<aside class="note note-information"> <h4>提示: </h4> <p>If the background image is dark, picking a light text color makes the text easier to read.</p> </aside>
You can add a YouTube or Vimeo video to your home page. Videos can engage customers and generate interest in your business.
To add a video, you need to find the video's sharing link:
YouTube - a Youtube sharing link looks like this: https://youtu.be/ZXWgHlnVVEY. You can learn how to copy the sharing link for a YouTube video in this YouTube Help article.
Vimeo - A Vimeo sharing link looks like this: https://vimeo.com/123456789. You can learn how to copy the sharing link for a Vimeo video in this Vimeo Help Center article.
The video section includes the following settings:
Heading - Add the text that appears above the play button.
Video link - Add the sharing link for your video.
Image - Add an image that appears in the video section when the video is not playing.
Image position - Choose the placement of the image in the video section.
Show overlay - Add a layer of color between your placeholder image and the button label. An overlay makes text over a video easier to read, and shows until the play button is clicked.
Overlay - Set the color of the overlay.
Text - Set the color of the heading text and play button.
Opacity - Set the opacity of your overlay.
Add a video to your home page
From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.
Next to Narrative, click Customize.
Click Add section.
Click Video, and then click Select.
Paste your video's sharing link into the Video link field.
Use the settings to customize your video section.
Click Save.
From the Shopify app, tap Store.
In the Sales channels section, tap Online Store.
Tap Manage themes.
Next to Narrative, tap Customize.
Tap Edit.
Click Add section.
Click Video, and then click Select.
Paste your video's sharing link into the Video link field.
Use the settings to customize your video section.
Click Save.
From the Shopify app, tap Store.
In the Sales channels section, tap Online Store.
Tap Manage themes.
Next to Narrative, tap Customize.
Tap Edit.
Click Add section.
Click Video, and then click Select.
Paste your video's sharing link into the Video link field.
Use the settings to customize your video section.
Click Save.
Featured slider
The featured slider lets you showcase more product information on the home page.
You can show product features, a new collection, or variants of a product. The slideshow works best with a small number of slides since page scrolling is locked while browsing the set on desktop.
When viewed from mobile devices, the featured slider requires a tap or pinch action to be opened and viewed. To entice your mobile customers to open the featured slider, use an attractive cover image and use text with a "call to action."
You can add up to 5 slides to a featured slider.
Customize the featured slider
From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.
Next to Narrative, click Customize.
Click Add section.
Click Featured slider, and then click Select.
Use the settings to customize your featured slider section.
Click Save.
From the Shopify app, tap Store.
In the Sales channels section, tap Online Store.
Tap Manage themes.
Next to Narrative, tap Customize.
Tap Edit.
Click Add section.
Click Featured slider, and then click Select.
Use the settings to customize your featured slider section.
Click Save.
From the Shopify app, tap Store.
In the Sales channels section, tap Online Store.
Tap Manage themes.
Next to Narrative, tap Customize.
Tap Edit.
Click Add section.
Click Featured slider, and then click Select.
Use the settings to customize your featured slider section.
Click Save.
Add an image slide
In the Content area, click Slide.
Click the Background color swatch to select a background color from a palette.
In the Image area, click Select image, and then do one of the following:
To select an image that you have already uploaded to your Shopify admin, click the Library tab.
To select a stock image from Burst, click the Free images tab. From here you can enter a search term, or browse the image categories.
To select an image from your local computer, click the Library tab, and then click Upload.
In the Heading field, type the text you want to display over the slide.
In the Button label field, type the text you want to appear on the button.
In the Button link field, set the URL or page that you want the button to link to. Paste in the URL or select a page from the menu. If you do not want to include a button in the section, then leave this field empty.
Customize the feature slider settings
If you want to display the slide buttons as a transparent button with a solid outline, then check Use secondary button style.
If you want to change the text color, then click the Slide heading color swatch to select a color from a palette.
In the Cover settings area, select a cover image for the featured slider section by clicking Select image, and then doing one of the following:
To select an image that you have already uploaded to your Shopify admin, click the Library tab.
To select a stock image from Burst, click the Free images tab. From here you can enter a search term, or browse the image categories.
To select an image from your local computer, click the Library tab, and then click Upload.
From the Header list, enter the text you want to appear on the cover image.
From the Heading position list, select whether the heading text will display on the left or in the center of the cover image. This setting only applies to desktop views.
In the Overlay area, check Show overlay.
Click the Overlay color swatch to select a color for the image overlay.
Click the Text color swatch to select a color for the text.
From the Opacity list, select a level of transparency for the image overlay.