

  • 以叠加方式显示产品页面:选择是将用户定向到新页面,还是以叠加方式在主页上显示产品页面。


  • 边缘样式:选择对模板中的元素(例如按钮、徽章和卡片)使用尖角还是圆角。(版本 1.11.0+


Express 具有购物车抽屉功能,可让客户快速查看购物车的内容,然后继续购物。

使用 Express,您可以通过在购物车抽屉中启用订单备注,让客户输入订单相关说明。



  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到在线商店 > 模板

  2. 点击 的模板设置 旁边的自定义

  1. 点击模板设置

  2. 点击 Cart drawer(购物车抽屉)。

  3. 调整购物车设置:

    • 要启用购物车抽屉,请选择显示购物车抽屉

    • 要启用订单备注,请选择显示购物车备注

  4. 点击保存


  1. 在 Shopify 应用中,轻触商店

  2. 销售渠道部分,轻触在线商店

  3. 轻触 Manage themes(管理模板)。

  4. 在 的模板设置 旁边,轻触自定义

  5. 轻触编辑

  1. 点击模板设置

  2. 点击 Cart drawer(购物车抽屉)。

  3. 调整购物车设置:

    • 要启用购物车抽屉,请选择显示购物车抽屉

    • 要启用订单备注,请选择显示购物车备注

  4. 点击保存


  1. 在 Shopify 应用中,轻触商店

  2. 销售渠道部分,轻触在线商店

  3. 轻触 Manage themes(管理模板)。

  4. 在 的模板设置 旁边,轻触自定义

  5. 轻触编辑

  1. 点击模板设置

  2. 点击 Cart drawer(购物车抽屉)。

  3. 调整购物车设置:

    • 要启用购物车抽屉,请选择显示购物车抽屉

    • 要启用订单备注,请选择显示购物车备注

  4. 点击保存



Settings in the style category make changes to multiple pages and sections in your theme. Below are the settings that you can change:

  • Display product pages in an overlay: Choose whether to direct users to a new page or show the product page in an overlay on the home page.

If you show the product page in an overlay, then you can't show pickup availability.

  • Edge style: Select whether to use sharp or rounded corners on elements in your theme, such as buttons, badges, and cards. (Version 1.11.0+)

Cart drawer

Express features a cart drawer that lets customers quickly view the contents of their cart and then continue shopping.

With Express, you can let your customers enter instructions with their order by enabling order notes in the cart drawer.

Adjust your cart settings


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.

  2. Next to Express, click Customize.

  1. Click Theme settings.

  2. Click Cart drawer.

  3. Adjust the cart settings:

    • To enable the cart drawer, select Show cart drawer.

    • To enable order notes, select Show cart note.

  4. Click Save.


  1. From the Shopify app, tap Store.

  2. In the Sales channels section, tap Online Store.

  3. Tap Manage themes.

  4. Next to Express, tap Customize.

  5. Tap Edit.

  1. Click Theme settings.

  2. Click Cart drawer.

  3. Adjust the cart settings:

    • To enable the cart drawer, select Show cart drawer.

    • To enable order notes, select Show cart note.

  4. Click Save.


  1. From the Shopify app, tap Store.

  2. In the Sales channels section, tap Online Store.

  3. Tap Manage themes.

  4. Next to Express, tap Customize.

  5. Tap Edit.

  1. Click Theme settings.

  2. Click Cart drawer.

  3. Adjust the cart settings:

    • To enable the cart drawer, select Show cart drawer.

    • To enable order notes, select Show cart note.

  4. Click Save.

