在 Shopify 后台中,转到在线商店 > 模板。
在浏览器的地址栏中,将下列字符串之一添加到当前 URL 的末尾:
要显示 Amazon 的品牌按钮,请添加
。若要显示 Apple Pay 的有品牌按钮,请添加
(Apple Pay 仅适用于 Safari)。要显示 Google Pay 的品牌按钮,请添加
add ?shopify-debug=true&show=Google
。要显示 PayPal 的品牌按钮,请添加
。要显示 Venmo 的品牌按钮,请添加
重新加载页面。根据您添加到 URL 的字符串,您可以看到有品牌或无品牌动态结账按钮。使用其他字符串重复此步骤,以查看不同类型的动态结账按钮。
在 Shopify 应用中,轻触商店。
在浏览器的地址栏中,将下列字符串之一添加到当前 URL 的末尾:
要显示 Amazon 的品牌按钮,请添加
。若要显示 Apple Pay 的有品牌按钮,请添加
(Apple Pay 仅适用于 Safari)。要显示 Google Pay 的品牌按钮,请添加
add ?shopify-debug=true&show=Google
。要显示 PayPal 的品牌按钮,请添加
。要显示 Venmo 的品牌按钮,请添加
重新加载页面。根据您添加到 URL 的字符串,您可以看到有品牌或无品牌动态结账按钮。使用其他字符串重复此步骤,以查看不同类型的动态结账按钮。
在 Shopify 应用中,轻触商店。
在浏览器的地址栏中,将下列字符串之一添加到当前 URL 的末尾:
要显示 Amazon 的品牌按钮,请添加
。若要显示 Apple Pay 的有品牌按钮,请添加
(Apple Pay 仅适用于 Safari)。要显示 Google Pay 的品牌按钮,请添加
add ?shopify-debug=true&show=Google
。要显示 PayPal 的品牌按钮,请添加
。要显示 Venmo 的品牌按钮,请添加
重新加载页面。根据您添加到 URL 的字符串,您可以看到有品牌或无品牌动态结账按钮。使用其他字符串重复此步骤,以查看不同类型的动态结账按钮。
在 Shopify 后台中,转到在线商店 > 模板。
点击 产品页面 或 产品 部分。
要显示使用替代模板的产品的动态结账按钮,请选中 Show dynamic checkout button(显示动态结账按钮)。要隐藏使用替代模板的产品的动态结账按钮,请取消选中 Show dynamic checkout button(显示动态结账按钮)。
点击保存。 这些更改将应用于使用替代模板的任何产品。
在 Shopify 应用中,轻触商店。
点击 产品页面 或 产品 部分。
要显示使用替代模板的产品的动态结账按钮,请选中 Show dynamic checkout button(显示动态结账按钮)。要隐藏使用替代模板的产品的动态结账按钮,请取消选中 Show dynamic checkout button(显示动态结账按钮)。
点击保存。 这些更改将应用于使用替代模板的任何产品。
在 Shopify 应用中,轻触商店。
点击 产品页面 或 产品 部分。
要显示使用替代模板的产品的动态结账按钮,请选中 Show dynamic checkout button(显示动态结账按钮)。要隐藏使用替代模板的产品的动态结账按钮,请取消选中 Show dynamic checkout button(显示动态结账按钮)。
点击保存。 这些更改将应用于使用替代模板的任何产品。
Test dynamic checkout buttons on your theme
Because the kinds of dynamic checkout buttons that show on your theme depend on multiple factors, you can run a test so that you can see all of the combinations. Before you test dynamic checkout buttons on your theme, make sure that the buttons are showing.
From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.
Click View your store.
To test the button on a product page, go to a product page. To test the button on a featured product section, stay on the home page.
In your browser's address bar, add one of the following strings to the end of the current URL:
To show a branded button for Amazon, add
.To show a branded button for Apple Pay, add
(Apple Pay only works on Safari).To show a branded button for Google Pay,
add ?shopify-debug=true&show=Google
.To show a branded button for PayPal, add
.To show a branded button for Venmo, add
.To show an unbranded button, add
to reload the page. Depending on the string that you added to the URL, you see either a branded or an unbranded dynamic checkout button.Repeat with the other strings to see the different types of dynamic checkout buttons.
From the Shopify app, tap Store.
In the Sales channels section, tap Online Store.
Tap Manage themes.
Click View your store.
To test the button on a product page, go to a product page. To test the button on a featured product section, stay on the home page.
In your browser's address bar, add one of the following strings to the end of the current URL:
To show a branded button for Amazon, add
.To show a branded button for Apple Pay, add
(Apple Pay only works on Safari).To show a branded button for Google Pay,
add ?shopify-debug=true&show=Google
.To show a branded button for PayPal, add
.To show a branded button for Venmo, add
.To show an unbranded button, add
to reload the page. Depending on the string that you added to the URL, you see either a branded or an unbranded dynamic checkout button.Repeat with the other strings to see the different types of dynamic checkout buttons.
From the Shopify app, tap Store.
In the Sales channels section, tap Online Store.
Tap Manage themes.
Click View your store.
To test the button on a product page, go to a product page. To test the button on a featured product section, stay on the home page.
In your browser's address bar, add one of the following strings to the end of the current URL:
To show a branded button for Amazon, add
.To show a branded button for Apple Pay, add
(Apple Pay only works on Safari).To show a branded button for Google Pay,
add ?shopify-debug=true&show=Google
.To show a branded button for PayPal, add
.To show a branded button for Venmo, add
.To show an unbranded button, add
to reload the page. Depending on the string that you added to the URL, you see either a branded or an unbranded dynamic checkout button.Repeat with the other strings to see the different types of dynamic checkout buttons.
Show dynamic checkout buttons for some products but not for others
If you want to show dynamic checkout buttons for some products but not for others, then you can create an alternate template. An alternate template is a duplicate theme code template that you can edit without affecting the original. By using an alternate product template, you can show dynamic checkout buttons for products that use one template and hide them for products that use the other.
To create an alternate product template, refer to Create a new template.
After you create an alternate product template and assign it to a product, you can show or hide dynamic checkout buttons for that product.
From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.
Find the theme for which you created an alternate template, and then click Customize.
In the theme editor, go to the product page for a product to which you've assigned the alternate template.
Click the Product pages or Product section.
To show a dynamic checkout button for products that use the alternate template, check Show dynamic checkout button. To hide a dynamic checkout button for products that use the alternate template, uncheck Show dynamic checkout button.
Click Save. The changes are applied to any product that uses the alternate template.
From the Shopify app, tap Store.
In the Sales channels section, tap Online Store.
Tap Manage themes.
Find the theme for which you created an alternate template, and then click Customize.
In the theme editor, go to the product page for a product to which you've assigned the alternate template.
Click the Product pages or Product section.
To show a dynamic checkout button for products that use the alternate template, check Show dynamic checkout button. To hide a dynamic checkout button for products that use the alternate template, uncheck Show dynamic checkout button.
Click Save. The changes are applied to any product that uses the alternate template.
From the Shopify app, tap Store.
In the Sales channels section, tap Online Store.
Tap Manage themes.
Find the theme for which you created an alternate template, and then click Customize.
In the theme editor, go to the product page for a product to which you've assigned the alternate template.
Click the Product pages or Product section.
To show a dynamic checkout button for products that use the alternate template, check Show dynamic checkout button. To hide a dynamic checkout button for products that use the alternate template, uncheck Show dynamic checkout button.
Click Save. The changes are applied to any product that uses the alternate template.