适用于 Supply 的自定义
Shopify 支持团队可为每个付费 Shopify 账户提供 60 分钟的免费设计服务。这 60 分钟的设计服务中包含向模板中添加特定功能,以帮助您的商店获得销售额。
Shopify 支持团队可对 Supply 执行以下自定义。请查看每个受支持的自定义的描述,确定哪些可能对您的业务有帮助。
设计时间:15 分钟
设计时间:15 分钟
默认情况下无法向 Supply 中的页脚添加图片。
将标头 logo 调整为内联
设计时间:15 分钟
默认情况下,在较小的屏幕上,标头中的 logo 会显示在菜单和购物车图标下方。
此自定义可将 logo 向上移动到其他标头图标旁边,并缩小 logo。
对于大尺寸 logo 显示效果更好的商店,应避免使用此自定义。拥有忠诚项目或大量使用客户账户的商店也应避免进行此更改,因为此更改会从标头中删除客户账户链接。
Customizations for Supply
Each paid Shopify account receives 60 minutes of free design time from Shopify support. This design time can be used to add specific features to a theme that can help your store make sales.
The following customizations can be made to Supply by Shopify support. Review the description of each supported customization to determine which might help your business.
Include price ranges for products on collection pages
Design time: 15 minutes
By default, products on collection pages display only the lowest price of all of the available variants of the product.
This customization displays the price range of the variants from lowest to highest, showing customers the full price range without leaving the collection page.
This customization works well for stores that have large variations in their product variant prices.
Avoid this customization on stores that have little or no variation in their product variant prices.
Display an image in the footer
Design time: 15 minutes
By default, you can't add an image to the footer in Supply.
This customization adds a field into the theme editor where you can upload an image to display in the footer. Before you contact support, upload the image that you want to add to the Files page.
This customization works well for stores that have a badge that they want to display in the footer.
Adjust the header logo to be inline
Design time: 15 minutes
By default, on smaller screens, the logo in the header displays below the menu and the cart icon.
This customization moves the logo up beside the other header icons, and reduces the logo's size.
This customization should be avoided on stores with a logo that displays better at larger sizes. Stores that have loyalty programs or make extensive use of customer accounts should also avoid this change, because the change removes the customer account link from the header.