连连(LianLian Global)官网首页











  • 针对特定受众的节日礼品指南。例如,给妈妈的情人节礼品指南

  • 针对某个年龄段的人的礼品创意。例如,给应届毕业生的 10 大礼品创意

  • 针对特定类型的人的礼品指南。例如,给最好的朋友的礼品指南



  • 让您的受众难以购买的原因是什么?

  • 您的受众在寻找什么样的礼品?

  • 您的受众最近对什么感兴趣?



  • 产品图片

  • 产品详细信息

  • 产品名称

  • 产品价格

  • 指向您商店中的产品的链接

  • 有关什么使此产品成为受众的绝佳选择的简要说明。





  • 一些帮助您的受众执行某项操作的方法。例如,帮助学步幼儿发展社交技能的 10 种方法

  • 您的受众可以执行某项操作的方法。例如,整理餐具室的 15 种方法


  • 此综述的适用对象是谁?

  • 您的受众将从资源中了解到哪些内容或获取什么好处?

  • 为什么您要分享的信息对您的受众有价值?



  • 每个资源的图片

  • 指向每个资源的链接

  • 每个资源的简短描述,例如为什么它是首选

  • 每个资源的价格(如果适用)。


Creating blog posts

Blog posts let you provide insight into your store or products. Blog posts have a more conversational tone than a product listing or an email, and give you more flexibility when creating content. You might want to share the story behind your store, give some context about your products, or introduce the people that work behind the scenes.

Before you start writing, it's a good idea to have a plan for your post. What information do you want to share? What is the main goal of your post? If you're new to blogging, then you can use the following blog templates to get started on your first blog posts.

Gift guide blog posts

Gift guides are the perfect way to remind your audience that a holiday season is coming, and that your products make great gifts. These posts can bring traffic to your store in multiple ways. Gift guides can become a shareable wish list that your audience can send to friends and family, and they can be found through search engines by holiday shoppers.

Here's how to structure your gift guide post.

Title formulas

Start with a title that gives some context to your post. For example, if you're selling exactly what Grandma needs, put that information right in your title. Including your audience in your blog post title will help get your content to those that need it. Here are some sample title ideas:

  • A holiday gift guide for a specific audience. For example, A Valentine's Day Gift Guide for Mom.

  • Gift ideas for an age group. For example, 10 Great Gift Ideas for New Grads.

  • A gift guide for a specific type of person. For example, A Gift Guide for your Best Friends.


The first paragraph of your blog post should explain the reason or subject of your blog post. You can frame it as a question, a story or anecdote, or any information that you think would be relevant to your audience, such as:

  • What makes your audience hard to shop for?

  • What does your audience look for in a gift?

  • What is your audience interested in these days?

Gift ideas

Repeat the following steps for each item in your guide:

  • image of the product

  • product details

  • name of the product

  • price of the product

  • link to the product in your store

  • brief description of what makes this product a great choice for the audience.

Roundup blog posts

A roundup post is a collection of resources about a specific topic or activity that is of interest to your community. You can use roundup posts to increase traffic to your store without needing to create a lot of new content yourself.

For roundup post topics, consider your ideal customer. Is there anything they're especially excited about or struggling with? You can put together a post that provides all the resources your audience might need or want. A roundup post is perfect for this type of content.

Title formulas

  • A number of ways to help your audience do an action. For example, 10 Ways to Help your Toddler Develop Social Skills.

  • Ways your audience can do an action. For example, 15 Ways to Organize Your Pantry.

The introduction to your roundup post can include personal stories or anecdotes relevant to the list of resources, as well as the goal of the blog post. When writing your introduction, answer the following questions:

  • Who is this roundup for?

  • What is your audience going to learn or benefit from the resources?

  • Why is the information you're sharing valuable to your audience?


Repeat the following information for each resource in your post:

  • an image for each resource

  • a link to each resource

  • a short description of each resource, such as why it's a top choice

  • a price for each resource, if applicable.

