shopify自定义商店404 页面和搜索页面介绍
404 页面
当客户尝试访问不存在的网站链接(例如您已从商店中删除的产品的产品页面)时,系统会显示 404 页面。此页面没有可自定义设置。
设置 | 描述 |
图片比 | 推荐产品的图片的图片比:
在悬停时显示第二张图片 | 在客户将光标悬停在产品图片上时,显示第二张产品图像(如果产品有第二张图片)。 |
添加图片填充 | 在产品图片周围增加额外的空间。 |
显示图片边框 | 在图片周围显示边框。 |
显示厂商 | 显示每款产品的厂商。 |
显示产品评分 | 用星星图形显示平均产品评分,并在括号里注明评论次数,例如 ★★★★★ (8)。还需要产品评论应用(例如 Shopify Product Reviews)以及元字段定义(用于 reviews.rating_count和 reviews.rating)。 |
显示日期 | 显示每篇博客文章的发布日期。 |
显示作者 | 显示每篇博客文章的作者。 |
404 page
The 404 page displays when a customer tries to visit a link to your site that doesn't exist, such as a product page for a product that you deleted from your store. This page has no customizable settings.
Search page
The search page is where customers can search for specific products or pages within your online store. The page contains a Search results section by default.
Search results section settings
Setting Description Image ratio The image ratio for the images of the recommended products:
Adapt to image (default) - Uses the aspect ratio of the images. This prevents the images from being cropped.
Portrait - Crops the images to use a 2:3 ratio.
Square - Crops the images to use a 1:1 ratio.
Show second image on hover When a customer hovers their cursor over the product image, displays the second product image if the product has one. Add image padding Adds extra space around the product images. Show image border Displays a border around the image. Show vendor Displays the vendor for each product. Show product rating Displays the average product rating in stars with the number of reviews in parenthesis, for example: ★★★★★ (8). Also requires a product review app such as Shopify Product Reviews, and metafield definitions for reviews.rating_count and reviews.rating. Show date For each blog post, displays the date that the blog post was published. Show author For each blog post, displays the author of the blog post.