设计时间:15 分钟
对于未通过 Shopify 跟踪库存的商店、销售数字产品的商店或在库存为零时继续销售产品的商店,应避免显示多属性库存。
设计时间:15 分钟
设计时间:15 分钟
Show variant inventory on the product page
Design time: 15 minutes
By default, inventory levels aren't displayed on product pages.
This customization displays the available inventory amount on the product page for the current variant, and updates the inventory when a new variant is selected.
Adding the product inventory to the product page can help customers make informed purchasing decisions when there are limited quantities available and can help generate excitement and urgency for purchasing.
This customization works well for stores where inventory is limited, or where buyers tend to buy large quantities of a product at a time.
Displaying variant inventory should be avoided on stores that aren't tracking inventory with Shopify, stores that are selling digital products, or stores that have products that continue to sell when they reach zero inventory.
Change the position of the "Sold out" and "Sale" badges
Design time: 15 minutes
By default, when a product is sold out or on sale, a corresponding badge appears in the bottom left corner of the product card.
This customization adds a setting in the theme editor that lets you change the position of the badges on product cards. The badges can be moved to one of the four corners of the product image.
This customization works well for stores where the current badge position overlaps with important visual product information.
Remove the express checkout
Design time: 15 minutes
By default, eligible express checkout buttons display for customers on the cart page or on the first stage of checkout when accelerated checkout options are enabled.
This customization removes the express checkout buttons from both pages completely.
This customization works well for stores with specialized cart-to-checkout flows, such as those that require customers to select their payment method at the third stage of checkout.
It should be avoided for stores that have a high percentage of customers who use accelerated checkout payment methods, to preserve a smooth checkout experience.