

  • 如果您已启用到店取货,则此分区还会显示产品的取货服务提供情况。

  • 如果您已启用 Shop Pay 分期付款并且您位于美国,则 Shop Pay 分期付款横幅会出现在符合条件的产品的产品页面上。(版本 17.12.0+


  • 显示数量选择器 - 让用户指定要添加到购物车的数量。

  • 显示多属性标签 - 在多属性下拉菜单上方显示多属性标签,例如“尺寸”和“颜色”。显示的多属性标签基于产品的多属性选项名称。

  • 显示供应商 - 显示产品品牌或供应商。若要显示品牌或供应商,您需要向产品添加供应商。

  • 显示动态结账按钮 - 让客户跳过购物车并直接从特色产品分区转到结账页面。

  • 显示社交分享按钮 - 显示客户可用于在社交媒体上分享产品的按钮。显示的分享选项由您的模板设置控制。


  • 大小 - 设置产品媒体文件的大小。

  • 启用图片缩放 - 让客户通过将鼠标移动到产品图片上来进行放大。

  • 启用视频循环播放 - 选择此选项以循环播放产品视频。如果取消选择此选项,视频结束时会显示播放按钮。



  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到在线商店 > 模板

  2. 点击 的分区 旁边的自定义

  3. 打开页面顶部的下拉菜单。

  1. 选择产品页面

  2. 点击产品页面分区。

  3. 使用设置来对您的产品页面分区进行自定义。

  4. 点击保存


  1. 在 Shopify 应用中,轻触商店

  2. 销售渠道部分,轻触在线商店

  3. 轻触 Manage themes(管理模板)。

  4. 在 的分区 旁边,轻触自定义

  5. 轻触模板

  1. 选择产品页面

  2. 点击产品页面分区。

  3. 使用设置来对您的产品页面分区进行自定义。

  4. 点击保存


  1. 在 Shopify 应用中,轻触商店

  2. 销售渠道部分,轻触在线商店

  3. 轻触 Manage themes(管理模板)。

  4. 在 的分区 旁边,轻触自定义

  5. 轻触模板

  1. 选择产品页面

  2. 点击产品页面分区。

  3. 使用设置来对您的产品页面分区进行自定义。

  4. 点击保存


通过使用 Debut,您可以向客户展示您在线商店中的产品是否支持到店取货。在每个产品页面上,“取货服务提供情况”分区会显示产品是否支持到店取货以及预计的取货时间范围。




  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到产品

  2. 选择产品。

  3. 多属性下,选择一个多属性。

  4. 发货下,选中需要运输

  5. 点击保存


如果您为多个地点启用了到店取货,则“取货服务提供情况”分区会根据客户 IP 地址显示距离客户最近的取货地点及其取货服务提供情况。当客户点击查看其他商店的供货情况时,取货地点列表会根据与客户的距离排序。

如果无法根据客户的 IP 地址确定客户的地点,则“取货服务提供情况”分区会显示按字母顺序(首先按城市名,然后按地点名)排在首位的地点及其取货服务提供情况。例如,假设您有三个取货地点:多伦多的“Queen Street”、多伦多的“Front Street”和温哥华的“Alberni Street”。“取货服务提供情况”分区将显示多伦多“Queen Street”的详细信息。

显示 Shop Pay 分期付款横幅

版本 17.12.0+

如果您已启用 Shop Pay 分期付款并且您位于美国,则产品页面上会显示 Shop Pay 分期付款横幅(如果产品价格在 50 美元至 1000 美元之间)。如果已启用 Shop Pay 分期付款,则无法禁用横幅。

该横幅显示在产品价格下方,表示客户可以全额支付产品费用或分 4 次进行等额分期付款。用户可以点击了解详细信息以查看有关分期付款和所需披露的其他信息。


Product pages

The Product pages section is the main customizable section for product pages. This section also supports the following features if they're configured in your store:

  • If you have local pickup enabled, then this section displays the product's pickup availability.

  • If you have Shop Pay Installments enabled and are in the United States, then the Shop Pay Installments banner appears on the product page for eligible products. (Version 17.12.0+)

You can customize this section using the following options:

  • Show quantity selector - Let users specify a quantity to add to their cart.

  • Show variant labels - Show variant labels, such as "Size" and "Color" above variant drop-down menus. The variant labels that appear are based on the variant option names for the product.

  • Show vendor - Show the product brand or vendor. For a brand or vendor to show, you need to add a vendor to the product.

  • Show dynamic checkout button - Let customers skip the cart and go directly to the checkout from the featured product section.

  • Show social sharing buttons - Show buttons that customers can use to share products on social media. The sharing options that appear are controlled by your theme settings.


  • Size - Set the size of your product media.

  • Enable image zoom - Let customers zoom in by mousing over the product image.

  • Enable video looping - Select this option to loop product videos. If this option is deselected, a play button appears on videos when they end.

Edit Product pages settings


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.

  2. Next to Debut, click Customize.

  3. Open the drop-down menu at the top of the page.

  1. Select Product pages.

  2. Click the Product pages section.

  3. Use the settings to customize your product pages section.

  4. Click Save.


  1. From the Shopify app, tap Store.

  2. In the Sales channels section, tap Online Store.

  3. Tap Manage themes.

  4. Next to Debut, tap Customize.

  5. Tap Templates.

  1. Select Product pages.

  2. Click the Product pages section.

  3. Use the settings to customize your product pages section.

  4. Click Save.


  1. From the Shopify app, tap Store.

  2. In the Sales channels section, tap Online Store.

  3. Tap Manage themes.

  4. Next to Debut, tap Customize.

  5. Tap Templates.

  1. Select Product pages.

  2. Click the Product pages section.

  3. Use the settings to customize your product pages section.

  4. Click Save.

Show pickup availability

Debut lets you show customers whether a product in your online store is available for local pickup. On each product page, the pickup availability section shows whether the product is available, and the estimated time frame for pickup.

To use this feature, you must set up local pickup. If local pickup is enabled, then this feature is always visible on your product pages and can't be disabled.

After local pickup is enabled, the product page displays whether the product is available for pickup at a local pickup location. This information appears only for products that are stocked at at least one pickup location and have This is a physical product selected in the Shipping section of a product variant's details.

To select This is a physical product on a product variant, do the following:

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products.

  2. Select a product.

  3. Under Variants, select a variant.

  4. Under Shipping, check This is a physical product.

  5. Click Save.

If you have local pickup enabled for only one location, then the location and pickup availability is displayed for that location. Customers can click View store information to learn more about the pickup location.

If you have local pickup enabled for more than one location, then the pickup availability section displays the location and pickup availability for the location closest to the customer, based on the customer's IP address. When the customer clicks Check availability at other stores, the list of pickup locations is ordered by distance from the customer.

If the customer's location can't be determined from their IP address, then the pickup availability section displays the location and pickup availability alphabetically, first by city and then by location name. For example, suppose that you had three pickup locations: "Queen Street" in Toronto, "Front Street" in Toronto, and "Alberni Street" in Vancouver. The pickup availability section would show the details for "Front street" in Toronto.

Show Shop Pay Installments banner

Version 17.12.0+

If you have Shop Pay Installments enabled and are in the United States, then the Shop Pay Installments banner appears on the product page if the product priced between $50 and $1000 USD. If Shop Pay Installments is enabled, then the banner can't be disabled.

The banner appears below the product price, and indicates that customers have the ability to pay for the product in full or in 4 equal installments. Users can click Learn more to view additional information about installments and required disclosures.

