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Shopify 对于保护个人信息有着坚定的信念,并且理解这样做对于帮助您维护客户的信任和信心至关重要。Shopify 通过设计其平台,使商家能够为客户提供获得个人信息透明度和控制权的功能。Shopify 志在使您可以轻松地以符合全世界隐私和数据保护法的方式使用我们的平台。

Shopify 会尽其所能助您成功,但您自己也需要采取一些行动。以下文档将帮助您开始考量两项全球主流法律 - 欧洲和加利福尼亚州的隐私法。如果您对哪项法律适用于您有特定法律疑问或有特定于您业务的疑问,请咨询熟悉数据保护法律的当地律师。


欧盟的《通用数据保护条例》(GDPR) 于 2018 年 5 月 25 日生效。GDPR 规定了针对数据控制方和处理方的新义务和责任。

作为商家,您通常是客户数据的控制者。这意味着您负责收集客户的数据并选择处理数据的方式。此外,虽然这是一项欧洲法规,但如果您在欧洲提供商品和服务,即使您或您的企业不在欧洲,GDPR 也可能适用于您的业务。

作为客户数据的处理者,Shopify 会按照您的说明来处理这些数据。要深入了解数据控制者和处理者的角色,请参阅 Shopify 的 GDPR 白皮书(英文版)。有关 Shopify 作为客户数据处理者职责的信息,请参阅数据处理附录。

Shopify 对于保护客户的个人数据以及您自己的数据有着坚定地信念,并且理解这样做对于帮助您维护客户的信任和信心至关重要。Shopify 通过设计其平台,使商家可在世界任何地方运营。Shopify 平台内置了符合 GDPR 标准的功能,包括使您能够为客户提供个人数据透明度和控制权的功能,以及确保客户的个人数据在跨境时受到保护的技术措施。Shopify 志在使您可以轻松地以符合 GDPR 等隐私和数据保护法的方式使用我们的平台。

在 Shopify 尽其所能帮助您获得成功的同时,您自己也需要采取一些行动,归根结底,遵守 GDPR 是每个商家的责任。如果您对自己的 GDPR 义务存在特定的法律疑问,请咨询当地的资深数据保护法律师。

下载 Shopify 的 GDPR 白皮书

有关 Shopify 如何遵守 GDPR 并确保您在使用 Shopify 时能够遵守 GDPR 的详细信息,请下载 Shopify 的 GDPR 白皮书文档(英文版)。



Shopify believes strongly in protecting personal information, and understands that doing so is critical in helping you preserve the trust and confidence of your customers. Shopify has designed its platform to enable you to offer your customers transparency into and control over their personal information. Shopify believes in making it easy for you to use its platform in a manner that complies with privacy and data protection laws around the world.

Shopify does what it can to set you up for success, but there are also steps you will need to take on your own. The following documents will help you start thinking about two major global requirements - the privacy laws of Europe and California. If you have specific legal questions about which laws apply to you, or questions specific to your business, then consult with a local lawyer who is familiar with data protection laws.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect on May 25, 2018. The GDPR imposes new obligations and responsibilities on controllers and processors of data.

As a merchant, you are generally the controller of your customers’ data. This means that you collect your customers’ data and choose how it is handled. Additionally, though it is a European regulation, the GDPR might apply to your business if you make goods and services available in Europe, even if you or your business are not located in Europe.

As a processor for your customers’ data, Shopify follows your instructions on how to handle that data. For more information about the roles of data controller and processor, see Shopify’s GDPR whitepaper (in English). For information about Shopify’s obligations as a data processor for your customer data, see the Data Processing Addendum.

Shopify believes strongly in protecting your customers’ personal data as well as your own, and understands that doing so is critical to help you preserve the trust and confidence of your customers. Shopify has designed its platform to allow merchants to operate anywhere in the world. GDPR-compliant features are built into Shopify's platform, including features to enable you to offer your customers transparency into and control over their personal data, and technical measures to ensure that your customers’ personal data is protected as it crosses borders. Shopify believes in making it easy for you to use our platform in a manner that complies with privacy and data protection laws like the GDPR.

While Shopify does what it can to set you up for success, there are also steps you will need to take on your own, and ultimately, compliance with the GDPR is the responsibility of each individual merchant. If you have legal questions specific to your obligations under the GDPR, consult with a local lawyer who is familiar with data protection laws.

Download Shopify's GDPR whitepaper

For more information about how Shopify complies with the GDPR, and to make sure that you will be in a position to comply in relation to your use of Shopify, download Shopify's GDPR whitepaper document (in English).


