previous ownership. It's important to that you verify that all outstanding order refunds are completed before you accept any milestones.

Although it's perfectly normal for an active business to have a small number of refunds issued or even the rare chargeback, it's very important that you double-check that all orders are marked as fulfilled by the seller.

If you notice many unfulfilled orders, be sure to ask the seller why. Once you become the new owner of the business, it's likely that customers could come to you for help. You can avoid this by inspecting the past orders to ensure that they've been fulfilled and paid for.

Review revenue

Revenue is the total income generated by the business before expenses. Exchange calculates the business's revenue for the seller, but only the seller can clarify what their monthly expenses are.

The most common expenses for a Shopify business are the monthly plan fees, which typically range from $29-$299 per month. Many businesses also use third-party apps on their shops which might also charge a monthly fee.

The revenue gives you a good idea as to how much potential the business has in generating income overall, but be sure to ask the seller to explain what their costs are.

Learn about the apps used by the seller

Apps can be an important part of running a Shopify business. Many businesses make use of apps to fulfill orders, purchase shipping labels, or handle some of the marketing.

Go to the Apps section of the Shopify admin to see which apps are currently installed. Ask the seller any questions you have about these apps, what they're used for, and if they charge a recurring fee.

It's also important that the seller change account ownership of these apps to you. If there are order fulfillment apps being used you can check the account information for yourself by heading into the specific app.

Not all apps require the seller to transfer ownership. Ask the seller to double check that you will have access to any required apps before you're made the new account owner.

Inspect social media accounts

Social media is a valuable asset to an ecommerce business. If you're purchasing a business on Exchange on the basis that it comes with a strong social media following, then you should ensure that the numbers the seller advertised match up.

After you have access to social media accounts, take a closer look at engagement and follower accounts to check that there is value in purchasing these assets from the seller. Although there is no way to ensure that the follower counts are quality, you can always take a look at conversations on posts.

Learn how to process payments

Most businesses on Shopify use Shopify Payments to process payments. Shopify Payments is available only to businesses in certain countries and regions.

Check that the business meets all the legal requirements to process payments using Shopify payments. You can verify this by looking over the Shopify Payments Terms of Service for your region.

If you live outside of these supported countries, then you can still process payments for the business, but you will need to find a supported third-party payment gateway.

If the seller is already using a third-party payment gateway, then ask them for more information about the sign-up process to ensure that when you become the new owner of the business you can start processing payments right away. 

Arrange supplier relationships and product licensing

Some products require a reseller's license. If you're not sure if the products being sold by the business require a license, then ask the seller if they have obtained the legal rights to sell their products and whether this licensing can be transferred to you.

Ask the seller who supplies their products. If it is a third-party supplier, then arrange to have the seller give you the contact information for the supplier to ensure that once you become the new owner you can order from the same supplier.

If you're purchasing a business that uses dropshipping or print on demand, then you will most likely be using an app like DSers or Printful to fulfill orders. These apps handle the fulfillment process for you, but you still need to ensure that the ownership of the app has been transferred to you. It is the seller's responsibility to make these changes for you.

Ask the seller about their customer support

A great way of gaining insight into the business is to understand the needs of the customers. Ask the seller if there are any ongoing customer support issues that need to be addressed, and about the best ways to address potential future issues. If there are any outstanding chargeback cases or returns that need to be arranged, then it is the seller's responsibility to handle these before you are made the new owner. Otherwise, the seller should educate you on how to handle customer support issues.

If a seller is offering you their post-sale support, then consider drafting a contract to ensure they are held accountable. Consulting with a lawyer is recommended.

Ending your inspection period

The inspection period ends when you mark all of the milestones as accepted in your Escrow.com account, or after the agreed-upon length of time for the inspection period has expired.

After you accept, Escrow.com will release your payment to the seller. Someone from Exchange will contact you as soon as possible to let you know that you've been made the new business owner.

It can take up to three business days from the time you end your inspection period to being made the new business and Shopify store owner. During this time, Exchange will make the necessary changes to the account to ensure that everything's ready for you to successfully takeover.

