针对 Brooklyn 的提示

本文概述了一些可帮助您设置在线商店的 Brooklyn 的有用提示和最佳做法。







    • 添加不超过四或五个主菜单链接。

    • 对主菜单链接使用窄字体。可以在版式设置中更改强调文本字体。

    • 创建字符数受限的菜单项。例如,您可以用“FAQ”代替“常见问题解答”,或者用“联系”代替“联系我们”。


    Brooklyn 的最佳产品图片类型

    • 高分辨率图片可呈现精致且专业的效果,因此您的产品图片至少应为 1024 x 1024 px。产品图片的最佳形状是正方形。

    • 理想情况下,您的图片应为单色背景。单色是没有阴影或高亮的纯色。您的所有图片应具有相同的背景色。

    • 若要删除产品图片周围的框架,请在颜色设置中将产品背景色设置为透明。


    Brooklyn 演示商店中显示的两张图片幻灯片的尺寸均为 1200 x 800 px。最好使所有图片幻灯片保持相同的尺寸。












    每六个产品中的第一个产品和第六个产品使用大产品图片。例如,产品系列中的第 1 个、第 6 个、第 7 个、第 12 个、第 13 个和第 18 个图片使用大图片:






    Tips for Brooklyn

    This article outlines some helpful hints and best practices that can help you to set up Brooklyn for your online store.

      Navigation tips

      Add a drop-down menu

      To add drop-down menus to your main menu, you need to create menus on your Navigation page. To learn more, see Set up drop-down menus in your online store.

      Main menu becomes a sidebar menu

      If your main menu takes up a lot of space, then the menu converts to sidebar menu that opens when you click a button in the header section.

      You can prevent your main menu from changing to the sidebar style by taking the following steps:

      • Add no more than four or five links to your main menu.

      • Use a narrow font for your main menu links. You can change the Accent text font from the typography settings.

      • Create menu items with a limited number of characters. For example, you might use "FAQ" instead of "Frequently Asked Questions", or "Contact" instead of "Contact us".

      Image tips

      Best types of product images for Brooklyn

      • Because high resolution images look polished and professional, your product images should be at least 1024 x 1024 px. The best shape for your product images is a square.

      • Ideally, your images should have a flat color background. A flat color is a solid color with no shading or highlight. All of your images should have the same background color.

      • To remove the frame from around your product images, set your Product background color to transparent from the color settings.

      Best size for slideshow images

      Both of the image slides that are shown in the Brooklyn demo store are 1200 x 800 px. It's a good idea to keep all of your image slides the same size as each other.

      Image cropping on small screens

      On small devices, image slides fill the screen from the top edge to the bottom edge. The slides are resized so that their height is the same height as the device's screen. To fill the screen without distorting the images, the slides are cropped on the left and right.

      On large screens, the image slides are resized so that their width fits the width of the browser window. To fill the window without distorting the images, the slides are cropped at the bottom.

      The following example shows the desktop and mobile version of the same online store:

      Set an image for blog posts

      The first image in a blog article is used as the featured image for the blog page. You can learn about how to add an image to a blog article in Writing blog posts.

      Product tips

      Add sale badges to products

      You can add a sale badge to a product by setting a compare at price that is greater than the regular price. The badge shows over the image for that product on collection pages.

      Set which products appear larger on collection pages

      If you set your collection pages to show products in a collage style, then some of your products show with large images, and some of them show with small images. The size of the image is based on the order of the products in their collection. You can change the order of the products on the Collection page in the admin. Click the collection that you want to edit, and then in the Products area, select Manually from the Sort drop-down menu. Next, drag and drop the products into the order that you want them to appear on your online store.

      For every six products, the first product and the sixth product have large product images. For example, the first, sixth, seventh, 12th, 13th, and 18th images in the collection have large images:

      To display a grid of product images that are all the same size, set your collections to show products in the grid style instead.

      Scrolling animation when selecting a variant

      On the product page, if the product description is short enough to fit on the screen without scrolling, then you see a scrolling animation when you select a variant that has an image. If the description is too long to fit on the screen without scrolling down, then the top image is simply replaced by the variant image, and no scrolling animation occurs.

      If you want to show the scrolling animation, then make sure that your product descriptions are short.

