
当您在社交媒体(例如 Facebook 或 Pinterest)上共享指向您的在线商店的链接时,您可以在文章中显示缩略图。


对于 Shopify 中的所有免费模板,当您将链接从在线商店发布到社交媒体时,会显示该页面的配图。以下页面类型具有配图:

  • 产品页面

  • 产品系列页面

  • 博客文章





  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到在线商店 > 偏好设置

  2. 找到 社交分享图片 部分。

  3. 若要上传新图片,请点击 添加图片。若要更改现有图片,请点击 编辑 > 更改图片

  4. 从计算机中选择要在社交媒体上显示的图片。

  5. 点击保存


Logo 备用图片

未手动上传社交分享图片时,Shopify 会使用添加到您的模板中的图片作为备用图片。Shopify 可能会使用以下一个模板设置的值:

  • 标头 > logo(首选)

  • 模板设置 > 结账 > logo

如果 logo 尺寸不符合推荐尺寸或具有透明背景,Shopify 便会使用模板设置 > 颜色 > 背景中的颜色来填充该区域。如果此设置不可用,Shopify 便会使用模板设置 > 结账 > 主要内容区域 > 背景色来执行此操作。下面的图片说明了如何填充背景色:


Shopify 的免费模板使用 Open Graph 标记向社交媒体平台提供有关您的网站的信息。Open Graph 用于 Facebook、LinkedIn、Pinterest 和其他服务。您可以使用 Twitter 的 Card Validator,Facebook 的 Crawler 和 LinkedIn 的 Post Inspector 等工具预览某些平台上的社交图片。

提示:Facebook 在检查更新前会将图片存储几天。如果您更改了社交媒体图片,请使用 Facebook 共享调试程序刷新为页面链接保存的信息。


Choosing a social media image

When you share a link to your online store on social media, such as on Facebook or Pinterest, you can display a thumbnail image in your post.

Showing featured images

For all of the free themes from Shopify, when you post a link from your online store to social media, the featured image for that page is shown. The following page types have featured images:

  • Product pages

  • Collection pages

  • Blog posts

For pages that do not have featured images, like your homepage or an "About us" page, the social sharing image of your online store is shown.

Setting the social sharing image in your admin

In the Online Store preferences of your store, you can add a default image to be used when a featured image for the page can't be found.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Preferences.

  2. Find the Social sharing image section.

  3. To upload a new image, click Add image. To change the existing image, click Edit > Change image.

  4. Select the image from your computer that you want to show on social media.

  5. Click Save.

Logo fallback image

When a social sharing image is not manually uploaded, then Shopify uses images added to your theme as a fallback. Shopify might use the value of one of the following theme settings:

  • Header > Logo (preferred)

  • Theme settings > Checkout > Logo

If the logo's size doesn't meet the recommend dimensions or is on a transparent background, then Shopify fills the area with a color from Theme settings > Colors > Background. If this setting isn't available, then Shopify uses the Theme settings > Checkout > Main content area > Background colour. The following image illustrates a background color being used as padding:

Previewing your images

Shopify's free themes use Open Graph tags to give social media platforms information about your website. Open Graph is used by Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and other services. You can preview what your social image may look like on some platforms with tools like Twitter's Card Validator, Facebook's Crawler and LinkedIn's Post Inspector.

